Chapter 1784

"Eat! Eat... Ha ha! Lin Feng, if a patient gets worse or even dies after eating your fish soup... Then wait! Look, I won't let third uncle kill you... "

Seeing this scene, Liu Botao widened his eyes and looked forward to it wholeheartedly. After all, the old man who Lin Feng personally fed the fish soup is dying. He can be said to be the most seriously ill patient at present. He may die if he is careless.

As long as Lin Feng dies after feeding him fish soup, even if it's not Lin Feng's fault, Liu Qingshi can impose it on Lin Feng's head. In that way, it's useless even if Xiao nishang will intercede for Lin Feng.

"Old man, come on! don 't panic! Eat this fish soup and your body will get better. "

However, when Lin Feng carefully fed the first mouthful of hero fish soup to the mouth of the old man who had only a little strength to open his mouth slightly. The fragrant smell exploded in the old man's mouth, and an unparalleled vitality quickly swallowed down his throat and spread to his whole body.

"Ah! It's delicious! It's delicious... I've never eaten such delicious fish soup... "

Two seconds later, the old man, who had no God in his eyes, suddenly burst out of his eyes. His hands that couldn't be lifted just now were strong enough to directly grab the hero's fish soup from Lin Feng's hands, and then gululu fell into his stomach one by one

"Delicious! yummy! I want to eat, young man. I want to eat this fish soup. Where can I sell it? "

After the old man ate a bowl of fish soup, the whole man jumped up from the hospital bed and said angrily.

"Old man, if you still want to eat, you can only go down and line up."

Seeing that the old man had recovered, Lin Feng smiled, pointed to dozens of lines below and said.

"Good! With such delicious fish soup, I'll go even if I go up the knife mountain and down the oil pot, not to mention just waiting in line. "

Say it! With a miso, the old man jumped down from the hospital bed very flexibly, holding a bowl in his hand, and walked down to the bottom to line up.

This scene completely stunned the doctors and experts who were still skeptical just now.


What the hell is going on?

The sick old man's face recovered after drinking a bowl of fish soup?

He had already lost his physical mobility. Now he's walking fast in line to ask for fish soup. Has he really got rid of the epidemic disease?

Lin Feng's hero fish soup is not only delicious. Can it really cure diseases as he said?

"Well... What's going on? The patient I checked before has a very weak breath of life. The virus has invaded most of the organs. Even if a vaccine is developed, it may not survive... "

An old expert with white hair was so frightened that his eyes were about to fall off. Perhaps in the eyes of laymen, it is not a great and miraculous thing to cure the disease and save people.

However, only these experts and doctors who really understand medicine can know that only the legendary miracle doctor Hua Tuo can pull the dying old man back from the gate of hell in an instant.

Moreover, this epidemic is still such a strange super virus. Modern western medicine basically has no way to deal with this virus, but now it has been cured by Lin Feng's bowl of hero fish soup.

"No... impossible! How is this possible? A bowl of fish soup is a very common dish! How... How can you cure it? "

Seeing this scene, Liu Botao, who was waiting to laugh at Lin Feng, was almost crazy. Even if he admits that Lin Feng's hero fish soup is delicious, which is only delicious in heaven, but this... This bowl of fish soup can cure patients and save people, is it too fucking exaggerated?

"Ha ha! Master! Master Lin Feng... You deserve to be the master that I Smith Liu wholeheartedly want to worship! Is this the highest level of traditional Chinese medicine in the legend, that dietotherapy is better than medicine? This bowl of delicious hero fish soup has such an effect. "

Smith Liu, who had already worshipped and superstitious about Lin Feng, was deeply impressed this time. He ran to Lin Feng again and begged: "master! Just take me? I will carry forward our traditional Chinese medicine thoroughly. Just give me this chance... "

However, Lin Feng did not pay attention to him, but continued to feed the hero's fish soup to those patients seriously infected with the epidemic with Li Yutong.

"Come on! Let's take a hand. Don't eat it. The hero's fish soup is limited. First, hold on to the sick patients who have come... "

Meng Xue, the attending physician of the municipal hospital, also put down the fish soup with a reluctant face at this time, and then immediately called the doctors of the hospital together with Lin Feng to use bowls of hero fish soup to treat those patients infected with the epidemic disease.

"All right! Well... Dr. Meng, Cai Yong, who sent 26 beds before, has also been cured! "

"Me too. Miss Liu in bed 58 has fully recovered!"


Good news came one by one. After taking the hero fish soup, many patients who were dying in bed became lively like the old man at the beginning. One by one, they also ran down to the bottom with bowls to eat the hero fish soup.

"Incredible! It's incredible! In such a short time, so many patients have no rejection reaction and no side effects. This... This hero fish soup is amazing... "

After wiping a sweat, Meng Xue's mouth has grown into a boss. She has seen almost all the seriously ill patients sent in. Almost none of them is optimistic. If no good treatment can be found, none of them can get this star period.

But now, a bowl of seemingly ordinary hero fish soup has become a life-saving straw for so many people. It has really played a role in treating patients and saving people. It is much more effective than any high-tech treatment equipment and precious medicinal materials in modern medicine.

"Oh, my God! What kind of fish soup is this? What is it made of? How did the person who invented the fish soup come up with the idea of completely eradicating this super virus with the fish soup? "

Not only Meng Xue, all the doctors in the municipal hospital, the experts from the capital, but also all the members of the dragon group were completely shocked and conquered by Lin Feng's bowl of hero soup that can cure diseases.