63 Workloads

Aileene's days were getting more and more unhindered. Whatever self-control she had left disappeared with the winds of change that had swept her life. And she was slowly accepting the fact that all this was fine, it was fine for her to be happy. It was fine for her days to pass by with no worries and it was fine for her to rest after such a long mission.  

And even though she was still receiving the letters of progress from Dmitri. She was no longer as focused or as impassioned about her goal. She had thought herself to be immovable, but she had never truly admitted to herself how human she was. Before she had thought to complete her mission for her parents, after their death she had thought to abandon her mission for them and now she wanted to drop all her ambitious for such a lovely romance. Aileene wanted to laugh at herself, she didn't know if she was a fool or a fool in denial. 

Even so, if she wanted to question herself, she'll do it at a later time. For now, she'll just stop thinking, she'll stop thinking for a while. 

Lucian watched Aileene read a passage from their textbook, as she took notes, and he was once again distracted. He had been the one to suggest that they do all their work and studies together. So that they could rely on one another and help themselves with anything that they could be confused on. She had also thought it was a good idea, so they planned a session twice a week. It would be at the library since it was the most convenient location with all the resources that they might need. They had even chosen a good position at a discreet corner of the library so that fewer people would distract them or bother them. It was also in public if they had conducted it at their own dormitories, savoring rumors could be spread about the two of them. Even if he didn't care about others and their opinion, he didn't want Aileene to be under any scrutiny. 

So when they had finally planned everything out, the two of them set a goal for themselves, they would spend the rest of the afternoon at that round table, piled up with books. They wouldn't get distracted and they would endeavor to finish all their work. 

But it was really harder said than done, Lucian was already distracted and they had just started. He was distracted by Aileene's diligent self. She was really so cute, no matter what she did. She was so focused at this moment, that he couldn't help but pause to admire her. Though his lag in movement quickly caught Aileene's attention, and she glanced up at him, to see Lucian shamelessly stare at her with no restraint. She sighed, but a small smile still made its way onto her face. She coughed and pointed at his paper, prompting him to start working again. 

"Oh, there's just something I didn't understand and needed to ask your help for," Lucian replied smoothly and kept watching her, waiting for an answered. It seemed her warning didn't work, so Aileene smiled sweetly and unexpectedly knocked Lucian's head with the back of her fountain pen. 

"Focus, we're only on the syllabus," Aileene said simply and turned back to reading through the article that they were given.

"Aileene, don't be so harsh. I was only kidding." Lucian pouted and said pitifully to gain her sympathy. She ignores him and he was forced to turn back to read the article, which was nowhere as interesting as Aileene. 

Something that Kira would never get used to was Seti, no matter how much she saw him. And now even more so, since he was always with her, no matter what. He used to only be her vice-president, so she would see him at the office, but that for it. That all suddenly changed though, for some inexpiable reason he was made her assistant by her father's command. He had told her that it was because she wasn't being responsible and completing all the tasks that she needed to complete. 

But who's fault was that? Was it because of her lack of experience and incredibly limited schedule due to being involved in so many things, or was it because of the father that forced her into all these things in the first place? And yes, they would probably not be backlogged for a whole week if she wasn't the president. But was it her fault? She also didn't choose this, ahhh! 

There was no reason for this, there were so many others that were much better in both experience and time management. And she, the most unwilling participant was the one with the most concentrated amount of work. 

It was to the point that if her Senior didn't come back by the end of the week, she would just find a tall building to jump off of. That was the first option, the second was for her to just shove all her paperwork off the same very tall building, whatever it was to soothe her soul even a little bit. She just wanted a break of some sort, she couldn't remember the last time that she had a full night of rest. She had to use her precious sleep time to make up a lot of the work that she hadn't gotten to before, she had to pull all-nighters with Seti by her side. And she would try her best to do her work. (But he did most of the work, as she kept falling asleep.) 

"Where are you wandering off to?" Seti asked bluntly and Kira finally snapped out of her thoughts, she looked up at him. And inspected her new environment, she wasn't paying attention and by Seti's stare, she wasn't going to admit it. Even if she was walking in the completely different than where the library was. 

Kira coughed and avoided eye contact with him, as she turned and corrected her path. She continued walking to the library, this time with fewer thoughts on her mind.