Chapter 4540

After one of the pedestrians rushed out, these monsters seemed to feel something. They rushed here one after another. The speed of these monsters was not slow at all, and soon surrounded Lin Ling and others.

The speed of this group of monsters made everyone unable to respond for a time.

"We are not rivals at all!"

"Yes, the number of these monsters is increasing. If it goes on like this, we haven't dealt with these monsters yet. These monsters will deal with us!"

"What should I do?"

Those practitioners saw a steady stream of monsters coming and said with their teeth, "what should I do?"


Chang Wen sighed, "these monsters will only attack here. The only thing we can do is to deal with them as soon as possible."

"In the wheel fight, don't fight together. Divide it into two batches. One batch of fighting enters the inside to recover their rest, and then continue to fight. The injured people have pills on them, and take pills according to their injuries."

Lin Ling's voice was still cool, but the greeting speed was not slow at all. He killed a monster at random. Lin Ling turned to look at the big guy, and his voice became more and more soft. "Please stick to it. This is only a small-scale animal tide, and the number of animal tides is limited, and, Don't you find that there are fewer and fewer monsters coming to attack? "

"As long as we stick to it, we can deal with all the monsters. Come on."

"Although there are a lot of wild monsters this time, you see, the speed of these monsters is getting slower and slower. Everyone has made every effort. As long as we deal with these wild monsters, we will be safe."

Lin Ling's comfort came out just right. The practitioners who were still a little unsure heard Lin Ling's comfort, and they cheered up one by one and tried their best to deal with those monsters.

As long as the number is reduced and all monsters can be dealt with, this is the best arrangement for them!

Their goal is these monsters, and their goal is also these monsters. But the original number of monsters is too many, and they have no way to deal with it. Now, Lin Ling has given them a way.

This is the best result!

Hearing Lin Ling's words, all the people perked up and accelerated the speed of shooting!

"Come on, everyone. The monster will be dealt with soon!"

"Yes, as long as we deal with the monster, we can be liberated!"

"Shit, these wild monsters almost made an appointment with our old life!"

Everyone's faces were a little more so-called excited. Everyone wore a smile on their faces, and the whole person became a lot more excited.

There is no doubt that Lin Ling's opening at this time gave them the greatest benefit and gave them all their mind to deal with these monsters!

"Yes, it's almost finished."

Looking at the decreasing monsters, Chang Wen's eyes flashed a faint pain, and in turn accelerated the speed of his hand.

Mu Hongying didn't know when to join the battle. Standing beside Chang Wen, her eyes were full of contempt.

"It seems that Mr. Chang Wen is not happy this time."

"Oh, what a pity!"

"Just say what you have. It's half obscure. It's ugly." Chang Wen always killed the monster, turned his head to Mu Hongying, sneered and said, "Mu Hongying, don't forget, if something happens to you this time, I don't think I'll let you go."


Mu Hongying sneered, with a little more contempt in her eyes. "You think so. Do you really think I can't handle it?"

Chang Wen smiled and didn't speak again.

Mu Hongying turned to fight in other places, and Lin Ling came out from Chang Wen.

"What task?"

Lin Ling's sudden opening startled Chang Wen, "Lin Ling, why are you here?"

"I've been fighting behind you, but you didn't pay attention to me." Lin Ling's eyes glanced at Chang Wen, and the corners of his mouth hooked, "what task?"

Hearing Lin Ling's words, Chang Wen hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "nothing. It's just talking to Mu Hongying."

"Teacher Chang Wen said he liked me, and then he maintained such a mysterious relationship with Mu Hongying. Can I see how many boats Teacher Chang Wen stepped on?"

Lin Ling's voice was not high, and his voice was chilly, but Chang Wen's body trembled.

"Lin Ling, my thoughts on you are unique."

"But I like people who don't play tricks on me."

Hearing Lin Ling's words, Chang Wen had to speak, but Lin Ling put a monster behind Ping Zhi.

"I'll come!"

Chang Wen wanted to move his hand. Ping Zhi's Zen stick passed through the monster's body. Lin Ling followed Ping Zhi. The two bodies turned over and stood together to attack in front.

"How's it going?"

Ping Zhi turned and asked Lin Ling, "if you can't hold on, go to rest first. I can continue."

"It's OK. I mainly need to take some pills."

Lin Ling threw the pill into his mouth. There were not many pills on hand.

These pills were given by Qin sang to maintain her body.

"What pill? I'll help you find a way." Ping Zhi's look eased a little and whispered.

"It's useless." Lin Ling shook his head and continued to fight. "Continue to fight. I can maintain it. Don't worry about me."

Lin Ling swept Zhang San's information and hooked the corner of his mouth.

This guy is really a natural paparazzi.

The following battles continued, and all the practitioners broke out their greatest strength. At this time, it was almost impossible for those monsters to continue to settle here.

Everyone is fighting and fighting faster and faster.


The practitioners licked their lips and looked at the falling monsters. Their faces were a little crazy.

This is their masterpiece!

The number of these monsters is really decreasing!

Finally, the last monster fell.

Almost all the practitioners lay on the ground. They didn't want to move at this time.

This battle, after a day and a night, everyone showed their greatest ability and carried out the final extreme battle.

Originally, they thought the result was very slow, but beyond their expectation, the result was even better than they thought.

"We won."

I don't know who shouted, and all the disciples flew up in an instant.

"We won!"