Chapter 2129


The blending of water and fire!

Collision between water and fire!

Originally, Lin Feng's divine water was to restrain the inflammation of the earth's heart, but because the original power of the inflammation of the earth's heart was too strong, Lin Feng fell in the wind before.

But now Lin Feng's cultivation has improved to a great level, and his spiritual knowledge has become several times stronger. Naturally, he doesn't have to be afraid of the power of the inflammation in the center of the earth.

Divine water!


The fire in the center of the earth also knew that he couldn't get well here in Lin Feng, so he immediately hurriedly asked the fire dragon to turn around and fly back.

"Ha ha! Want to run now? It's too late... "

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately threw out a whip made by Shenshui and hit the fire dragon hard.


The fire dragon made a heart rending sound.

And the inflammation of the earth's heart also dimmed a little, obviously hurt a lot.

"Did I let you run? Trapped Ben Dasheng for so long, he said he would run? Thought I couldn't catch you, didn't I? "

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth tilted slightly, and the whip on his hand moved. In an instant, it became a ferrule. He directly caught the geocentric fire dragon, and then pulled it back fiercely, shouting, "come here for me!"


A painful dragon sing!

The inner earth fire dragon that wanted to escape was irresistible and was directly pulled over by Lin Feng's whip.

"Good chance! Lin Feng, this inner earth fire dragon contains at least half of the original power of the inner earth fire. As long as you control this inner earth fire dragon, the inner earth fire can't run away. "

Zixia fairy, who has been watching the war, was also secretly frightened. She didn't expect that Lin Feng's strength soared so much as soon as he was promoted to cultivation.

I was chased away by the fire dragon in the center of the earth just now!

But now, it's the other way around.

"I knew the beast couldn't run away! Come on! Give in! "

Lin Feng pulled such a huge dragon with one hand, but he hooked his index finger towards the inflammation of the earth's heart with the other hand.

Hiss, hiss

But at this time, the inflammation of the earth's heart actually moved, swished and fled to the rock gap on one side.

"I'll go! no Not even half of the original power? And now he's gone? "

Lin Feng was also slightly surprised. After all, as Zixia fairy said just now, if the fire in the center of the earth gave up this fire dragon, it would lose at least half of its original power.

However, in order to avoid being subdued by Lin Feng, the inflammation of the earth's heart even ran away regardless of such a huge loss.

"Come on! Lin Feng, catch up... "

Zixia fairy looked aside and became worried.

"Don't worry! No matter how powerful it is, it can't escape my palm... "

With that, Lin Feng took the dragon in one hand and rushed directly towards the rock wall with a flying sword.

The inflammation of the earth's core can turn into any shape and look, shuttling through the cracks of the rocks, but Lin Feng directly rolled over and pursued the smell of the inflammation of the earth's core, destroying the dry and decaying all the way. As long as it is blocked in front of him, all rocks and minerals are broken.

"Run! I see where else you can run... "

Lin Feng came all the way and chased the inflammation of the earth's heart for more than ten miles underground before he finally caught up with it.

"Go! Elf ball... Bah! Yes, go! The whip of divine water... "

After catching up with the inflammation in the center of the earth, Lin Feng threw out a whip of divine water and directly trapped the inflammation in the center of the earth.



The inflammation of the inner earth felt the threat from the divine water, so it didn't hide its strength. Using its original strength, it began to struggle frantically, and the flame grew up, including the inner earth fire dragon trapped by Lin Feng on the other side.

"No! Lin Feng, hurry... Let go of the inflammation in the center of the earth... "

The Zixia fairy who followed her immediately stopped her.

"Let it go? That won't work! I finally caught it. If I let it go, I might run away... "Lin Feng looked back and said strangely.

However, Zixia fairy said solemnly: "the inflammation of the earth's heart has begun to use its original power against your Divine water. If you don't let go of it, if the original power consumes too much, it will be completely extinguished. This is the top three ground fire! "

"I'll go! How can I forget this? Is the inflammation of the earth too stubborn? What's wrong with following me? Would rather die than follow me? "

Lin Feng, who only cares about his own comfort and vent, certainly can't watch this hateful inflammation of the earth's heart go out in vain. That's a huge loss, so he quickly loosened some of the whip of divine water.

However, at this time, the inflammation of the earth's heart saw the opportunity again and wanted to escape.

But sooner or later, Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness also shrouded in this moment, and then his heart moved to communicate with the divine water space. A little pull... Pulled the whole inflammation of the earth into his divine water space.

At the same time, Lin Feng thought again and pulled in the geocentric fire dragon on the other side.

"Ha ha... OK! It's done. It's back to my divine water space. See where you can escape... "

Before, Lin Feng's spiritual awareness and spiritual power were not strong enough, so he could not collect the inner earth fire dragon into the divine water space. However, now that we have been promoted to the stage of Yuanying, naturally, the power of the divine soul has been several times stronger, which is enough to pull the inflammation of the inner earth, which has just opened its wisdom, into the Shenshui space.

"What about the inflammation of the earth? Lin Feng, did the inflammation of the earth escape? "

Zixia fairy didn't react for a moment. She thought that the inflammation of the earth's heart really ran away.

"It can't run. I've received Shenshui space." Lin Feng smiled, retreated from the inside and said.

"Shenshui space? Then... Lin Feng should worry! The original flame of the inflammation in the center of the earth is very powerful. I'm afraid it will burn through your Divine water space... "Zixia fairy was worried again.

"Burn through? Hum! It's just the first three of the earth fire. It doesn't have that ability. Don't worry, Zixia, it's looking at my divine water space! When it's exhausted from tossing in it, I'll take it back... "

Since the inflammation of the earth's core has been included in the divine water space, Lin Feng can rest easy. Even if the original flame of the inflammation of the earth's core is more powerful, it is impossible to burn through the divine water space.

However, Zixia fairy's worry is not unreasonable. Many practitioners can't accept the natural materials and earth treasures such as the inflammation of the earth's heart. Even if they are the practitioners in the period of transforming God, the power of the divine soul is as powerful as Lin Feng, but they don't have such a space that they are not afraid of being burned by the inflammation of the earth's heart, ordinary storage bags or other space magic weapons, It won't hold.