181 Only I Can Touch You

Lu Zhaoyang was dead tired, and soon fell asleep.

What happened after that day was completely beyond her expectations.

Huo Yunting continued to work on making her happy and taking care of her. Of course, she never once accepted his intentions.

No matter how many times she refused to give in, Huo Yunting continued to tolerate her, and that made her feel very unsettled.

On this particular night, Lu Zhaoyang managed to survive another round of dinner under Huo Yunting's "care".

She just wanted to sleep early and keep him out of her sight.

After her shower, she laid on bed and carefully took out her beloved pocket watch. She stared at the portrait hidden inside.

He was a gentle and charismatic man, a combination of elegance and boldness.

The man she loved was so perfect.

Ever since Huo Chen returned to her, she had seldom taken out the pocket watch.

His prolonged absence recently must have made her miss him again.


The door opened. Lu Zhaoyang looked up flatly at the man who came in, and then switched off the lights at the bedside. She hid under the blankets and returned the pocket watch back to its proper place.

As his footsteps came closer and closer, Lu Zhaoyang hoped against hope that she would fall asleep before he reached her.

Nevertheless, she could hear Huo Yunting's voice through her half-slumber, asking, "That thing... Is it over yet?"

Lu Zhaoyang instinctively rolled to the other side of the bed, but the large hand that laid on her waist pulled her back…

… and she fell right into Huo Yunting's arms.

He had just showered…

Why was he naked?!

Lu Zhaoyang promptly replied to him, "Not yet. Don't you dare."

"Is that right…" Huo Yunting's hands caressed her legs. "Then let me have a look."

Lu Zhaoyang felt her chest tighten. Her period was already over, but she was trying to fake it tonight and stop Huo Yunting from messing around!

The lights by the bed lit up. She felt the blankets over her being removed, and then Huo Yunting began to do his inspection.

There was no blood.

"I knew that it shouldn't take this long. Looks like I know your body better than you do."

Huo Yunting tossed her panties away and pressed his body against hers. He began to play with the loose strands of hair by her ear.

"You have rested enough these few days. Time to pay your debt."

Lu Zhaoyang turned her head away, but his hands turned her back to look at him.

Huo Yunting noticed how coolly she was handling this, and suddenly felt a flicker of rage. "Are you trying to save yourself for someone?"

For Huo Chen?

"My body is beyond saving." He had forcefully taken her into marriage and into bed. What else was there in her to save?

"You're wrong." Huo Yunting traced his fingers against her cheeks, moving downward slowly to her body curves. "Lu Zhaoyang, your body is of the highest quality. But no matter how good you are, only I can touch it."

No one but him was allowed to see her in the height of her sexual allure!

Lu Zhaoyang chuckled coldly. "Make it quick, then. I'm sleepy!"

She really wanted to rest. She closed her eyes obediently and waited for him to take her.

Huo Yunting's fingers paused in their exploration, and then left her skin.

He felt deflated by her lack of spirit. Moreover, he felt a little lost.

Does she really hate me that much?