20 Memories 2

George looked at Sister Fatima with pleading eyes, before he nodded, he has to respect his sister's decision, even if it is the last thing that he would do, he did 6 years ago when she decided to leave their home to help her friend running an orphanage, and he will do now too. "Okay, keep your mind at ease Fatima, Marga will be part of my family, I will not treat her differently than my children. But you have to promise me that you will try to stay healthy and if you think you can't handle it anymore, you have to come to me for help." George patted his sisters shoulder, Fatima was always strong willed even when they were little.

Stephen heard what his father and aunt where talking, he don't want Marga to be his little sister, he don't want that kind of relationship with her, so he knocked on the door " Father, Aunt, I have something to say." Both elders looked up, stunned that their secret was discovered, "Stephen, how long have you been standing there?" Sister Fatima asked a little worried about how much the boy have heard. "Not long ago Aunt, but don't worry I will keep it from my other siblings. Ahm, I just have to say that I don't want Marga to become my little sister."

"Don't say that Stephen, Marga don't have a family other than myself, as you have heard, once I'm gone, she will be all alone, and I don't want that to happen, can you just please let this go and let her be a part of our family?" Sister Fatima said in a soft voice. She never expected any objections from her niece and nephews, but most importantly she never expected Stephen would say that she don't want Marga to be part of their family, he was always agreeable and the most calm of the siblings.

"Father, Aunt, please don't misunderstand. I want Marga to be part of our family...but not as my little sister.... I..I like Marga and I like us to be together!" Stephen said seriously without blinking an eye. Stunned, both elders were speechless, then with a smile on her face "Then Stephen you have to promise me that you will never hurt her, and stay with for the rest of your life. Can you handle that responsibility?" seeing herself in her nephew, she knows that he will take care of Marga, and give her the love that she deserves, but she still asked. At the side, Father Son was still speechless by his son's declaration, although his son is still young, he knows like his sister, they are both a people of their word.

"I have already made up my mind Aunt that I will spend my life to be with Marga, loving and protecting her, so you can put your mind at ease. I have already confessed my feelings to her, although she has not accepted it yet, she promised me that she will think about it. So whether she accepts me or not, I will still be here for her. " he knelt in front of his Aunt like a man asking for a woman's hand in marriage. Sister Fatima seeing the boy's sincerity, patted his shoulder and smiled "Okay, I will leave her with you then, I will take your word Stephen. Thank you, that even if there is no relationship between Marga and you now, you are still willing to protect and love her. Thank you, I will be at ease with you looking after my little Mimi." she touched her hand on his nephew's face and looked at her brother who was still speechless until now.

"What do you think brother? Do you agree with what Stephen has said now?" glancing at her brother a little worried that he might think differently. "Well, since Stephen has already decided, I cannot stop him, but Stephen, you have to make sure that you will be able to make a name for yourself first before you take things any further, understand?" George said seriously this time, looking straight at his son's eyes. "Father, Aunt, you have my word!" Stephen said as he stood up and hugged his Aunt.