60 Annulled Engagemen

Kira stepped in her father's office after hearing his stern 'Come in.' It was a process that she had done so many times before that she was really used to it. Even though she was his daughter he wouldn't let her go into his office without knocking. It was probably because of the two words 'Come in.' He wanted to say it more often, to hear his voice and if he didn't say it to her. Then he would have fewer chances to do so. 

"What do you need me for father?" Kira asked solemnly, her voice didn't have an ounce of enthusiasm. She couldn't even be bothered to fake enthusiasm. 

"You've made quite a way of improvement. Whether it was your unwillingness and frustration or your repeated interaction with others. I've heard and seen you come out of the shell that you've hidden in thus far." Her father nodded approvingly when he saw her walk into the office and close the door behind her. If she wasn't already frowning, a small frown found its way onto her face. It was all his fault, she had to force herself to interact with all the student councils just because she had taken over as the president. And it wasn't like other members were even satisfied with her role. She was just a newbie that they didn't know that well, but now she was president and they all had to listen to her. If it wasn't for Seti, helping her calm the people and complete her tasks. She would have been kicked out by now.

Before she rarely talked to others if they didn't talk to her first, but now she had to talk to others even if they didn't want to talk to her. That was simply skipping pass at least 5 levels. If she was antisocial before, now she had to be shameless. Who could get used to that arrangement so quickly? If she had a weaker will, she would have already given up. She just didn't want to disappoint others. No matter how unwilling she was. 

"Now, don't frown and stare at me so, with such hatred. Don't you understand, I just want the best for you. Your mother had asked me to take good care of you, so I must do something that would benefit you, don't I? In the end, I want you to learn more about others and the world. And it would help me too if I had a good report to give your mother." Her father spoke every word with weight and such righteousness that she almost believed him. But she knew that he was probably just doing his best to please her mother. Her mother had been the one that most wanted her to be an outgoing lady. As she had noticed that throughout her childhood, she didn't have many friends or any at all. So she wanted that to change once she had entered the academy. 

Of course, it wasn't going to, so her father must've seen how hopeless it was and just pushed her into a role that made her outgoing. 

"Can we not dance around the main topic? Why did you call me here?" Kira finally spoke, a trace of annoyance could be heard in her voice. She wasn't sure what her father had to tell her, but she just wanted to get it over with it quickly. 

"Oh, your engagement with the Crown Prince Lucian has been annulled." For once her father had shortened his words and didn't try to draw out his sentence indefinitely. But it was this short sentence that had shocked her the most.

"Annulled?" Kira asked, repeating the words her father had told her in her head. She couldn't believe it. She was stunned, but it wasn't for any emotional reason. The prince and her had never had any close relationship. So she wasn't sad to see her engagement annulled. What surprised her the most was that it could be annulled in the first place. It was something that the late queen had planned and it was made when they were both children. This engagement was publicized all across the country. It couldn't be that royal engagements could be so easily broken?

Why did the king, who loved the late queen so dearly, let his son overthrow whatever his mother had planned? It all seemed so suspicious. But no matter how suspicious she was, a part of her was truly glad. She didn't want to be married to someone she did not love. Even if it was her the crown prince. She wanted to be like her parents, no matter how strange their two personalities are. They truly loved one another. If she would ever be able to tolerate another person enough to marry them. She wanted that kind of relationship. 

"Annulled. The prince had submitted this request to his father long before the school year started. He must've had someone in his heart because the requirement the late queen had set was that the engagement could only be broken. If one or the other within the engagement had found someone else that they truly loved." Her father confirmed her suspicions and his tone was eerily nonchalant. She was a little confused, was her father just not worried about her future? Not even a little bit. Now that there's no engagement. Don't you feel that your daughter might never be married? She'll be a spinster all her life. Well, that wasn't too bad a deal, but still. Couldn't her father show even a little bit of care to her? 

"I see, then I wish the crown prince all the happiness in the world with his beloved." Kira quickly accepted her new circumstances and turned to leave. This must be the only reason her father had called for her and it either was that devastating of news nor was it a lecture. So she was lucky. 

"Wait, I have not excused you yet girl. Don't you know, I've heard some complaints about you from the student council. I've also listened to some of Seti's reports on what you've been doing. You can't escape yet, I have to tell you rights from wrongs." Her father's last words crushed all her hopes and she held her head low, as she dragged her feet to walk to the chairs across from his desk. She cursed Seti in her mind, that traitor! Dare report her to her father!