Chapter 1816

Lin Feng really didn't think of what kind of good day today is! How did everyone get together? Wang Yajun took the initiative to find it. It was his bad luck, but... What happened to sister Tongtong and sister Qingqing? Why are they in Beijing today?

Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng was really afraid. He thought that the great saint he was not afraid of would be afraid of these women.

"Hee hee! Lin Feng, unexpectedly! Today, sister Tongtong and sister Qingqing are also in the capital. It's great. We haven't seen each other for a long time... "Xiao nishang said happily.

"Crazy girl, what are you talking about? When we went to Huizhou a few days ago, didn't we just meet sister Tongtong? " Lin Feng has a bitter face. He really doesn't want to stop. How nice it would be if he kept driving until the end of time!

"The two girls inside are... Beautiful! Especially the one in business clothes, and... Is that a real stewardess? "

Wang Yajun hasn't got off yet. He looks at the hero restaurant. Li Yutong, like an immortal, can be said to be the most eye-catching of several girls. Even the most beautiful woman standing with Li Yutong will unconsciously feel inferior.

The other is Luo Qingqing in a stewardess uniform. Wang Yajun has always played the role of stewardess. In fact, she also has a trace of longing for the career of stewardess in her heart. It's interesting to think about the life of flying around the world and running in the air every day.

"Great! Are Tongtong and Qingqing there? Today we can say it's a dinner together? "

Xu Minjing also said with a smile. She had known that Lin Feng had so many confidants, so it was not surprising to see Li Yutong and Luo Qingqing. On the contrary, there was an excitement of reunion after a long separation in her heart.

"Sister Tongtong and sister Qingqing? There are so many people today! "

Qin Yanran didn't think too much, but when there were so many people, it would be more lively. She smiled and got off the bus. She skillfully went forward and said to Li Yutong, "sister Tongtong, let me help you!"

With that, Qin Yanran helped to hang some decorations in the hero restaurant.

"I'll come too!"

Xiao nishang, unwilling to show weakness, also stepped out of the car and rushed to the door of the hero's restaurant. Her martial arts are excellent and her skills are flexible. Even at any height, she can easily paste decorations on it.

"Miss Wang, let's get off, too!"

Seeing this, Xu Minjing was calm. He opened the door and smiled. She was used to seeing so many beautiful girls gathered around Lin Feng, but she knew that Wang Yajun must have seen such a big scene for the first time.

Any girl here is the face of a country and a city. She is the flower of a school in the school. She is definitely sought after by thousands of people in the workplace, and each has its own style and characteristics. Qin Yanran is simple and lovely, Xiao nishang is stubborn and crazy, Li Yutong is intellectual and gentle, and Luo Qingqing's unruly uniform

When Xu Minjing first came into contact with these beautiful confidants around Lin Feng, she always unconsciously compared herself with them. Finally, she found that she won this one but lost to that one. She was more brilliant here, but lost there

The heart is always worried about gain and loss, so finally Xu Minjing simply relaxed her heart and didn't make these comparisons at all.

However, Wang Yajun can't be relieved so soon. She has always been a proud girl. Whether in the family or in the school, she is surrounded by a large number of boys. Among the girls, she is always the most eye-catching one.

But now, every girl here is not weaker than her. In particular, she has given herself to Lin Feng wholeheartedly. Naturally, she will inevitably be more and jealous in her heart.

"What's the matter? Miss Wang, get out of the car and let's go and help! Anyway, it's just 11 o'clock... "Xu Minjing smiled faintly, obviously seeing the careful thinking in Wang Yajun's heart.

"Ah? oh Ok... Miss Xu, do you... Do you know them, too? They are all... All Lin Feng's...... "

Speaking of this, Wang Yajun didn't know what to call the girls Li Yutong and Luo Qingqing. After hesitating for a while, he said, "are they all Lin Feng's sisters?"

In Wang Yajun's heart, the best expectation is that Li Yutong and Luo Qingqing are Lin Feng's cousins. In this way, even if they are beautiful, they do not pose a great threat to themselves.

However, Xu Minjing held Wang Yajun's hand, pointed to Luo Qingqing in the stewardess uniform and said to her, "this is Luo Qingqing, Lin Feng's childhood stewardess. He has always had a good relationship with Lin Feng. The other is my college classmate's best friend Li Yutong, who is now the CEO of Lin Feng company and helps Lin Feng take care of all the company's affairs... "

"Childhood sweetheart? Company CEO? This... "

Hearing Xu Minjing's introduction, Wang Yajun's heart suddenly sank as if he had lost something.

"Miss Xu and Miss Wang, what are you still doing there? Let's go together! "

Lin Feng finally got down from the car and shouted loudly when he saw that Xu Minjing and Wang Yajun were still reluctant to come over.

At this time, the hero restaurant is also very lively. Zhang Zhen, Tian yunyun and Hong Fangfang are also helping. The hero restaurant smashed yesterday is completely new today.

Lin's father and mother couldn't close their mouths, especially Lin's mother. When they saw Lin Feng coming with so many beautiful girls, their eyes looked at the girls.

"This ass is big and should be easy to raise."

"Wang Fuxiang! not bad Good... "

"Yes! Teacher Xu's eight characters seem to be the most suitable for our little Feng... "

"Eh? Who is this girl? How do you look at me? "


Lin's mother was familiar with the other girls, so she stared at the newcomer Wang Yajun. She didn't avoid it. She stared at her directly, and then thought in her mind, "why haven't I seen her before? Can it be said that the little rabbit came back with another one at school? "

"Oh! What's going on? Why is that Aunt inside staring at me all the time? She should be Lin Feng's mother, right? She... Her eyes are a little strange! Do you... Do you have any idea about me? "

From getting off the bus, Wang Yajun's mood was tense and she didn't dare to relax for a moment. After all, this was the first time for her to contact Lin Feng's family. So when Lin's mother stared so unabashedly, she felt uncomfortable all over

(make up for yesterday's third watch! It's still three o'clock today!)