Chapter 4313

Lin Feng.

The crowd couldn't help muttering.

I knew this boy would step into the Imperial City in advance. Those who are familiar with Lin Feng and qianjimen can't help muttering now,

Who is Lin Feng? Many old Immortal Emperor strongmen don't know Lin Feng's name, but most of the latecomers even have a close relationship with qianjimen. They are naturally familiar with this boy!

But in front of a small number of people, this guy's ability has been recognized by everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is that this guy is the enemy pursued by Qianji gate number one!

The boy entered the imperial city early.

It's not surprising that this boy can be chased and killed by qianjimen. It's just that they are curious. It's not just Lin Feng who has such a skill, but Lin Feng who is standing there with a look of foolishness.

This boy

Looking at the battle below, everyone's heart has more or less been solved.

This time, Zhuang Wudao is obviously going to lose.

Qianjimen had no choice, but this time, they underestimated Lin Feng's fighting level.

Zhuang Wudao's failure is obvious, and Zhuang Wudao's failure seems to remind those watching the war that another strong man is coming.

This boy is just at the level of great Luo Jinxian. It's easy to deal with the three grade Immortal Emperor. What if he becomes the Immortal Emperor?

They can't imagine the result behind this.



People have issued such a sigh.

They and Lin Feng have no grievances and enmity. Naturally, they will not be foolish enough to fight this boy, but often, the emergence of a strong man is accompanied by his endless demand for materials and resources.

The strong are piled up.

Their resources will certainly shrink due to the emergence of Lin Feng, a strong man.

Especially in the future, when Lin Feng completely enters the Imperial City, the result will be more obvious.

Everyone looked a little more calm.

However, their calm did not last long, and the fighting over there began to escalate.

As everyone thought, Zhuang Wudao was not an immediate opponent at all. Under the strong action of Lin Feng, Zhuang Wudao was defeated.

Lin Feng killed Zhuang Wudao

Without hesitation, he didn't give Zhuang Wudao a chance at all. Zhuang Wudao was killed by Lin Feng.


This is the current evaluation of Lin Feng by all observers.

Lin Feng deserves such an evaluation.

Everyone is from the past. They all know the truth that cutting grass does not remove roots and the spring wind blows again. But Lin Feng is not a strong Immortal Emperor. He killed a strong Immortal Emperor without blinking his eyes.

"What kind of trouble has this thousand machine door caused?"

For a long time, someone finally spoke.

"I heard that the boy fought with Dongfang batian and escaped safely."

The Immortal Emperor said.

He knew about it. He was ready to move Lin Feng before, but he didn't do it at this time. He had the same cultivation as Zhuang Wudao. He knew that he was just looking for his humiliation.

Lin Feng's shooting speed is so fast that he is still a little confused now.

No wonder this boy can have a congenital treasure.

Lin Feng got familiar with the imperial city.

After a long time of relaxation, Lin Feng's trouble came.

Since he can't get it, rest knows that Lin Feng has my congenital treasure. The cultivator can't sit still. I don't know who opened the mouth first. Soon, the news that Lin Feng has my congenital treasure spread all around.

As soon as the news came out, neither the Immortal Emperor strong below nor the high-level Immortal Emperor strong could sit still.

They want it!

Congenital treasure!

"Is it difficult that the inborn treasure on this boy is the breath we felt before?"

A strong Immortal Emperor spoke.

"It must be. This boy bears the blood of the dragon. Really speaking, this boy should still be a dragon family. Dinghai Shenzhu itself is the congenital treasure of the dragon family. It's no wonder on this boy!"

"Hehe, the dragon clan is getting back more and more. Even things like congenital treasure have been handed over to a new boy!"

"He bears the blood of the Dragon Emperor. It is expected that Dinghai Shenzhu will naturally choose the Dragon Emperor." Finally, Dongfang batian of qianjimen came out to make a summary and give you a clear result.

Qianjimen also said that if you want to fight Lin Feng, they will give full support to many projects. As long as everyone is willing to fight, qianjimen will give in to the congenital treasure.

It is rational to know that the innate treasure itself is not a thousand machine gate. There is no such thousand machine gate. It is irrational. Now we have begun to prepare.

Even now they have reached the level of Immortal Emperor and such a good opportunity, they don't want to miss it.

Congenital treasure, who doesn't want to kneel down under the congenital treasure and have a congenital treasure, whether it's their individual, family or sect, it's unique!

Why can Qianji gate become the first hidden sect in the world?

Why can Yuanmen become the first sect in the world?

Why are these two sects fighting each other? It's because both sects have a congenital treasure!

The jade clear Kunlun fan of the thousand machine gate and the commanding platform of the yuan gate.

Although the inborn treasure never appeared, no matter who is trying to deal with these two sects all the way, we should seriously think about it. Are they opponents? Can they face the congenital treasure calmly?

Obviously not.

"Lin Feng's congenital treasure is incomplete."

When all the strong immortal emperors were still waiting, a message came out again.

This time, Lin Feng let it out by himself.

Naturally, there are channels everywhere. There are many strong immortal emperors in gossip. Of course, there are also many strong immortal emperors in the dragon family.

When qianjimen announced the first information, the dragon family had passed the information to Lin Feng and waited for Lin Feng to make a decision. No matter what problems existed in the cage, they recognized or did not recognize Lin Feng. One thing is certain that internally, it is a contradiction, and externally, they are still one heart.

After carefully releasing, Lin Feng didn't entangle in this matter anymore. Instead, he put down all his thoughts and began to practice seriously. From time to time, he went out to kill the soul beast and returned to the soul city.

The connection between the imperial city and the divine soul city can be established, but such a connection must be established by yourself.

With this bridge, as long as Lin Feng is willing to let go, the practitioners on the other side of the divine soul city can reach the imperial city through the bridge.

When Lin Feng went back, he built a bridge and informed Yan Ran.

When he promised Wu Daozi, he has now completely embarked on the journey, which makes Lin Feng feel more comfortable. He doesn't want to owe others, especially Wu Daozi, who helped him a lot along the way.