Chapter 2306

Facing the arduous task given by Lin Feng, Bai Shuangshuang has no confidence in his solid body.

However, with Lin Feng's encouragement, she was certainly willing to try. Therefore, she learned from Lin Feng, holding a tablet computer in her hand, and began to stare at the online novels recorded inside.

Because the characters used by the practitioners in the cultivation world are 80% similar to the ancient traditional Chinese characters, there is basically no obstacle for Bai Shuangshuang to read these online novels.

In particular, some fairy novels with ethereal fairy wind made Bai shuangshuangshuang stare wide, feel very surprised, and read them at a dizzying pace.

The spiritual knowledge and mental power of practitioners are not comparable to those of ordinary people. Normal ordinary people read novels and are fascinated. They can also read hundreds of thousands of words a day in three lines a scene.

For practitioners, they read more than 100000 words in one breath. In front of Bai Shuangshuang, each page of the text on the screen basically stays for less than one tenth of a second and slides rapidly, while the stories and pictures depicted in the novel are completely presented in Bai Shuangshuang's mind.

"How nice! Lin Feng, how amazing! The story recorded here... Obviously I didn't see any images! All I see are words, but why do I form a corresponding fuzzy picture in my mind? Moreover, after reading it, it always makes me feel as if I have experienced these in person... "

After reading a fairly short fairy novel at one go, Bai shuangshuangshuang was completely excited.

If the previous photography equipment opened Bai Shuangshuang's interest in modern scientific and technological shooting technology, this fairy novel is to completely lead Bai shuangshuangshuang to the road of content.

"This is the charm of the novel! However, it is not so easy to shoot the story and content in the novel. Especially the relationship between some special effects and characters... "

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, "Shuangshuang, do you think there is any problem here?"

"No problem! However, Lin Feng, some words in this novel are wrong, and some prices are obviously wrong. Look... It's written in him that the inferior magic weapon should be sold so expensive that it should sell 10000 top-grade spirit stones. However, in our place, one inferior magic weapon, ten thousand top-grade spirit stones, is enough. There are also some mistakes in skill. Wait, I'll find out and give you an example... "

Seeing Bai Shuangshuang's serious provocation, Lin Feng quickly stopped her and said, "don't... Shuangshuang! Just look at these small problems and change them. Just change it to a level acceptable to practitioners in our world... "

Lin Feng is also quite speechless. Of course, those who write novels on earth don't know what the real world is like. They all write casually. They write where they want to write. They update slowly. A book has not been written for several years or even finished. Naturally, readers can only read it all the time.

However, what makes Lin Feng feel funny is that the world of truth cultivation written by these authors is not much different from the real world of truth cultivation. At least at present, Lin Feng feels that the world of truth cultivation is no different from that described in the novel.

After giving Bai Shuangshuang some orders, Lin Feng and Xiao nishang left temporarily and gave Bai shuangshuangshuang the freedom to give full play to his talents.

"Lin Feng, you really have a big heart! Do you think if you let Bai Shuangshuang do it like this, you can really make a film of a cultivator in this cultivation world? Why do I think it's so incredible? "

Xiao nishang gave a bad smile, then stretched out her hand and said, "give me a tablet computer, the best one, and save me more TV movies and novels, otherwise I will be bored to death..."

"Ha ha! No, I forgot about it. Take it, crazy girl, and... You have to do me a favor, choose some good-looking and positive energy fantasy or fairy novels, and then let's sell the novel jade slips! Don't you think it should be very interesting to spread the stories of our earth to the cultivation world? "

Lin Feng took out a tablet computer to Xiao nishang, and then took out a jade slip at the same time, trying to store the content of a novel in the jade slip.

This jade slip is made of better jade, so it can store more information. Just like the U-disk we often use, in the cultivation world, jade slips are the U-disk of practitioners. They usually burn some skills and experiences into jade slips with spiritual knowledge.

Of course, these skills and experiences are relatively short. Often a jade slip records a little, which greatly wastes the storage space of the jade slip.

After Lin Feng's experiment, there are enough novels with more than 10 million words in this jade slip, enough to save a novel.

As long as the spiritual consciousness is recorded, and then when other practitioners want to see it, they can detect the spiritual consciousness into it.

"Good! Crazy girl, what do I think of the three works: breaking through the sky, the biography of mortals cultivating immortals and immortality? It should be more popular in the cultivation world... "

Lin Feng finally selected three classic genres that are very popular on earth and burned them.

But Xiao nishang smiled badly and asked, "do you want to have a ******** or *******?"

Hearing that Xiao nishang so skillfully broke out the titles of these books, Lin Feng was also stunned, and then said with a bad smile: "crazy girl! I can't see it! Are you an old driver, too? "

"What? Isn't that normal? If you boys can read these books, can't we girls? " Xiao nishang glanced and said.

"Forget it! Let's not pollute the souls of these practitioners for the time being! These three novels are enough... "Lin Feng said with a smile.

Now that he had decided to record the three novels first, Lin Feng immediately called a group of disciples and asked them to help copy the novels into the jade slips.

However, Lin Feng was very clever and did not record all the novels.

Clearly, two novels can be put down in one jade slip. Lin Feng was disconnected, and one tenth of a novel was put in each jade slip.

"Hey, hey! It's time for everyone in the cultivation world to try to see the taste of serials... "

Those Baiyu sect disciples who helped copy the novel also saw it very interesting. However, Lin Feng gave them the first tenth of the content. When they saw zhengshuang, the content stopped abruptly