CH 98

The servant pointed to a hill far away. At first glance, I didn’t feel any magic in that place.

Rupert was now the Demon King. But it was strange that such a being would ask to bring ‘Erin Spilet.’

“What did he say when he ordered you to bring me?”

“He said it was only natural for a couple to share their will… He said to bring you without putting you in danger…”

Before the servant could finish speaking, Enoch stood in front of me.

“Take him in and examine him for signs of brainwashing.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Oh, oh, Madam…!”

The knights dragged the servant back, and Enoch looked at me and said urgently, “You should never go.”

I smiled faintly at his words. “Of course, I won’t. What are you worried about?”

Even if Rupert himself called for me, I had no intention of going, so would I even consider going just because the Demon King in Rupert’s body summoned me?

But I couldn’t help but feel flustered. How did he know Erin Spilet? Did Prince Breiman tell him? Even so, why did he call for me this way?

While I was lost in my thoughts, Enoch draped a robe over my shoulders.

“It’s late at night. Let’s go get some rest.”

“…Can I sleep?”

“There will be no battle today. And since it may take several days, of course, you should sleep when you can.”

I nodded at his explanation and quietly approached the barracks.

The barracks where the Priestess stayed were right next to Enoch and Damon’s barracks. Aside from Damon, a bunch of knights deployed to escort me.

The inside of the barracks was more cozy and warm than I thought. In one corner, a cloth separated the bathroom area.

Steaming warm water was prepared in a large wooden tub. This was probably a perk. Unfortunately, ordinary soldiers and knights wouldn’t be able to enjoy this luxury.

Without a second thought, I took off my clothes, stepped into the tub, and enjoyed the warm water. My whole body was throbbing because I had been riding my horse all day.

After washing and changing clothes, I sat down on a well-made bed. Still, I didn’t wear pajamas because I knew I was at war and enemies could pop out anytime.  

But when I tried to sleep, I couldn’t because of this strange anxiety. No matter my personality, I wasn’t a person who could easily sleep in this situation.

‘…What is Enoch going to do?’

I got up and walked out of the barracks. It seemed like it wasn’t Damon’s shift because another knight guarded the front. I met his eyes and walked slowly toward Enoch’s barracks.

The Crown Prince stayed here, but somehow there were fewer escorts than me, the Priestess. And even when I approached, there was an atmosphere that didn’t particularly guard or block me.

“Is His Highness inside?”

“No, he just went to wash up.”

“He didn’t wash inside…?”

“Pardon? The officers’ bathroom is over there.”

The knight blinked at my question. Was it because I was a woman that he set up a separate bathtub for me?

“Ah, it’s nothing. Can I go inside and wait?”

“Yes, of course, Priestess. The night air is cold, so go inside and wait. I’ll let you know when His Highness comes.”

The knight bowed and lifted the curtain of the barracks for me.

“…Thank you.”

In fact, I was thinking of going back quietly if he said no.

I felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of what Enoch had been saying about me.

I cautiously entered and looked around.

Pens and paper were on the desk, and clothes that had been taken off were hanging over a chair. 

It was a battlefield, but considering it was the Prince’s bedroom, it was too simple.

Looking for a place to sit, I ended up sitting on the bed.

“Did I come here for nothing, or should I have just waited in my room?”

The blanket felt soft against my palm. I stroked the quilt and thought I would have to return in a little while.

Wiping his wet hair with a towel, Enoch made his way back to the barracks.

“Your Highness, the Priestess is waiting inside.”

“…She is?” There was a hint of delight in his voice when he asked.

Enoch paused before going in, ran his hand through his hair, and straightened the collar of his loosely draped shirt.

As soon as he entered, Enoch burst into laughter.

Erin was asleep on her side, her leg still on the floor as if she had fallen asleep as she sat on the bed.

“Priestess,” he called out softly, but she didn’t wake up. 

Enoch approached the sleeping Erin as if possessed, kept his steps lights, and then bent over to examine the slumbering woman’s features.

He thought she was pretty whenever he saw her, but today she was exceptionally beautiful. Moreover, it was rare to get a chance to see her in such detail.

Her skin and hair were damp, even though she had probably washed a little while ago.

He held his breath and listened to the sound of her sleeping soundly. She seemed to have a faintly pleasant scent. It was too seductive.


He called her name in a low voice, but she didn’t even move. His gaze naturally shifted to her slightly parted, thick, red lips.

And the moment he realized that their lips were close, Enoch finally came to his senses and stood.


A long sigh leaked out of its own accord.

Then when he looked down at her again, he felt possessed again.

Enoch shook his head and laid Erin properly on the bed, pulling the blanket over her neck.

And he looked around.

“It’s a little cold.”

He wasn’t cold at all, but thinking about Erin made the air feel a bit chilly.

Enoch kindled a spark with his hand and set fire to the useless magic stove in the corner. 

Then, as soon as he saw Erin tossing and turning a little, he held his breath again. Finally, when Erin settled, Enoch escaped as if being chased.

“Your Highness?” The puzzled knight outside called out to Enoch. 

Enoch merely raised his index finger, and the knight stopped. 

After placing all the knights guarding the Priestess’s barracks this way, he went to the barracks where the high-ranking knights stayed.

Surprised by the Prince’s sudden appearance, the knights stood, but Enoch went to the bed in the corner and lay down. 

The knights quietly noticed that the Crown Prince didn’t mind them, and each did his own thing.

Enoch closed his eyes but could not sleep. Erin’s lips from earlier kept lingering in his mind. He tried to fall asleep but eventually woke up.

“Your Highness! Where are you going?”

He ran alone into the dark forest without answering the knight’s question.

I couldn’t open my eyes well because of the warm, cozy blanket. As I rubbed my face on the pillow, I realized that something felt different from usual.


She forced her eyes open to see the hexagonal roof of the barracks.

‘Ah, I’m on the battlefield.’

There was no time to laze about. But when I jumped up, I noticed something was wrong.

“Oh… This is Enoch’s quarters.”

After quickly getting out of bed, I hurriedly tried to leave the barracks but then came back.

The sun was already high in the sky, and soldiers and knights were preparing meals outside.

“Wah, this is really embarrassing.” 

While tearing my hair out and lamenting, I caught my eyes on my clothes and bow, neatly laid out on the chair.

No one was around, but I looked around as I changed my clothes. I sighed in embarrassment.

“Sleeping here…”

It wasn’t enough that I fell asleep; I even covered myself with a blanket and slept soundly. Thanks to that, my condition improved considerably, but then where did Enoch sleep?

After washing my face, I shyly went out and found Enoch outside, talking with his aide, Liam, and several knight commanders.

After the knights dispersed, Enoch and I exchanged eye contact.

Then he smiled and approached me.

“Did you sleep well?”

“I-I… I must have fallen asleep while waiting yesterday.” I averted my eyes and rubbed the cheek with the palm of my hand. 

“I just came out because you were sleeping soundly.”

Enoch’s dark eyes looked a little more tired than usual.

“Sorry, I took the bed unintentionally. Where did you sleep? You look tired.”

“Oh, no. I slept well in the officers’ quarters. Well then, I have some work to do.”

I grabbed Enoch’s arm sleeve as he tried to turn around.

“What should I do today?”

Enoch paused for a moment and then pointed to the inside of a fairly large tent. But he wasn’t talking to me.

“Lead the Priestess that way.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Damon came over and answered while Enoch walked away.

Damon led me to a barracks used as a dining area where I could see knights eating.

As soon as we sat in the corner, someone brought us food. They gave me soup with large chunks of meat, soft bread, and fruit juice.

‘The supply situation seems to be on the good side. The food is better than expected.’

As I ate, I overheard the conversation a few tables away.

“I was shocked when His Highness, the Crown Prince, suddenly came in yesterday.”

“I know, right? But didn’t he leave soon enough?”

“Where did he go?”

“When I went out at dawn, I saw him coming down from the mountain.”

I unknowingly listened intently to their conversation.

‘He came down from the mountain? What did he do that night?’

“He was completely drenched in sweat,” the knight replied admiringly.

“It’s amazing that he hasn’t neglected his training even after coming here.”

Did he really go up to the mountain in the deep dawn and train?

‘I guess Enoch is much more diligent than I thought.’

Thinking so, I tilted the bowl of soup and ate it.