Chapter 475 Two Monstrous Talents

Chapter 475 Two Monstrous Talents

The sound of spells clashing against each other reverberated inside the Magical Training room.

Chloe panted for breath, but her eyes remained firm as she unleashed a meter-wide Fireball from the tip of her wand.

Her opponent was a pretty lady in her late thirties, with golden eyes that glowed in the dark like a cat’s.

Her silver hair fluttered as she made a slashing action with her wand, slicing Chloe’s fireball in half.

“Magna Ventus Vulnus,” Professor Nicola chanted, sending countless Wind Blades flying in Chloe’s direction.

The young lady didn’t back down and also pointed her wand in front of her.

“Magna Ignis Hasta!”

Countless fire spears appeared around her and sharply shot forward like arrows, colliding with the Wind Blades.

Loud explosions took place inside the room as the spells canceled each other out.

Chloe then crouched on the ground as she panted for breath after destroying the last Wind Blade that flew in her direction.

“Let’s end today’s lesson here,” Professor Nicola said as she walked toward Chloe. She took out a hand towel from her storage ring and dropped it over Chloe’s head. “Good job. Your reaction time is better when compared with before.”

“But, it’s still not good enough, right?” Chloe asked.

“Practice makes perfect,” Professor Nicola replied. “Even so, you’re making great progress. What you lack is actual battle experience. Don’t worry. When the Mission Hall opens, I’ll send you to dive in a Dungeon.

“That will give you plenty of battle experience. However, you’re not allowed to go alone. Let’s see... you’re close friends with Lily and Nicole, right? Choose one of them to accompany you. As long as they are with you, I can rest easy.”

The young lady nodded before wiping away her sweat with the towel that the Professor had given her.

“Thank you, Master,” Chloe replied.

Professor Nicola nodded before leaving the room.

Since she had decided to take Chloe under her wing, she made sure to spend a few hours a day training the latter.

To her surprise, Chloe was a very fast learner, which made the Professor very satisfied with her decision to take Ethan’s cousin as her Disciple.

Although Professor Nicola didn’t want to admit it, she was very eager to see how strong Chloe would become in the future.

Perhaps more stubborn than she had been when she was her age.

Even so, the young lady’s dedication never wavered in the face of adversity.

‘Failures are just stepping stones that will allow you to reach greatness,’ Professor Ophelia thought as she once again took a fighting stance in preparation to teach her stubborn niece another lesson. ‘As long as you can stand back up, anything is possible.’

A pair of icy angelic wings materialized behind Alice’s back as she and the Ice Knight under her command prepared to attack the youngest Magistratus in the history of Eastshire.

“Come!” Professor Ophelia grinned as the spirits of Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire circled around her body, creating a pressure that made Alice feel as if a giant was stepping on her shoulders.

“Glacies Reginae Imperium!”

The Ice Knight behind her suddenly transformed into an Ice Queen bearing a scepter.

She had trained harder than anyone else.

She had suffered more than anyone else.

All for the sake of making her mark in history, and to prove to her father that she was not a vase that would break easily under pressure.

As the two clashed with each other, faint magical ripples expanded throughout the academy.

Professor Rinehart and Professor Barret, who were both at the Headmaster’s office, exchanged a knowing look with each other.

“It seems that two monstrous talents have emerged this year,” Professor Barret commented. “Isn’t that great, Rinehart? The young generation is showing great promise.”

“Indeed.” Professor Rinehart nodded. “But I am also worried. More heroes appear when great calamities are about to descend upon the land. The rise of these powerful Wizards and Witches is a sign that the era is changing, and the world will once again see the flames of war.”

Professor Barret smiled and patted his friend on the shoulders.

“Don’t be so pessimistic,” Professor Barret said. “Aren’t we still alive? As long as we’re here, the young ones don’t need to head to the battlefield so soon. So, make sure to not slack off, Rinehart. They are still young, and we need to provide them time to grow.”

“You don’t have to worry,” Professor Rinehart replied. “I won’t be kicking the bucket anytime soon, so make sure you don’t go before me.”

Professor Barret smirked, but he didn’t say anything.

He could feel it in his bones that a time of strife was nearing the Shire Continent.

In order to ensure that the Seeds of the current generation would grow to their fullest, it is up to old people like them to hold the front lines and ensure that there would be a bright future ahead, waiting for all of them.