Chapter 1753

In less than two hours, the special plane taken by Lin Feng and Xiao nishang had reached their destination.

However, now the airport has been abandoned, the apron can not be used at all, and there are violent storms around. In other words, under such circumstances, the aircraft can not land safely.

"Great saint! In this weather, the plane can't land at all. It's estimated that this time, you can only... Parachute down. "

The vice captain went to the cabin to report with a look of regret, but he was a little worried, "but the weather is so bad that the risk factor of parachuting is also great."

"Ah! The plane can't land, Lin Feng. Are you afraid to parachute down? "

Xiao nishang said with a smile.

"Afraid? In my Lin Feng's dictionary, the word "fear" has not appeared at all! "

Then Lin Feng waved to the vice captain, "stop talking nonsense and bring the parachute right away."

"Hee hee! Then let's have a competition. Who will land safely first? "

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao nishang immediately picked up the parachute, opened the cabin door and jumped off the plane.

"Hello! Crazy girl, you are really the leader of adultery and trickery! You wait for me... "

Seeing that Xiao nishang jumped down in the wind and rain so decisively, Lin Feng no longer hesitated and jumped down directly with a parachute on his back.

Hoo Hoo

When the strong wind blew, bean sized raindrops hit Lin Feng's face. After Lin Feng's parachute opened, he was blown out of shape by these raindrops and strong wind.

"Shit! It's better not to have a parachute! Or use my flying sword... "


After Lin Feng untied the parachute, he summoned his own Fengtong sword. He stepped on the Fengtong sword and came and went freely. Moreover, the protective cover formed by the Fengtong sword can also slide away the oncoming raindrops.

Looking down again, Xiao nishang's situation was not much better than that just now. The strong southeast wind blew her parachute aside, and the landing process was unbalanced.

And the high-altitude rain hit his face. It's estimated that it's a bad taste! However, Xiao nishang's superb parachuting skills still enabled her to control the parachute smoothly.

Seeing such a picture, Lin Feng had to admire Xiao nishang. With such a sense of balance, it seems that she had no less training in skydiving before. However, Xiao nishang's skydiving control is no better than Lin Feng's flying sword, but it is still not enough to see.

At this time, Lin Feng drove the flying sword with a bad face, whizzed down to Xiao nishang and said with a smile: "crazy girl, look... Now if I want to land, I can do it at any time, definitely faster than you."

"Flying sword? Lin Feng, you are so mean! I didn't even use a parachute but a flying sword... "

Xiao nishang stared at Lin Feng while controlling the direction of the parachute.

"Am I mean? Hum! I don't know who it was just now. I jumped down as soon as I finished talking. " Lin Feng retorted.

"I call that reasonable preemption, you know?" Xiao nishang left her mouth and continued to argue.

"What's the first opportunity? That's shameless... "

"You are shameless!"


The two were shouting in the air, but when they fell to a certain height and could see the scene below, Xiao nishang was suddenly stunned and stopped talking.

"Crazy girl, what's the matter with you?"

When they were fighting, Lin Feng suddenly found that Xiao nishang's face changed, so he curiously turned back and looked at the vast land on the ground.

"Lin Feng, you... Look, this... This is terrible..."

In the middle of the sky, overlooking the scene below, looking at houses and acres of good farmland, being rushed by the unstoppable flood peak, this shocking feeling is unspeakable.

"This... Should be so terrible?"

Looking down, Lin Feng could not imagine that the huge waves caused by some rainfall would have such power before he came.

Under the towering waves, even a small hill will be swept up, and the large stones and deep-rooted trees above will be uprooted, and continue to rush downstream with the waves.

On the other hand, in the countryside, countless brick and stone houses were washed down by huge waves. Many displaced people can only climb to the roof of high-lying people and beg God for mercy there. Surrounded by huge waves, there is no possibility of escaping.

In addition, in the huge waves, countless livestock were involved. Lin Feng saw a fat pig show his face in the huge waves, but the next moment it was immediately submerged.

Look at the relatively better cities, but they have also become "Venice on water". Although more than ten floors of buildings are enough to resist the invasion of huge waves, each building has become an island surrounded by flood peaks, and the roof is full of people. Their eyes are full of fear and helplessness.

"Lin Feng, this situation seems to have lasted for several days. At the beginning, it didn't rain much, and even I could barely drive. But now, the situation is not optimistic... "

Although she was still falling down, Xiao nishang had completely forgotten that she was in mid air. Even though she usually claimed to be a hard hearted person, she couldn't help standing with the victims when she saw the displaced people and looked at the houses destroyed by the huge waves.

"How many days has it been? The situation is not optimistic. Usually, people's emergency food reserves are enough to eat for a few days, not to mention that many people are trapped in places where there are no survival materials at all. If you don't hurry back, I'm afraid the trapped people will be in danger. "

Lin Feng experienced such a scene when he was a child. He still remembers that year, his parents hid on the roof of a nearby high-rise building with him. Although they escaped the terrible flood peak, they were trapped on it for seven or eight days.

There were no living materials on the high-rise building. Finally, the three of them reluctantly persisted for seven or eight days by relying on a bag of compressed biscuits brought out temporarily until the rescue of the people's children's soldiers came.

Therefore, for those trapped by disasters, Lin Feng actually feels very much.

"No! Crazy girl, we have to act now. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable... "Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng couldn't help worrying more and more.