Chapter 380 I Worry A Little About The Future

Chapter 380 I Worry A Little About The Future

?“Right now, I’m probably the happiest girl in the world,” Lilian said softly as she buried her head in Ethan's robes, trying to hide the look of embarrassment on her face.

“You’re exaggerating,” Ethan replied as he looked up at the starry sky. “I’m not the kind of person you think I am, Lilian.”

The two of them lay on the picnic blanket, holding onto each other.

The golden lights illuminating the lake earlier were gone, and only the light of the moon and the stars in the sky shone down upon them.

A cold yet gentle breeze blew over the lake. But since Lilian was sharing Ethan’s warmth, the cold didn’t bother her anyway.

After their kissing session, the two had finally formalized their status as lovers with each other.

Lilian was ecstatic with this development because she initially estimated that she would have to spend an entire school year in order to make Ethan agree to become her lover.

However, before Ethan agreed, he told her about the status of his love life.

He told him about Lily, Luna, and Emma.

The young man also told her about his latest breakup with Chloe, which surprised the young lady very much.

However, after finding out that she was an Ordinarius at birth and was raised by a conservative family, she kind of understood where the other party was coming from.

Unlike Chloe, Lilian knew since she was born that there would come a time when she would be married off by her family in order to strengthen their influence and political ties.

Back then, she was fine with this arrangement. Noble daughters were expected to marry the person that was chosen by their parents.

She even convinced herself that she would devote her life to her husband, as well as help her family achieve the purpose of her marriage. Lilian believed back then that no matter what happen, or who she would marry, she would make the best out of it.

But that changed when she met Ethan.

The moment she realized her feelings for him and the power that could be unlocked by being together with him, Lilian knew then and there that she would no longer be a tool used by her family to further their political ambitions.

She felt guilty when she decided to choose her heart instead of her family by making a decision that would affect her for the rest of her life.

However, she believed that this was the right choice.

‘Yes,’ Ethan’s Other Half replied. ‘We’ll get him next time.’

Ethan suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, which made him wonder what diabolical plans the two no-good beings were cooking up inside his head.

“Is there something wrong, Ethan?” Lilian asked when the young man suddenly stopped walking.

“No,” Ethan replied. “I just thought that some people were thinking about bad things about me.”

“Well, whoever they are, I wish they would go bald,” Lilian said in a cold tone.

Now that she was officially Ethan’s lover, anyone who wished him ill would become her enemy.

Not only was she a very loyal person, but she was overprotective as well. If her brother were to do anything to hurt Ethan, she would definitely be there to stop him with everything she had.

"Ethan, I just want to say one thing,” Lilian said as she looked at the young man, who was holding her hand.

“And that is?” Ethan asked with a curious look on his face.

“Thank you,” Lilian said. “And I look forward to spending my life with you.”

Sebastian teared up from inside Ethan’s Sea of Consciousness.

‘This girl is too good for Ethan,’ Sebastian said. ‘Must protect!’

Ethan’s Other Half also nodded his head.

Among Ethan’s lovers, he was more biased toward Lilian because she would play a major role in making the young man a true powerhouse in the world.

“There’s no need to thank me,” Ethan said as he pulled Lilian close to him. “Because I decided to choose you to become my lover for selfish reasons. I already told you, I am not as kind and as good a person as you think I am.”

“I know,” Lilian replied. “But you still made the decision to choose me. For that, I am thankful.”

The young lady then pressed her hands over Ethan’s shoulders and stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips.

The kiss was gentle and lasted for only three seconds at most, but it was enough to convey Lilian’s true feelings to him.

“I worry a little about the future,” Ethan replied before wrapping his arms around Lilian and lowering his head to kiss her lips.

With such an adorable and loving girl as his lover, Ethan knew that he would not be able to let go of Lilian once he truly fell in love with her, who had every intention of staying by his side forever.