Chapter 469 Aren’t You Forgetting Someone?

Chapter 469 Aren’t You Forgetting Someone?

The Capital City of Wisteria was truly a sight to behold.

It was more bustling and lively than Otto City, and its size was also massive.

“Where should we go first?” Ethan asked. “Since this isn’t your first time in the capital, do you know of good places we could visit?”

“I know a few,” Nicole replied. “But, I still haven’t explored everything this place has to offer. I also doubt that we’ll have enough time to see all of them before we need to return to the castle.”

“So, what do you suggest?”

“Let’s visit stores for women first. Are you loaded with money?”

“I have enough.”

Ethan was carrying riches with him that could make even a Duke’s jaw drop wide open.

That was the extent of the wealth he gained from the Lands of Alastor and the Magdar Kingdom, which he had temporarily visited in the past.

Nicole, who understood women the most, visited the stores that were catered to women.

She even helped Ethan pick out the latest fashionable dresses for Lily, Luna, Lilian, Emma, and even Chloe, who still wasn’t talking to Ethan until now.

Even so, Luna told him that his cousin always asked about him whenever she visited her in the Jaeger Manor.

Technically, the two of them didn’t really break up.

They only decided to have a cool-off period between the two of them, giving both of them time and space to better understand their true feelings for each other.

“Ethan, what’s on your mind?” Nicole asked after seeing that the young man had zoned out after asking her to help him choose which dress he would give to Chloe.

“I’m not really good at choosing which one she should wear,” Ethan admitted. “What do you recommend?”

Nicole pondered for a bit as she looked at the two dresses on display.

“Maybe the one that will show off her back?” Nicole said in a teasing tone. “I’m sure that the boys in the academy would love it. Chloe is gaining popularity with the men as of late.”

“Rejected!” Ethan crossed his arms in front of him, vetoing the dress that would show his cousin’s skin.

He didn’t want anyone ogling Chloe’s body, especially if the dress she was going to wear was one he bought for her.

“You’re overprotective as always,” Nicole snorted. “Then how about this green dress? It matches her eyes.”

Ethan looked at the fashionable green cocktail dress in front of him and imagined Chloe wearing it.

He then nodded his head in appreciation because he liked what he imagined.

Luna, on the other hand, would receive a pair of earrings with a crescent moon design.

Lilian would be receiving a heart-shaped silver locket.

Emma would get a golden pocket watch that she could carry inside her robes.

As for Chloe, Ethan decided to give her a hairpin and a comb, knowing that she cared for her hair a lot.

Of course, since he knew that he couldn’t leave Nicole out of the equation, he decided to buy her a gift as well.

‘Now, what should I get her?’ Ethan pondered as he looked at the other accessories in the shop.

Then, his eyes landed on a plain-looking silver bracelet that didn’t have any sort of design whatsoever.

But, for some reason, Ethan was quite attracted to it, which prompted the two people inside his Sea of Consciousness to take a better look at the accessory that caught Ethan’s attention.

‘Oh, this sure is a surprise,’ Sebastian commented. ‘You would not have felt it if you hadn’t purposely focused your attention on it.’

‘True,’ Ethan’s Other Half commented. ‘To think that something like this could be found in a store like this. What a stroke of luck.’

Ethan, who heard the two’s exchange, frowned as he picked up the bracelet from the display.

He gave it a closer look, but aside from that “good feeling” he was getting from it, he couldn’t discern what the bracelet could do.

‘Just buy this bracelet, Ethan,’ Sebastian suggested. ‘We’ll explain what it is later.’

‘That’s right,’ Ethan’s Other Half commented. ‘Buy it, but tell Nicole that you will give it to her tomorrow. We still need to do something to it to make it extra special.’

Knowing that the two wouldn’t do anything to harm him and Nicole, Ethan decided to buy the silver bracelet.

Nicole, who had expected that the gift would be given to her, made the “give it to me gesture” but Ethan only shook his head.

“I will give this to you tomorrow,” Ethan stated. “I’ll keep it for now.”

The young lady gave Ethan a weird look, but she still nodded her head in the end.

Since she would receive it in the end anyway, it didn’t really matter if Ethan held onto it for a bit longer.

The two then went to have lunch together at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city.

Although the taste wasn’t as good as the dishes in the Royal Palace, it was still good enough for the two teenagers to appreciate the taste.

A few hours later, both of them returned to the Palace, feeling satisfied with what they had bought during their shopping spree.

They didn’t know that the Grand Archmage of Eastshire was waiting for the two of them because they still hadn’t received their rewards from the Knight and Seek Game, which would be presented to them by the King in his private treasure room.