378 Gluttonous Bodyguard II

"What's with the boss? Didn't he tell you? I am your new bodyguard."

Yan Se put an arm over her shoulder and guided her to the elevator. She winker playfully at her and smiled mischievously. "Say, what's your take on our boss's skills in bed?"


Isn't our relationship supposed to be a secret?

Why does a mere employee know about it?!

The man had skills, but she definitely would not answer her question!

After they were in the elevator, Yan Se stood very close to her like they were best buddies. She looked so short standing beside her new bodyguard.

Lu Zhaoyang pursed her lips. The lady bodyguard was going to follow her like a shadow. She would have to ask Xiang Jinxi for approval and explain that it was only a safety precaution by the Huo family due to uncertain times ahead.

After all, Xiang Jinxi knew about her background.

The elevator door opened. Lu Zhaoyang stepped outside and said plainly, "When I am working, please be quiet."

"I will, but you should be aware of something."

Yan Se threw the lollipop stick into the nearest trash bin. Her high heels clicked sharply in the hallway.

"What is it?"

"I have a bad habit."

"Then you can leave now."

Lu Zhaoyang entered her own office room. She never wanted a bodyguard anyway.

"You're such a bore." Yan Se followed her inside and leaned one hand against her desk. "It's nothing serious, really. I just like to eat, all the time. I must have starved to death in my past life."

Lu Zhaoyang recalled seeing her finish the lollipop and nodded.

"You are not cute, but that is one sexy body!"

Yan Se snapped her fingers at her and then made her way to the sofa.

Lu Zhaoyang heard a wrapper being torn open. She looked up to see her bodyguard munching on a chocolate bar.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Xiang Jinxi approved her bodyguard soon after. That made her feel more comfortable having Yan Se around in the office.

For the rest of the day, she got to witness her bodyguard's appetite. Yan Se never stop eating since she stepped into the office.

After work, Lu Zhaoyang thought that she would be free once she reached home. To her surprise, Yan Se followed her upstairs.

At the door, Lu Zhaoyang fished out her keys and turned to speak to her bodyguard, "I'm home. You can leave now. Thank you for your… protection today."

Listening to the background noise of Yan Se munching throughout the day caused her work efficiency to plummet!

"Can't I stay for dinner?" Yan Se snatched the keys from her and proceeded to unlock the door. "Boss said that you're an excellent cook. I'll leave after dinner, dear, thank you very much!"


Are you sure you didn't hire her to make me a babysitter instead, Huo Yunting?

She stepped into her apartment and found Yan Se lounging on her sofa like it was her own place.

"How can you not have snacks in the house?!" Yen Se looked aggrieved. She took a coffee bean from Huo Yunting's stash and tossed it in her mouth.

"That's horrible." She spat it out immediately.

"I'm making dinner. Why don't you have some fruits in the meantime?" Lu Zhaoyang washed her hands and entered the kitchen.

Huo Yunting's employees are all the same — they are all troublesome!

When dinner was ready, Yan Se happily helped her prepare the table. She seemed to enjoy the food a lot and that made Lu Zhaoyang feel better.