Chapter 3754

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Coming!" The ancestor of the cloud family stood inside, with his back to two people. In front of the ancestor of the cloud family, there were two different skies, one bright and one dark.

"The smell of the demon world is getting stronger and stronger." The ancestor of the cloud family sighed, "the Dragon tomb is in the center of the border. XiuXiu already knows the way to enter the demon world. If you come out of the Dragon tomb, go straight over. I won't come to see you. XiuXiu, pay attention to safety."

The eyes of the ancestors of the cloud family paused on Yun XiuXiu, looking like they wanted to talk and stop.

"Old ancestor, I should always grow up, or I will waste my reputation as the eldest miss of the cloud family. Every disciple of the cloud family has to grow up through this. Old ancestor, you can rest assured."

With a smile on her face, Yun XiuXiu thought she was beside the ancestors of the cloud family and whispered, "besides, you know the combat effectiveness of my granddaughter. There is an alchemist around me. We will not make any mistakes if we cooperate together."

Hearing Yun XiuXiu's words, the ancestors of the cloud family nodded even though they were reluctant.

"All right, all right, you little girl, just go there by yourself. I know I can't tell you." The ancestor of the cloud family waved his hand and turned to look at Lin Feng with a solemn face, "Lin Dasheng, my little granddaughter, I'll ask you."

"Don't worry, I will cooperate with you."

The ancestor of the cloud family nodded.

Although Lin Feng's words didn't agree with him, he would be completely relieved to hear Lin Feng say so. If Lin Feng promised as soon as he spoke, he wouldn't be relieved.

"Ancestors, let's go first." Yun XiuXiu nodded at Lin Feng. The two men moved forward. The ancestor of the cloud family nodded, waved his hand, and sent Lin Feng and Yun XiuXiu away directly.

The two fell heavily to the ground. Lin Feng ate a mouthful of mud, quickly got up and spit it out. Shui Lingli cleaned his body.

Yun XiuXiu also got up, looking as embarrassed as Lin Feng.

"It's like this every time I come in." Yun XiuXiu stuck out her tongue and whispered, "just get used to it."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

I can't get used to it

"Come on, let's move on." Yun XiuXiu quickly cleaned up his clothes, turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "let's go all the way and soon we can reach the place we need to reach."

Hearing Yun XiuXiu's words, Lin Feng nodded. The two supported him all the way forward. Yun XiuXiu walked in front of Lin Feng and looked back at Lin Feng from time to time. He sighed with relief when he saw that Lin Feng had been following behind.

As long as Lin Feng has been following behind, I don't know how, Yun XiuXiu's heart feels particularly comfortable.

The two people moved forward one by one. After feeling the breath of the two people, the monster in the front section of the Dragon tomb immediately left the two people and had no intention of meeting them. Lin Feng occasionally took some herbs, and Yun XiuXiu did not dispute.

"I've worked with alchemists before, but alchemists basically don't get herbs by themselves." Seeing that Lin Feng did it himself, Yun XiuXiu whispered, "I admire the alchemist's ability, but that's it."

Hearing Yun XiuXiu's words, Lin Feng just smiled.

"By the way, I found the news about yunluoying for you. I know who it is. She could have gone home, but she always insisted on living with her mother. Our family can't tolerate her mother's woman. She was originally a servant girl of our cloud family. Later, our cloud family gave her a surname and taught her to practice, As a result, the woman climbed into the master's bed and dreamed of becoming the master mother of the cloud family. "

Yun XiuXiu paused for a moment and turned to look at Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng was not unwell, she just opened her mouth.

"Their mother and daughter have been showing off all these years and have gained a foothold in Qingshan Academy."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Your name is Lin Feng. When I went to investigate, I learned about your past. You used the name Lin Dasheng before. Lin Feng Xi Xi, I've heard of your name before. You're very strong."

Hearing Yun XiuXiu's words, Lin Feng nodded.

He has used Lin Dasheng's name many times. He can understand the situation only by a little understanding, so Yun XiuXiu didn't feel very strange to know him.

After that, the two people were silent again. They just kept a low profile. Lin Feng's look was faint, and Yun XiuXiu didn't mean to speak.

After walking in the Dragon tomb for three days, Lin Feng saw the blood of the Dragon again.

They have gone deeper.

The relationship between the two eased a little after they killed a monster that was about to reach the level of human cultivation.

"Your combat effectiveness is also very strong!" Yun XiuXiu was surprised by Lin Feng's move. Lin Feng just smiled. Yun XiuXiu's move was beyond his expectation. However, this is the first time for the two people to come out. This disclosure shows that their feelings seem to be so close again.

"Go on." Lin Feng smiled and said“ What are you looking for? "

"The Dragon tomb is a separate small continent. There are many good things in it. I don't know what I'm looking for, but pick up what I see. It would be better if we could get more materials or valuable medicinal materials!"

Yun XiuXiu looked calm and Lin Feng nodded.

He was glad to come in. In addition to the blood of the dragon, other things are also for Lin Feng. It would be best if he could get them.

Two people continue to move forward.

This time, Lin Feng intentionally or unintentionally took Yun XiuXiu to the location of the blood of the dragon. Yun XiuXiu didn't know Lin Feng's purpose, but under Lin Feng's guidance, they gained more and more, and Yun XiuXiu completely gave up the idea of leading the way.

This trip to the Dragon tomb will take half a month. After half a month, the two people will be directly ejected.

The closer he was to the place where the Dragon tomb was, the more worried Lin Feng was. Time passed day by day. Finally, on the last day, Lin Feng came to the place closest to the Dragon tomb. However, he still had no way to enter the Dragon tomb.

The front section was completely blocked by the array. It was still the array of xianpin level 9.

"This array was arranged by our ancestors." Standing in front of the array, Yun XiuXiu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I just heard of it before. I didn't expect that we really came in this time."

Yun XiuXiu turned around, "we are so lucky that we have avoided so many monsters here. Thank you, Lin Feng."