59 Old and Happy

"Fatima, you're being stubborn again, the kids can take care of themselves, don't stress yourself and take care of your health first." Father Son insisted.

"George, we already know what's really going on, I don't want to waste more time worrying about myself because I already know how it will end, the thing that I want the most now is to walk Marga down the aisle, that would make me so happy." Fatima begged her brother, and then looked at both Marga and Stephen with teary eyes.

Father Son felt helpless, he don't have a choice but to agree since he also wants his sister's last days to be filled with happiness and not with regrets for the things that she was not able to celebrate or do. "Okay, we will push through with the wedding, but you are not allowed to tire yourself or else we will postpone it. Liza, take charge of your brother's preparation, Marga and Stephen follow me I need to talk to you privately." then Father Son stepped out from the room.

He lead Marga and Stephen to the study where he sat with concern written all over his face "I know that both of you are already engaged, but don't be pressured about this wedding, if you don't want it to happen then I can persuade Fatima about it. I don't want you to be in a hurry, especially you son, since you are not done with your specialization yet, I just don't want the both of you to make a decision in haste and regret in the end, both of you are my children and I don't want to see any of you hurt, do you understand me?"

Father Son was feeling a little worried that Marga and Stephen would be forced with Fatima's situation, of course it was clear as day that they both loved each other, but he also feels that the time may not be right for marriage. "I understand what you are saying Father, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life with another person, you know even when we were younger, my heart only has Marga and it will never change, so the wedding would just be for formality and make everything else legal that we both belong together." Stephen then squeezed Marga's hand.

"Uncle, I know that you are also worried, we are too, but if this can make Sister Fatima happy, since we already engaged, then we can do the wedding sooner that we expect. If there will be a problem in the future, I know that our family will be able to support us as well." Marga also expressed how she felt about their upcoming wedding. Although she was flabbergasted by the thought of having to marry when they just got engaged, it did not really matter in the end because she was going to marry the love of her life.

"Okay the, since both of you are decided, then we will push through the wedding the day after tomorrow. " then Father Son stood up and open his arms to hug Marga "You will officially become my daughter now Marga, so please call me Father." then gently gave her a peck on both cheeks.

Marga returned the hug, and was blushing when she said "Thank you for accepting our marriage Father." then Father Son also gave his son a warm hug. "Take care of Marga, and always listen to her, you will belong to each other now."

After the warm embrace, Father Son's eyes reddened, he just can't believe that his son is getting married, and he was very happy that he will marry his adopted daughter Marga. He can still remember the first time Stephen confessed that he liked Marga, and that he would only like her for the rest of his life, it was a decade ago, how time really flies, he felt really old, but he was old but happy too.