CH 37

Question: How should one react when a male polar bear falls in love with another male polar bear who was still a minor?

Follow-up: This male polar bear was handsome, powerful, and very good at hunting belugas and seals. He has a calm and steady personality, domineering and fierce on the outside but gentle and doting on the inside. 

His genes were also excellent!

“…” Qiao Qixi didn’t know how to react. 

He was having a mental breakdown. 

Where was the great friendship, the most beautiful brotherhood in the Arctic Circle? It turned out that it had all just been an illusion. Under the cover of innocence, there had been a strong and naked passion. 

Once exposed, the little bear was caught off guard. 

Odis and the photography team were also caught off guard. They had been hit hard by the little bear’s curveball. 

However, they all couldn’t bear the excitement. 

There was still some time before spring, and Odis hadn’t prepared a suitable venue to display his affection yet. 

But the little bear suddenly laid on the ground and begged for intimacy on the busy road, bearing a willful expression that looked like he wanted to be intimate immediately.

Odis was stunned. 

A second later, Odis ushered in an unprecedented happy mood. He immediately hugged the little bear and rolled around happily. At the same time, he inevitably showed a state of arousal. 

It frightened the little bear. 

Obviously, Odis didn’t understand why the little bear was the one who took the initiative to ask him to be intimate. The little bear was afraid that Odis would rub against him again, but Odis didn’t have time to do the intimate act of rubbing. 

For example, in an unsuitable venue like today, Odis didn’t care about the strangeness in his own body. 

Even if it was very uncomfortable to hold it in. 

Qiao Qixi was in a mess until he finally landed back on the ground on all fours, with a face full of Odis’ saliva. His mood was messy, just like the fur between his paws. 

The little yellow bucket that Alexander had forgotten about was fortunately remembered by Odis. Otherwise, this time, it would have been lost in the vast snow never to be found again. 

Finally, after a long time, everyone’s excited mood calmed down a little. 

As they watched Odis and Alexander leave, all the members of the photography team heaved a sigh of relief. Ever since they knew that Odis and Alexander were a couple, every interaction between them was no longer seen as just pure friendship. 

It was as if they were watching a same-sex polar bear couple in spring heat. 

The more experienced male team members were still fine. They had worked for many years and were used to seeing animals doing all kinds of intimate acts. However, the more shy female team members would still blush and their hearts would beat faster no matter how many times they saw it. 

This time, the captain unexpectedly said, “This pairing even makes me blush. Odis really knows how to play around.” 

Yes, yes. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

After watching the beautiful scene in the snow, everyone recovered their professionalism and took out their recording equipment to record what they saw and thought in real time according to their own understanding. 

It would be too late to record some details later. 

There was no signal in the no man’s land known as the Arctic. People here could only communicate with the outside world through radio. 

An unexpected scene had just happened here. The team members who had witnessed the relationship between the two male polar bears couldn’t help but share what they saw with their colleagues. 

As the original forum poster who had first paid attention to the two polar bears, the man was a little confused when he received the news and didn’t quite believe the news that the professor had shared with him. 

“It’s true. The news came from the front line.” The professor said, “Several pairs of eyes had seen it, so it can’t be wrong unless they collectively played a joke on us.” 

That seemed impossible. 

His colleagues were all very professional elites in their field. How could they joke about such an important matter?

“Anyway, they’re filming, aren’t they?” The professor shrugged and said, “We’ll know for sure when they come back.”

That made sense. 

The original forum poster took some time to digest the news. After thinking about it, he decided to update the recent situation of the two polar bears onto the usual forum. 

So that everyone wouldn’t worry. 

Just as he was about to post the news, the original forum poster actually hesitated. The reason was simple. The objective fact was that there were still some voices against homosexuality in this world.

He was very worried that announcing the fact that two polar bears were a gay couple would cause the two little cuties to be slandered by the outside world. 

What’s more, Alexander was still underage. When the time came, the party that would be condemned even more would undoubtedly be Odis. Alexander’s mother fans were all over the world. They were fanatical, tough, and very protective. 

But then the original forum poster thought, should Odis and Alexander’s right to receive blessings be stifled by a mere few voices of opposition?

So the original forum poster decided to publish the news after all. 

#News from the Spring Photography Team: Odis and Alexander are in love and a couple#

In order to avoid being questioned, the original forum poster wrote a lot of explanations: I know that everyone may not be able to accept it for a while and might even be suspicious of the authenticity of this news, but I promise that it is true. As for the pictures, they haven’t been sent back yet. I’ll definitely post them when I receive them later. 

The following were the replies from the forum members. It seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined. 

: Have we finally been exposed?

: Father-in-law made it public? QAQ Odis and Alexander, I’m sorry. I didn’t leak your relationship!

: This secret can’t be hidden anymore. Too funny. 

: Can you guys be more serious? I still want to see the shocked and doubtful voices in the comments later. 

: Then I’ll pretend for a while. Cough, heavens! Odis and Alexander are actually a couple? How can they be a couple!? They are clearly two male polar bears. One of them is still underage. Odis is too much of a rogue! 

: Let me pretend too. Continuing from above, Odis is too bad! I didn’t expect him to catch seals and feed Alexander every day. He fed Alexander until he was white and chubby. He spoiled him until he was pampered and delicate, just so he could lick the cute fluffy little bear for the rest of his life. 

: What a bad bear. Hahahaha. Back to the topic, I’m not surprised, it’s funny. 

: The smart me has already figured out how their relationship was discovered by the photographer. Alright, those who can stay in this forum aren’t noobs. Everyone knows that gays run rampant in the animal world. (Ahhh, I’m so excited!)

: As expected of the animal word. Reproduction is instinct, but gay friends are true love. (Ahhh! Congratulations!!)

: Hahaha, spring is here! Odis and Alexander’s relationship is finally exposed. Congratulations to them. PS: I’m not surprised at all!

: What did I say? What did I say!

:   Cute Alexander, do you know now? There is no free seal in this world. Every bite has to be returned. 

: No way. It seems like you guys knew all about it? The slow-witted me just felt that they were too boring as just companions. If it’s love, then everything finally makes sense. I’m looking forward to the future development of this relationship~

: I’ve always watched Odis dote on Alexander down to the bone. He took care of Alexander from the age of one to two. Even during the summer, he endured the heat and hunted whales under the scorching sun. I knew how much he loved Alexander, but I never thought that Alexander would accept this relationship. 

: Seeing how they like each other, I have a question. Does the two and a half year old Alexander really know what love is? Is it possible that Odis forced Alexander?

: It shouldn’t be possible. Odis will grant Alexander’s every request. Isn’t that clear?

: Don’t doubt Odis’ love for the little bear. If the little bear acts cute, Odis can even give up his life, okay?

: I’m laughing while scrolling through the comments. I actually saw someone doubting Odis’ feelings. I think you’ve probably never been loved so deeply before, right? And I haven’t either. Sob sob sob. 

: Spring is coming. All the single ladies are very envious of Alexander. Odis really dotes on him. 

The original forum poster scrolled through the comments, but he didn’t see a single comment that slandered this bear pair’s love, except for a few comments that criticized Odis for being too impatient. 

Most of the comments were blessings and envious remarks. 

He could understand the blessings and envy, but what was the point of strongly requesting the country to assign Odis as a national boyfriend?

There were also many people who didn’t care about the fact that Odis had taken Alexander because he was handsome, strong, and doting. After all, if another polar bear was with Alexander, they might not agree. 

This news was spread to the outside world and caused a hurricane that was comparable to the biggest snowstorm in the Arctic winter. 

First of all, there were those who sided with ‘brotherhood’ and ‘friendship.’ 

What? Two male polar bears announced their relationship in front of their eyes?


Their feelings were very complicated, and many people expressed that their hearts were a little shocked. 

However, it was still acceptable to transition from this foundation to love. 

Respecting the choice of the individual was the most basic right. 

Those who sided with the ‘father-son relationship’ weren’t just a little shocked but were basically shocked to their core because this group of people were older and more conservative in their views. 

Father-son relationship transitioning to love, how ridiculous!

Their posts were all condemning the bastard Odis and expressing their love for Alexander. 

Secret message T-T please read at

Of course, there were also a group of people who firmly believed from the beginning that there was love between the two polar bears, but they didn’t expect that on the eve of spring, Odis and Alexander would announce their relationship. 


Other than screaming, there was no other way to express the excitement in their hearts. 

Speaking of which, there was a very special ranking list on the internet called: ‘The CP (couple-pair) people are most desperate to see. 

Leaders of various countries even directly made it onto the list. 

But this wasn’t really a desperation to see the CP; at least they have a lot of pictures together or related materials to admire by their CP fans. 

Some inanimate objects also made it onto the list. 

In fact, it wasn’t bad because they could still be placed together in the same space, and the sweet sugar could still be received. 

In regards to the most desperate-to-see CP, someone finally nominated those beautiful and fierce handsome guys in nature. 

The strong and domineering type like the polar bear in the snow, the handsome and calculating type like the leopard in the grassland, and the cold and charming type like the snow wolf in the barren mountains. Everything could be considered. 

Being a fierce couple with these animals in nature was tantamount to personally sending oneself to a dead end. 

Even if the sea turned into mulberry fields, it was impossible for it to become true. 

But unexpectedly, the fans who silently thought of the couple were caught off guard by a pair of polar bears coming out of the closet. 

They actually became official. 

This polar bear pair was really a couple. The little gong Odis was strong and handsome, and it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he was the animal version of a domineering CEO. 

Odis had always used one way to showcase the way he would treat his little bear as a couple, and that was to spoil him. 

It was hard not to be excited. 

The little shou Alexander was young and delicate, and as a super good-looking polar bear with clean white fur and an extremely adorable personality, he had twice as many fans around the world than his boyfriend. 

Many people directly stated that they liked Alexander and also liked the Odis who was obedient to Alexander. 

Now, this special relationship that took place in the Arctic was suddenly made public, and these people looked at Odis like a mother-in-law looking at their son-in-law. 

Odis, who was climbing the snow mountain in the North Pole, would never know that he had gained tens of millions of mother-in-laws overnight. 

There were no such strange things in his world. 

While the other polar bears were still looking for a partner on the ground, Odis had already led the little bear to the top of the mountain. 

From the time they came ashore until now, they had not eaten. 

So Alexander, who had not eaten a meal, was now hungry. Forget that, and he still had to climb the snow mountain!?

He expressed that he had endured fatigue that he shouldn’t have had to endure at his age. 

Originally, he would only climb the snow mountain later in two and a half years! 

At this point, when Odis led Qiao Qixi to climb the snow mountain, Qiao Qixi already knew the meaning of climbing the snow mountain. 

He didn’t want to go and even laid down on the ground and pretended to be dead. 

Every time this happened, Odis would stop and patiently wait for the little bear to act shamelessly. Occasionally, he would touch him with his nose or lower his head to nudge the little bear’s body. 

The big bear was urging him silently and gently. 

He hoped that the little bear would get up and continue walking, but it wasn’t a strong request. 

If the little bear continued to act shamelessly, there was nothing the big bear could do about it. 

“Ao ao!” I’m hungry!

Qiao Qixi felt wronged. While he was hungry, he still had to climb the tall mountain, and at the same time, he had to worry that Odis would XXOO (hugs and kisses, etc.) when he reached the top of the mountain. 

Odis responded softly, looking a little helpless. Then, he observed around their surroundings. 

They were already halfway up the mountain, and the surrounding area was barren. 

When spring came, polar bears would stop eating because the instinct to reproduce would make them forget their hunger for a while. 

Only the little bear, who didn’t have the desire to reproduce, wanted to eat all the time. 

“Ao ao…” The little bear, who was afraid of reaching the top of the mountain, hugged Odis’ thick forearm. He hoped that they would not go up the mountain anymore. Go back, go back to the ice, okay?

Odis blinked his eyes full of emotions. He didn’t agree nor disagree. 

Because he didn’t know how to speak. 

More importantly, the desire in his heart to take the little bear to the top of the mountain was so strong that even if the little bear acted coquettishly to him, he couldn’t give an immediate answer. 

Perhaps, Odis was experiencing a mental dilemma. Desire made him choose to move forward, but love made him want to obey the little bear’s wishes. 

The fierce tug-of-war, hidden in the bright eyes of the big bear, formed two small flames that flickered. 

Qiao Qixi was watched so passionately for two minutes, and then he heard Odis’ compromising voice, which sounded halfway up the mountain. 

It was probably saying: Let’s go, let’s go back and catch seals to eat.

Odis’ actions were also consistent with the translated message. The other party slowly turned around, and the huge soles of his feet stepped on the road down the mountain. 

After taking a few steps, he found that the little bear hadn’t followed, so he turned around and called out to the little bear: What’s wrong? Don’t you want to eat seals?

Qiao Qixi laid on the snow in a daze. He had succeeded in acting coquettishly, but he wasn’t very happy. 

He suddenly felt a little sore in his nose, and his eyes gradually became hot. 

Odis was too good to him. 


A spring heat’s restlessness was an animal’s instinctive reaction. Why should it be restrained? Who, as a normal animal, could restrain themselves?

Qiao Qixi thought to himself that it was simply impossible to fight instinct. 

Odis wanted to go up the mountain when it was breeding season, but he had agreed to go down the mountain because of their relationship. 

Since even a polar bear could be sentimental, why couldn’t he do the same?


Don’t fucking go down the mountain, go down the mountain my ass!

The little bear stood up at once and shouted to Odis: Let’s go up the mountain!

The little bear, who had been lying on the ground and looking like he was ready to die of hunger at any time, was now suddenly walking up the mountain as if he was flying. 

Odis narrowed his eyes, as if he didn’t understand this sudden change, but he was obviously happy to accept the little bear’s invitation. 

He didn’t think too much about it and immediately quickened his pace to follow. 

The road up the mountain was a little dangerous. Odis hoped that the little bear would slow down a bit. It would be best if he followed behind him and walked in his footsteps. 

A few months ago, Odis had to personally carry the little bear up the slightly higher slopes.

Now that the little bear had grown up, ordinary rugged mountain roads were no longer difficult for him. Even if it was really steep, he didn’t dare to look down. 

Damn it. 

Why did polar bears have the tradition of mating only when they reached the top of the mountain?

He could understand that for a male and female pair, it was to prevent other males from snatching the females. 

But they were two males! Who would snatch them!?

Females certainly wouldn’t do that. 

The little bear muttered under his breath as they climbed, occasionally looking up at the top of the mountain to see when they would reach the summit.

Very good, it was soon that the dawn of victory would be right in front of them. 

Standing on the mountain, the wind blew. 

The polar bears, who had worked hard to reach the top of the mountain, weren’t done with their mating preparations just yet. They still needed to find a hidden spot away from the wind. 

Maybe it would be behind a rock wall. 

As the two polar bears slowly searched, the photography also received the news and began to arrange their positions. 

They prayed that Odis wouldn’t hide the little bear too tightly and give them a little chance to spy on them. 

But Odis was obviously very smart. He chose a place that would be difficult to spy on from any position. 

On the premise that they wouldn’t be alerted to any outsiders. 

The photography team could only take distant pictures of the scene, which was really a helpless matter. 

Odis, who was experiencing his heat for the first time, was so careful that it made other people feel helpless. There were several times when Qiao Qixi thought that they had found a good place, but Odis still didn’t seem satisfied. 

The big bear continued to lead him on a search. 

Until they reached a semi-enclosed rock wall. Odis circled around here a few times and used his claws to dig a hole. 

He finally decided on this place. 

The little bear, who had been obediently watching by the side, was quite embarrassed. He didn’t know what to do, so he could only close his legs together and squat in a dignified manner. 

Oh, it was refreshing to climb the mountain, but the crematorium at the top of the mountain. 

It was too embarrassing. 

Odis placed Qiao Qixi’s bucket in a safe place. This was his little bear’s beloved toy, so the little bear would be sad if it was broken. 

In the camera lens of the photography team, the thing that could be seen most clearly was the small yellow bucket. 

But what was the point of seeing this small yellow bucket?

What they actually wanted to see was the process of the two polar bears’ rendezvous!

This was precious research material. 

Unfortunately, Odis didn’t want anyone to see it. 

The venue for the rendezvous had been set up. The two polar bears, who had not stopped walking since they went up the mountain, were really tired. 

Odis couldn’t sleep because of the upcoming mating opportunity, but the little bear, who was not affected by the spring, slept soundly in the big bear’s arms. 

This fierce yet gentle northern beast chose to ignore the storm stirring in his body. 

He laid down at the top of the snowy mountain and waited quietly.