
For the next week or so, Guan Qingjiu and Shengyan were busy every day. The former was responsible for the whole show, while the latter had to take photos of a set of clothes and models, just like a top.

She is busy in the evening and evening. She has two sets of costumes, one for opening and one for closing. The two sets show different styles and emotions. However, in fact, the two sets of costumes show the same role. She needs to figure out the change of her outlook on life according to the drama written by Guan Qingjiu.

But relatively speaking, she was much more relaxed than the other two.

Everything was busy and smooth until something happened the night before the show officially started.

Evening is the last group of people who take pictures. After shooting, they go out of the studio with Shengyan and Guan Qingjiu. As soon as they come out, they hear people making noises:

"I don't accept it. I hope wine can give us a statement. Why did he give us such an important position as opening and closing? If the former yanwanwan is barely worthy of this position, but yanwanwan has been abandoned, why is she still superior to us? I don't accept it! I want an explanation from you

The troublemaker is a female model of the second and third line, with a small reputation and an international line.

Her position is the first third of the position, walk a small closed field, in general is also a good position.

Before today, Guan Qingjiu didn't announce who the model was. Until today, we didn't know that it was late.

It's a myth in the modeling circle and a joke now.

I felt a lot of shock when I appeared here today. I didn't expect her to be here. In these people's eyes, she is still the lame model, like this winged bird, worthless.

"What's the matter?" Guan Qingjiu asked gently, but any intelligent person could see the chill in her eyes.

The words of the female model aroused the sympathy of most people and expressed their feelings. As soon as other models saw that they were late, many people showed their contempt and disdain, and they were all unconvinced.

"Wine, I appreciate your talent and I'm honored to work with you, but I have questions and objections about your arrangement." The female model made no secret of her malice towards yanwanwan.

Sheng Yan remained motionless and asked with his eyes that he had a grudge against you?

Evening: No.

Sheng Yan: I see.

There is no reason for mad dog biting people. This kind of groundless targeting at Shengyan is the most experienced.

For some, excellence is sin.

For others, it's a sin for others to be better than themselves.

"Oh, what objection?" Guan Qingjiu followed the female model's words.

"If you're so cheerful, I'll tell you the truth." The female model scoffed at yanwanwan. "We all know that Yanwan's leg injury has lost its value as a model. I also know that Yanwan is wine's friend. But you can't open the back door to Yanwan just because she is your friend. The important position of opening and closing gives Yanwan such a woman who has lost her commercial value and artistic value Let's be very worried. Your behavior makes us doubt the importance you attach to this show. We are worried that one person will ruin all our efforts and lower the level of normal show because of late speech. "

"To put it bluntly, you are not satisfied with it?" Guan Qing still looks peaceful.

Female model hands around, default.

"What other people think?" Guan Qingjiu asked the others.

"Wine, in fact, I don't think it's suitable to show up here. Even if you give her a chance for friendship, you can put her in a humble position. Why put it on the open and close stage It's self humiliating. "

Guan Qing wine looked at the speaker, "are you a makeup artist?"

The makeup artist nodded.

In addition, three or four female models also came forward to express their disagreement and said that they would come on stage as open and close models later.

Standing quietly in the evening, I can see all the expressions and expressions of these people - jealousy, excitement, desire and expectation.

All hope that she will always be a joke to balance their jealousy.

To put it another way, if she withdraws from the open and close field at this time, other people will have a chance to become open and close model.

"Since you are all unconvinced, you don't want to be on the same stage as evening..." Guan Qing wine slowly makes a sound.

Several people are unable to hide the desire in their eyes, waiting for Guan sake to speak, and drive them out of here at night. It's refreshing to think about it! Once the industry myth, known as goddess, was so trampled on by them!

"Then you guys can leave." Guan Qingjiu said.

"What, what?"

People are stupid and can't reflect.

Sheng Yan chuckled out loud on the spot, which was like slapping on those faces.

"Wine, do you know what you're talking about?" The female model was embarrassed and angry, and could not get off the tiger.

"Who gave you the confidence that I would give up my best friend for you?" Guan Qingjiu said, "you also said that I have a good relationship with evening and evening. I should praise my best friend with my resources, shouldn't it?""Wine, you, you let us all go, tomorrow is the performance, be careful your first show is destroyed!" The female model suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter and underestimated Yan wanwan's position in Guan Qingjiu's heart.

She couldn't figure out how anyone would be stupid enough to risk her debut for a friend?

"You don't have to worry about that. I've prepared the candidates. You'll be a lot less." Guan Qingjiu's smile was still gentle and quiet, but his words made those people tremble, "now, please go out. And you, make-up artist. Warm tips, don't forget the confidentiality agreement you signed. If the venue layout and costume styling are disclosed before the show, you will receive a huge amount of court leaflets for compensation. "

Several people's faces turned pale.

Other people who had just held back their silence were relieved, and they felt a sense of relief from rebirth. Although Guan Qingjiu is not a top designer in the world now, she is one of the most potential designers in her generation, and she is also learning from the design masters. We can imagine the future.

No one will be stupid and really want to leave.

"Wine, we just and just talked nonsense. We were impulsive. Would you please not do this? It's too late. We were all unintentional. You won't care, will you? "

"Wine, we've signed a contract. You can't just drive us away."

"Miss Guan, I'm the head of the make-up group. You can't drive me away. If you do, where can you find someone to replace me?"

Guan Qingjiu and others said: "your words have violated the contract. As Party A, I have the right to fire you. As for make-up..."