Chapter 372 Seeking Cooperation [Part 1]

The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Chapter 372 Seeking Cooperation [Part 1]

?Haliburn Mountain, a Mountain that was at least 12,000 meters above sea level, and home to two Elder Dragons, who called it their home.

Eizenth, was currently laying on her nest, still feeling murderous about the abduction of her child.

If not for the fact that there would certainly be powerful defensive measures in place within Dawnbreaker Academy, she would have already razed it to the ground.

The appearance of the Elder Wind Elemental was also a problem, although she was very resistant to Magic, fighting off an Elder Elemental might cause her to seriously get hurt, which was not an ideal scenario.

Because of this, she had given them an ultimatum of a week, while she waited for her Mate to return.

If he was here, she wouldn’t have to worry about the Elder Wind Elemental, as well as the defensive measures of the academy.

The Professors that also specialized in combat were already gone, which would make things easier.

‘Don’t worry, Child, I will avenge you,’ Eizenth vowed bitterly as she looked at the place in her nest, where her egg used to be.

Suddenly, she heard a loud explosion at the entrance of her cave, making her raise her head with a frown.

“Are you Eizenth?” Professor Barret asked in a loud and intimidating voice. “Speak up or I will kill you where you lay.”

“Kill me?” Eizenth snorted as she raised her head to look down on the ants who dared to barge into her home. “I’ve been feeling murderous as of late. Since all of you have come here, then be prepared to die!”

Just as she was about to unleash her Dragon’s Breath, a Bronze Giant suddenly lunged in her direction and smashed its fist on her face, making her take a step back.

Henry was using the 4th Stage of his Legacy, allowing him to transform into the Bronze Giant at will, but it had some limitations.

He could only use it three times a week, and each time could only last for thirty minutes.

As soon as Professor Barret unleashed his second wave of binding, he unleashed the power of Sebastian and the Sea God’s Trident.

But, that was not all, he also asked the help of the Mermaid Princess, who would always stand by his side.


Ethan’s wand transformed into the Mermaid Princess, who swam on the sea water that was summoned by the blue gem of the Sea God’s Trident.

To Ethan’s surprise, Illumina made a beeline towards the Elder Dragon’s face, and used her tail to give Eizenth a resounding slap, which surprisingly sent the Elder Dragon’s body smashing towards the wall of the cavern.

“... Was she always that strong?” Ethan asked Sebastian and his Other Half, who were just as surprised as him.

“I knew that Mermaid Princesses were strong, and powerful, but this is the first time I’m seeing one fight like this,” Sebastian commented. “Usually, they just hurl long distance spells, and overpower their enemy through magic. It seems that Illumina hadn’t shown us her true strength.”

“Be careful, Ethan,” Ethan’s Other Half chuckled. “I don’t know if it is true, but they say that Mermaid Princesses are very possessive. You might get fish slapped, just like that Elder Dragon, and from the look of it, it’s bound to hurt a lot.”

Ethan ignored his Other Half’s comment and shifted his attention back to the battlefield.

With Illumina’s power, she had trapped the Elder Dragon in a dome of water, where the Mermaid Princess was completely in her element.

Professor Barret’s chains still bound the Elder Dragon, so Illumina’s attacks hit her target perfectly, making Eizenth unable to do anything.

A few seconds later, Henry once again joined the battle.

The funny part about this was that the Bronze Giant had no problems moving, and fighting in the water.

With two hard hitters, smacking Eizenth left and right, and Professor Barret’s binding, the Elder Dragon was reduced to a sorry state.

However, she was still not defeated.

If they were fighting at sea, Ethan would just have bound Eizenth’s body and forcefully dragged her to the bottom of the sea, drowning her completely.