Chapter 411 The Special Guest Of Brynhildr Academy

Chapter 411 The Special Guest Of Brynhildr Academy

?Ethan’s first dance lesson ended just before sunset.

Since he would be meeting with the Grand Archmage of the Kingdom of Eastshire, he wanted to at least look presentable in order to leave a good impression.

Although he didn’t want to rub shoulders with Nobles, forming a good relationship with the King’s right-hand man wasn’t a bad thing.

“You did well, Ethan,” Lilian said before leaning her head on his chest, allowing the young man to support all of her weight. “Not bad for your first dance lesson. You are a good student.”

“It’s only because you are a good teacher,” Ethan replied as he wrapped his left arm around Lilian’s body while patting her head with his right hand. “Thank you, Lilian.”

“You’re welcome. We’ll continue our lessons tomorrow, so don’t be late.”


The two shared a kiss before they went their separate ways.

Ethan went to his room to shower and change his clothes. Lilian drilled him hard on several dances, so he was sweaty.

But since he was having fun, time passed swiftly, and before he knew it, the sun had already set.

Luna and Lilian were already waiting for him when he arrived in the Common Room. They planned to eat together in the Dining Hall because this was also when Professor Rinehart would introduce the special guest who had visited their academy.

Upon arriving in the Dining Hall, they were surprised to see that every single member of Dud Manor was there since most of them preferred to eat in the Manor.

Nicole, who was almost always at their table, was seated at the Eques Manor’s table. Ethan wondered if this arrangement was due to the Head Prefects being informed of the Grand Archamge’s visit.

That was the only explanation he could come up with for why everyone was behaving properly.

Even the usual chatter in the Dining Hall was less pronounced today, bringing in a rare silence during one of the most social times of the day.

Since everyone in their respective Manors attended different classes throughout the school years, the only chances students met each other were in the Common Room of their Manors and at their assigned tables in the Dining Hall.

These occasions were usually lively as they talked about things that happened during the day. But now, everyone was talking very minimally, and their discussions were short and brief.

Professor Rinehart cleared his throat in order to stop Edmond from saying more. In order to change the subject, the Headmaster of Brynhildr Academy picked up the goblet in front of him and raised it high for a toast.

All the students followed his gesture and also picked up their goblets filled with fruit juice from the table.

“Cheers to Edmond’s health and the continued peace of our Kingdom!”


Professor Rinehart and Professor Barret drank heartily, making Edmond shake his head helplessly.

Even so, he still drank from the goblet, showing everyone that he also wished for good health and the peace of their kingdom.

“Our guest will be staying here for three days and will be observing some of our classes,” Professor Rinehart stated. “So, be sure to show him how talented all of you are, and who knows? You might just become lucky enough to become his next assistant in the future!”

The students cheered after hearing Professor Rinehart’s declaration. If they were able to become the Grand Archmage’s assistant, it would be an honor that their family would brag to their relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even random passersby on the streets.

The corner of Edmond’s lips twitched. He absolutely had no interest in having any assistants right now. However, to prevent his close friend from embarrassment, he simply smiled, neither agreeing to nor denying Professor Rinehart’s statement.

However, as he scanned the faces of the students in the Dining Hall, his gaze lingered for a few seconds on the table assigned to the members of Dud Manor.

His gaze met Ethan’s, and the two stared at each other for a short period of time before the Grand Archmage shifted his attention to the other students.

‘I see. So that’s Ethan Gremory,’ Edmond thought. ‘It seems that he is progressing well.’

The Grand Archmage couldn’t help but smile because the mess that he had been forced to deal with weeks ago seemed to have worked out somehow.

Even so, he still planned to observe for the time being to know whether his decision to help his soon-to-be apprentice was right or wrong.

Edmond didn’t really meddle with the private lives of others, but when it came to people whom he treasured, he could be ruthless to those who dared hurt them.

As everyone ate the feast that the kitchen had prepared for this special occasion, Ethan felt a cold tingling sensation run through his spine.

For a brief moment, he thought that someone was planning to attack him, but since Sebastian and his Other Half didn’t react, it meant that he was just overthinking things.

‘Maybe I’m still tired from my dance lessons,’ Ethan thought as he ate.

He wasn’t aware that Edmond would glance at him from time to time as he conversed with Professor Rinehart, who knew exactly what his friend was thinking.