Chapter 388: invest

  Chapter 388 Investments

Zhao Bin thought to himself, I just asked casually, why did you give me a lesson?

But since he is the director, Zhao Bin didn't dare to contradict him, so he could only laugh a few times in embarrassment.

Han Guanqi patted Zhao Bin on the shoulder and said, "Old Zhao, although the role given to you by the boss is not much, but it is just like what the boss said before, and the performance is very brilliant! Seize the opportunity, to put it bluntly, we There are not many opportunities for people to cooperate with the boss in the future.”

Zhao Bin's expression gradually became serious after hearing this, and he also understood this truth.

Now Qi Lin is in full swing, and has already won the Best Actor Award for the Golden Xiang Award, and was shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor in November!

If they win these two awards in a year, the popularity will be unparalleled, and they may even step into the top batch of Chinese movie artists in one step!

And Qi Lin is only twenty-six years old!

This number is enough to discourage countless people.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will only be left further and further away by Qi Lin in the future.

So to have the opportunity now, you must perform well!

Han Guanqi looked to the side casually, then mumbled.

"Old Zhao, you are not the only one under Brother Lan now, and the two of them have a lot of roles in the movie. If you don't perform well, you will be surpassed."

After hearing this, Zhao Bin waved his hands with a smile and said, "Hey, he has bigger wrists than mine, so how long has it been since I debuted?"

That being said, the ambition in Zhao Bin's eyes is undisguised!

Han Guanqi finally showed a satisfied expression. People eat whole grains and have seven emotions and six desires. He almost joined with Zhao Bin, and they filmed "White Night Chasing the Murder" together, so they naturally became closer.

It can be said that Zhao Bin and Han Guanqi are mutually accomplished.

Now there is a newcomer in the studio, of course he wants to win more for his old friends.

On the other side, Qi Lin, who is far away in Hollywood, has just finished a day of filming.

"Brother, there are several small directors in China who have come to our door, hoping that we can invest in making movies for them."

Qi Lin was startled, and turned to look at Wang Xiaohua in surprise.

"Sister, can we be investors now?"

Wang Xiaohua laughed and said, "Of course, if you have money, you can be an investor."

Qi Lin is still a little uncomfortable. He has invested in movies before, but he was involved in the investment of movies, such as "Embroidered Spring Knife".

But I never thought that I could also invest in making movies.

In his mind, although he is rich now, he is actually an office worker.

Filming and earning money are no different from going to work, except that my salary is higher.

But investment is different. It is equivalent to doing business, and doing business will have profit and loss.

That is to say, there is an element of gambling, which is exactly what Qi Lin doesn't like.

He has never believed in his luck since he was a child. He has never won another bottle when he bought a drink, and he has never won a consolation prize when he bought a lottery ticket. In a word, he is very unlucky!

It’s like, there are two choices in front of you now. The first choice is to spend one dollar and then draw a lottery. There is a 1% chance of winning!

The second option is to buy directly with money, and accept installments, but it costs 200 yuan. Qi Lin will definitely choose the second option without even thinking about it.

Because he knew that with his own luck, he might not be able to draw a prize for three hundred yuan!

Now that Wang Xiaohua talked about investing, he began to doubt his luck again.

Wang Xiaohua smiled when she saw this: "Now that our studio has grown and our reputation has grown, we can no longer just make movies like before. Besides, we don't invest in all movies. We also need to read the director and the script before investing."

Qi Lin nodded, thought for a while and said, "Sister, just watch."

Wang Xiaohua hummed: "The people who come to us now are all small investors, and film investments are generally invested by more than four or five investment companies, which can also share investment risks."

Qi Lin really didn't understand these things, but he could roughly guess Wang Xiaohua's intentions.

To put it simply, it is to expand the scope of influence of the studio.

Just like the Penguin Group, they have dabbled a lot. Who knows which cloud has rain?

Many large domestic companies are like this, casting a wide net to catch more fish.

Qi Lin also considered this point, and deeply felt that there are still too few people around him!

Now, only Wang Xiaohua and He Jiaxin are responsible for the daily work of 【Kirin Studio】. Strictly speaking, only Wang Xiaohua is in charge, because He Jiaxin is in charge of Qi Lin himself more of the time.

The three cobblers are Zhuge Liang. Now there are too few people around who give ideas, so it is inevitable that there are some limitations.

It is the same reason that many big company bosses have think tanks around them.

Hearing that Qi Lin agreed to come down, Wang Xiaohua took the computer and found a folder inside.

"I probably went through a while, and selected three pretty good scripts, take a look."

Qi Lin hummed, took the computer, and saw three documents in the folder.

"That Year, That Month, That Day", "The Heart Blossoms on the Road", "The Story of Me and Three Dogs".

The corners of Qi Lin's eyes couldn't help but start to twitch, what the **** is this? Why do you feel that you will lose money just by hearing the name of the movie?

Is my decision to invest just now a little too hasty?

Qi Lin watched "That Year, That Month, That Day" first. Although the name of the movie is not good, the plot is not bad, and it can be regarded as relatively novel.

It tells the story of a person caught in a time loop, trapped in a time node, repeating the same day's story every day, and finally turning this greedy and stingy person into a willing person who is willing to help others, time node ends.

The second "Heart Blossoms on the Road" is a typical road movie. It tells the story of a person after divorce who completes his mental journey on the road.

And there is a small reversal in the ending, which can be regarded as the finishing touch.

In general, Qi Lin is more optimistic about this movie.

The last "The Story of Three Dogs and Me" is a typical literary film. Qi Lin couldn't watch it after watching half of it. It's too miserable!

Qi Lin has never dared to watch this kind of tragic movie involving small animals. He is soft-hearted and can't stand this kind of movie.

Qi Lin put down the computer and said, "I can read both "That Year, That Month, That Day" and "The Heart Blossoming on the Road". The last one is a bit depressing, so forget it."

Wang Xiaohua hummed, and took the computer casually.

"How much do they need?"

""That Year, That Month, That Day" needs three million, and "Heart Flower Road Fang" needs a little more, five million."

Qi Lin was dumbfounded when he heard the price, what the hell? three million? five million?

Qi Lin even had a feeling that he heard it wrong. He struggled for a long time before, but it turned out that he only needed three to five million?

(end of this chapter)