Chapter 400 You Can Treat It As A Reward

Chapter 400 You Can Treat It As A Reward

?Ethan woke up with a very painful headache that made him flinch the moment he opened his eyes.

It took him a while to remember why he was currently feeling sick and groaned on his bed.

A moment later, the Black Cat sleeping beside him opened her eyes and looked at her Master with concern.

“Master, does your head hurt?” Lilith asked anxiously. “You used up almost all of your magic reserves yesterday and pushed yourself to the limit. You will feel better if you kiss a black cat to absorb some of her magic.”

Ethan looked at Lilith’s expectant face while rubbing his forehead due to the pain. He didn’t know if his Protector was joking or not, but her words about pushing himself to the limit were true.

Right now, his body was as heavy as lead, and his head hurt like hell.

Although he was in pain, a smile still appeared on his face because of Lilith’s subtle invitation to kiss her.

“Master, it is our duty to ensure that you are safe and healthy,” Lilith insisted upon seeing Ethan’s faint smile. “Don’t worry, all you need to do is close your eyes, and I will handle the rest!”

“That will be me taking advantage of your kindness,” Ethan replied with a sigh. “The last time I took advantage of someone’s kindness, she became my first lover and has been bound to become my bride.”

“... Isn’t that even better?” Lilith’s true thoughts slipped out of her mouth, but she wasn’t aware that she had spoken out loud.

Ethan rubbed her head, and just as she was about to stand up, he heard someone knock on the door. N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

Lilith clicked her tongue in annoyance because someone had gotten in her way of being kissed by her Master.

She then reluctantly merged with Ethan’s shadow and glared hatefully at the door.

Ethan walked toward the door and opened it.

“You look terrible,” Nicole commented the moment she saw Ethan’s haggard and disheveled figure.

“Terrible is an understatement,” Ethan replied. “My head hurts, and I feel like dying. Would you like to come in first?”

“Okay.” Nicole nodded and stepped inside Ethan’s room.

“However, if there is no Dungeon Outbreak and only a Monster Stampede at most, he said that we shall continue the mission. Otherwise, he will write it off as a failure.”

Ethan frowned after hearing Nicole’s statement.

No one, especially the people of Otto City, wanted a Dungeon Outbreak to happen. Even he didn’t want that kind of fate to befall the city.

However, not stopping the trial despite knowing that there could be hundreds of Monsters waiting inside the Dungeon was harsh.

This was akin to telling Nicole, Luca, and Preston to charge to their deaths.

“Your Patriarch sure is a man of character,” Ethan couldn’t help but feel troubled as he looked at their team leader. “Does anyone in the city plan to do anything to confirm if there is going to be a Monster Outbreak?”

“The Mayor asked every able-bodied citizen to take up arms and rotate through watch duty on the City Walls,” Nicole replied. “If no monsters emerge from the Dungeon after three days, they will send in a team of experts to check if the Monster Stampede is still active.”

Ethan nodded in understanding. The Mayor’s plan was good. It would prevent unnecessary deaths and would ensure that all the people who could fight would be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.

“Samantha and I already ate breakfast,” Nicole replied. “But we can have lunch together if you like. We will also discuss our plans later.”

“Okay,” Ethan thought that this was a good plan.

After regaining some magic power, his headache had eased up considerably, and he was now able to think properly.

“Nicole, can I ask you something?”


“If someone else were to ask you to kiss them, would you do so just because they asked?” Ethan asked with curiosity.

“Of course not,” Nicole replied. “But don’t get the wrong idea, okay? I kissed you because I felt guilty about what happened yesterday. That kiss doesn’t mean anything and is more like a greeting. I also don’t intend to become part of your harem.”

Ethan nodded because he could feel that Nicole didn’t really think of him in any romantic way.

‘I’m just thinking too much,’ Ethan thought as he walked Nicole towards the door.

But right before Nicole was about to leave, she gave Ethan a mischievous smile.

“Although I don’t really think of you as a romantic partner, you are perhaps my closest friend in the academy,” Nicole stated. “Also, I don’t mind kissing you again if we clear this mission. So you can treat it as a reward.”

With a playful wink, the pink-haired beauty left the room, leaving the young man staring at the door, with a certain Black Cat hissing inside his shadow.