Chapter 4145

"Master, these thousand machine sect disciples have formed an array to deal with you."

Candle Yin whispered to Lin Feng, "and the array doesn't look weak."

"How many disciples?" Lin Feng looked back, frowned and asked in a low voice.

"The appearance of 800 disciples, tut Tut, there are so many thousand machine gates. No wonder even the thousand machine gate can't afford so many disciples. According to my opinion, the master can go now."

Candle Yin said with a smile, "almost all the disciples in the whole sea area have poured out. It must take some time for them to disintegrate the array, enough for you to leave."

Hearing the words of candle Yin, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Don't worry, wait until the array is formed. The seabed used to be the territory of the mermaid. Fishtail once told me about the distribution of the mermaid. After the thousand machine gate was occupied, we certainly don't have much time to clean up. Let's sneak in after their array is formed."

Lin Feng paused for a moment, his mouth hooked, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were a little crazy. "Since they are all here, I feel bad if the treasure house is not taken away."

Lin Feng's mouth was hooked and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhu Yin's body trembled.

"What is this for?"

Yuya whispered.

"Of course it benefits us." Candle Yin said with a smile, "I don't know how many fish are left now, but the treasure house of the mermaid is a treasure of the mermaid for hundreds of thousands of years. Qianji gate has just occupied the place. It's likely that the treasure house is still here. Let's take the opportunity to take it."


Yuya's mouth twitched.

"The mermaid collection is really good. Many things in it are first-class and good things." Yuya whispered, "Yushu is missing. The outer and inner library must have been taken away. Those are the most important treasures of the Yuren family. As for the outer library, although it is a little poor, it is just right for him now."

Yuya's voice is not high.

Hearing Yu Ya's words, Zhu Yin turned his eyes.

"It seems that there are many babies." Lin Feng said with a smile, "it's even more important to look for it."

Lin Feng's spirit suddenly perked up.

The disciples of Qianji gate gathered here. When these disciples gathered, Lin Feng trembled. The field of sword and potential energy position opened at his feet and rushed towards the disciples of Qianji gate.

The disciples of Qianji gate were unmoved. The potential energy position and the field of sword fell into the void. The surrounding disciples fluctuated, but they couldn't react to this attack.

"What trouble!"

There was almost no space in the array. Seeing the appearance of these guys, everyone's look became more and more cool.

"How's it going?"

The candle Yin saw Lin Feng pondering over the array. For a long time, he asked in a low voice.

"All right."

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and hooked his mouth. This time, Lin Feng was not in the field of potential energy position and sword, but threw out several array plates on the basis of the array. These array plates quickly aligned with the disciples of Qianji gate. The array had been started before the disciples of Qianji gate responded.

"Let's have a good time!"

Lin Feng smiled and disappeared in front of these thousand machine gate disciples.

The thousand machine gate is best at array and weapon refining. In particular, the array of the thousand machine gate is very strange. Even when Lin Feng faces it, he must attach great importance to it.

In order to deal with these forces during the period of absorbing the blood of the dragon, Lin Feng took some time to practice the way of array. Of course, the purpose is to deal with these thousand machine gate arrays.

"Let's go."

Lin Feng's body directly penetrated the array as if he were in a deserted place.

The disciples of Qianji gate wanted to follow up. However, the array plate Lin Feng threw to them was not for them to play. Only when they faced it, the look of the people became cold.

When Lin Feng left, the array plate was opened and connected together, mixed with the array of the thousand machine gate disciples, and completely controlled these thousand machine gate disciples.

The speed was so fast that even the disciples of Qianji gate woke up at this time.

Lin Feng went straight to the depths.

Lin Feng is familiar with the mermaid's undersea palace. After wandering around, Lin Feng chose the right place and went directly.

Many disciples of Qianji gate are cleaning up the treasure house of the mermaid.

"Tut Tut, so many!"

Before entering, there was a little more ecstasy on the candle Yin's face, and the whole jumped off.

"Master, after this trip, hit us all with the one that little Lord Yang prepared for us." Candlelight looked excited and said, "that's a lot of things. If we can prepare, we... We can at least prepare more."

"Let's clean it up first. Take it back and see Yangyang's arrangement. But don't worry. Yangyang's weapon is specially prepared for you. If it's in other places, it may not be able to do it. Therefore, don't worry too much."

Lin Feng walked slowly towards the treasure house, as fast as walking in his own yard.

"So, you lied to us when you asked us to accumulate materials?"

Xingyu responds the fastest. Ask Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled.

"Is there a shortage of resources? It's good for everyone to help."

Lin Feng is still smiling.


Five shuttle is absolutely down.

How can they forget that there is no reliable time for their master!

I was cheated by my master!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jisuo's face sighed a little more. He leaned there one by one and couldn't say anything anymore.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng's expression was much softer.

"Well, you all have a rest." Lin Feng smiled and said, "we have more things to prepare next. As for what it is, it still needs some time to prepare. Therefore, we should do our own things first."

Wusuo followed Lin Feng inside.

The thousand machine gate disciples inside were still preparing. Lin Feng stood watching, smiled and shook his head.


"Who are you!"

It was not until Lin Feng stepped into the treasure house that the thousand machine gate disciples reacted. The white feather sword penetrated the bodies of several thousand machine gate disciples. Lin Feng's mind moved, and all the resources in the treasure house instantly entered the chaotic world.

Lin Feng glanced at the disciples of Qianji gate and cleaned up their things.

"The fairyland is good. There are not so many such good babies in the lower world."