41 Marga Is Having A Fever

He slowly laid Marga down on his bed, and gently took off her shoes to make her more comfortable, her face was still pale, and she was drenched cold sweat. He got a warm towel and wiped the sweat from her face, he was about to wipe her the sweat on her neck as well, but he just couldn't, so he got up and pulled the sheets over her. He has never seen Marga this vulnerable before, he thought he already knew everything about her, but he did not know this part at all. In fact he was so shocked that after he caught Marga, his knees did not stop shaking, he was feeling both shocked and nervous, but a little out of the moon having her in his arms as well.

While in the other room, "What happened Liza, why did you cut yourself?" Stephen was scolding Liza a bit after putting anesthesia on her hand getting it ready before stitching. "I was just out of focus for a bit Bro, this is nothing. But how can you let Marga come here when you know that she faints at the sight of blood?" Liza countered Stephen's scolding. "Who knew you were bleeding, you brat. You almost scared the life out of every one with your screams, we thought you were dying. Do you feel anything?" he asked gently while starting to insert the needle in her hand, after she shook her head, he started to stitch her wound, it was about 3 inches but the wound was a bit deep. "Where is Marga now? She is not hurt or anything right?" Liza asked as she looked at her wound being stitched up. "I think Director Lim brought her to his room first, I will go and check after stitching your wound."

"What!? you let your love rival took away Marga, Bro, you're overly confident!" Liza teased shaking her head sideways. "I would rather be overly confident that get scolded by her for not taking care of you first. There all done, it's going to scar if you don't put this ointment. Keep your hand dry for the next 48 hours, and if it hurts, then bear with it." Stephen then stood up and started to walk towards the guest room, while Liza was just right behind him.

He was just about to knock on the door when it opened and a worried man came out, "Doctor, I was about to find you, Marga is having a fever and she's having chills as well." Stephen rushed to Marga's side and place his palm on her forehead, she was very hot indeed, and was slightly shivering, "Liza get my medicine kit on our room, it's on the bedside table. Director Lim, can you get me plenty of ice packs from the kitchen." he instructed both.

What he needs to do first is to lower her temperature, her body was so shocked that it shut down and caused her to have fever. "Honey, I'm here, you're alright, Liza is alright." he whispered gently, and Marga's response was just a soft nod. Liza and the Director came back at around the same time, Stephen took out a pill from his medicine kit and helped Marga swallow it, then he took the ice packs from the Director and placed it on the bath tub. Right after, he gently carried Marga and placed her on the tub with ice, she then slowly opened her eyes, "It's.....t..o...o co..l..d Ste...phe...n." "I know baby just bear with it for a while, we need to lower your temperature or you will go into shock, just hold my hand, I'm just right here." he caressed the girls face and gently kissed her hand.