Chapter 1129

This place is too remote to contact other cars. Only to see if passing cars can take a ride.

However, hitchhiking in this place is not easy. First of all, there are a lot of them, including eight drivers, because there are still a lot of seven or eight digit camera lenses on the car, which can't be touched at all.

After two hours, although only three cars were seen.

A truck with a bunch of sheep, a truck full of vegetables, and a car full of people.

The people on the bus came down one after another and stopped with Sheng Yan, gradually from full of expectation to numbness.

"Sister Yan, do we have to spend the night here today?" Ah Bing asked anxiously.

Sheng Yan didn't speak, but he added a word silently in his heart. It's very possible.

She took a look at the business car. It wasn't big enough. Seven people could barely sleep, but they certainly didn't sleep well. The most troublesome thing was that they didn't have enough food and water.

"Sister Yan, there's a car!"

A cool SUV came from afar, followed by two black medium-sized business vehicles.

Sheng Yan stood by the side of the road and waved.

The leading SUV stops.

"Hello, our car is broken. Is it convenient to take a taxi? We'll pay for everything that's due. "

The driver is a man wearing sunglasses, smell words: "this must ask my boss, I can't make the decision."

Sheng Yan's Yu Guang saw a tall man sitting in the back row. The light was too dark to see each other's face clearly, but he could feel a strong sense of oppression.

Sheng Yan didn't say the word "good" yet, and the rear window rolled down.

Show a face that Sheng Yan is very familiar with.

His features are cold and stern, his lines are firm, and his whole body says that strangers should not be near, and acquaintances should not be disturbed.

"Mu... Mu Qichen..." Sheng Yan was stunned.

Muqichen light lift eyes, cold eyes look to smoke, did not speak, that attitude as if smoke is just a stranger, he did not take the initiative to talk to the meaning.

Sheng Yan: "absolutely.".

Sheng Yan doesn't want to talk to Mu Qichen either. The bad thing is that she takes the initiative to stop mu Qichen's car. There must be an explanation.

"No, nothing." Sheng Yan thought, there are two cars behind, they can ask for help from the car behind.

"Sister Yan, the drivers of the two cars behind say that they need to ask their boss to decide whether they can give us a ride. Their boss is this cross-country car..." Ah Bing ran over, and in the middle of the conversation, he saw the people in the SUV, and suddenly stopped, "mu, mu..."

Ah Bing looked at Sheng Yan in shock

——Am I right? Is this man mu Qichen?

Sheng Yan

——That's right. It's just me. It's him.

"Cigarette elder sister, forget it, we wait again." Ah Bing pulled Sheng Yan's clothes and whispered.

"Good." Sheng smoke should voice, she also really don't want to have more to do with mu Qichen, "sorry, Mu little, disturb you."

Sheng Yan finished and stepped back to signal that they could leave.

Mu Qichen's vision is very light to see a Sheng smoke a second, command driver: "drive."

Then, the off-road vehicle with two medium-sized business vehicles left.

"So determined to go..." ah Bing muttered to himself.

"What else?" Sheng Yan asked him.

A Bing said: "this is not the same as what I imagined. It doesn't mean that the admirer loves you badly. Shouldn't he let you get on the bus hard?"

Sheng Yan: "do you boys like to see the overbearing president's article now?"

Ah Bing felt his nose guilty.

"Sister Yan, did the driver not carry people just now?" Other people in the studio came and asked.

Sheng Yan gave a sound.

"Ah The others were full of disappointment.

After a while, a staff member rushed in, a face of anxiety said: "sister tobacco, smile fever."

The temperature difference between day and night is obvious in Northwest China. After standing outside for so long, people with slightly poor physique are easy to get sick.

"There's fever medicine in the car. Give her some first." Sheng Yan's face was dignified, "don't worry, we will be in the city soon."

Most of the people in Sheng Yan's studio are about the same age as her. Both men and women are pampered and brought up. If she didn't want to take over the documentary shooting project, everyone would not have to come to the northwest to suffer.

Sheng Yan closed his eyes, thought for a few seconds, and made a quick decision.

She dialed a number, which did not exist on her mobile phone, but these numbers have gone deep into the bone marrow and are hard to forget.

"Hello." The person on the other end of the line answers quickly.

The man's voice is deep and steady, with a chill like his character.

Sheng Yan licked his lips, "muqichen, where are you now?" Is it convenient to come back and meet us? "



More than ten kilometers away.

A handsome off-road vehicle and two medium-sized business vehicles were parked in the open space by the side of the road.

Mu Qichen hung up.

Moon ghost riding mountain motorcycle just came back soon, asked: "boss, Miss Sheng's phone?"

Mu Qichen: "well."

"Let's go." Yuegui was relieved. He was worried that if Miss Sheng didn't contact them, they would be busy today.

The truck full of wood was arranged by him. The purpose was to crash their car while ensuring the safety of their car, so that Shengyan had to ask other people for help.

The "others" here are them.

I'm afraid miss Sheng can't think of it. The boss planned it from beginning to end.

The eldest is the heart black.

Muqichen estimated the time, and after a while, he let all the people go back.