Chapter 2394

The wave of nuclear energy destroyed several boxes near the explosion point in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the monks inside are in the stage of integration and know the means of communicating with God. In case of crisis, they control the space one by one in time, move these nuclear energy fluctuations away, and stand in the crowd of monks, which is a sigh of relief.

Among them, some kind friars mentioned elder Juan.

After hearing this voice, the struggling Juan elder woke up and quickly imitated the previous fit friars, effectively avoiding the killing of nuclear energy.

However, he is still in the fluctuation range of nuclear energy, because this place is too small, and the surrounding space is full of tyrannical nuclear energy.

And to the pain of elder ju'an, he was just caught in the middle.

On one side is a defense array combined by many monks. In order to ensure their own safety, these monks work together to exclude nuclear energy.

On the other side was situ Bo.

Although they can also successfully avoid these nuclear energies by means of syncytial friars, they cannot.

Obviously, the auction will continue. If the nuclear energy is allowed to rage, I'm afraid the whole venue will turn into ruins soon.

At that time, let alone an auction, it will be good not to be laughed off by the people in the city.

Now situ Bo's intestines are green.

He never expected that the other party would still have such means.

What makes him feel the most painful is that these "big pineapples" can't feel the fluctuation of vitality. Naturally, they can't detect each other's real cultivation and whether they hide their strength.

Without knowing Lin Feng's strength for a moment, situ Bo dared not attack him for a moment.

Looking at the raging energy storm in front of him, situ Bo seemed to think of something. His spiritual consciousness broke through the chaotic nuclear energy and went to the box where Lin Feng was before.

"Eh, where are the people?"

Stuart Burton was stupid.

The box was destroyed, but Lin Feng disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

Then situ Bo swept the scene with his powerful spiritual knowledge, but he didn't find any breath consistent with Lin Feng.

"In any case, we must not let this force spread."

After taking a deep breath, situ Bo said in a deep voice, "brother Zhang, brother Lu, you and I will compress this force in the middle."

"OK, no problem."

Zhang Xiong agreed. Immediately, the five stood in a row, controlling their strength to compress the tyrannical nuclear energy.

On the other hand, the monks who were present seemed to find the intention of situ Bo and began to compress to the middle.

"It's under control. I'll add some more material to you."

If anyone is the one who is most afraid of big things, it is of course Lin Feng.

The next second, in situ Bo's frightened eyes, three "big pineapples" appeared out of thin air.

"My God!"

Situ Bo was scared to pee. He scolded Lin Feng's ancestors for eighteen generations. I don't know how many times.

When there was nuclear energy nearby, the three nuclear bombs exploded almost as soon as they entered the energy storm. The two came into contact, which was three or four times more terrible than before. The violent wave exploded like a volcanic eruption!

Hoo Hoo.

Nuclear energy... It can now be called a nuclear storm.

Situ Bo and others immediately felt that the pressure had increased sharply and had reached the critical point they could bear.

On the other hand, in order to protect themselves, a group of fit friars also shot one after another, but what they scolded in their hearts was not Lin Feng, but situ Bo.

When you can cultivate to fit, you are all old monsters who have become fine, and you should be more mature in thinking about things.

Although situ Bo had always stressed that he didn't tell elder ju'an to go to Lin Feng for trouble, it was not difficult for these old monsters to see through the dialogue between several people that situ Bo wanted to provoke or test the friars in the first box.

Now they thought about it. It was estimated that situ Bo's brain was pasted. How idle it was to provoke such a powerful monk.

It's good that they will suffer together. After all, if the venue is destroyed, the auction will be suspended. In this way, have they come all the way to Xihua city for nothing?

As for Lin Feng, these friars did not have much resentment.

After all, people had already said it at the beginning, and asked them if they were ready to bear the consequences, but many friars with quick IQ directly agreed.

Think about it. If this kind of thing really falls on them, they will not hesitate to do it.

Friars of our generation, if they can remain calm after being ridden to the neck and shit, how can they cultivate a hair?

"Master situ, how are you? Can you bear the consequences? "

Lin Feng opened his mouth and joked.

However, after situ Bo swept with his spiritual knowledge, he didn't find Lin Feng's figure. At that time, he was a little vigilant, for fear that Lin Feng would suddenly appear on his side and give himself such a surprise.

It's true that unknown enemies are the most terrible.

However, after hearing Lin Feng's honest and impolite tone, situ Bo was also angry and was about to scold back. Lin Feng's next sentence forced him to hold back the words that had reached his mouth.

"Why didn't situ gang leader speak? It seems that I can carry it. Let's say in advance that I still have a lot of big pineapples here. Do you want two more? "

Situ Bo's face trembled violently, and his hands trembled.

He knows that he must be soft today.

What situ Bo never expected was that Lin Feng still had a lot of such things. Although it may be cheating him, he dared not gamble.

I can't afford to bet.

The auction attracted nearly a thousand monks above the peak of Yuanying, of whom dozens are conservatively estimated to be fit monks.

What a huge number this is.

He also spent a lot of effort in organizing the auction. If the venue is yellow, where should the auction be held? Open air?

The reason for choosing the venue is to limit the intervention of friars with low accomplishments, who can be bound by the rules of the auction.

But if it is held in the open air, imagine that countless monks are watching, and some will bid indiscriminately. It is difficult to maintain a lot of order, and the auction naturally can't go on.

By then he had nowhere to cry.

Taking a deep breath, situ Bo tried to calm himself down, and then shouted, "Taoist friend, can you stop and let's have a good talk?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Now that situ Bo has said so, it means that he has chosen to be soft, the leader of the great Weihai sect, to be soft to an unknown monk!