22 The Glow

Back to the story.

Silence covered the area as the people gasped at the scene in front of them. You might be curious as to what they are looking at, right?

So, just a few inches away from John, he saw that a scene that will always be imprinted in his mind until he grew older.

That scene is of a man pierced by a knife on his stomach by a fierce looking man. Hehe, pierce.. fierce.. lol. You guys get it?.. funny right? No?... Ahh.. okay.

We side track there. Okay, so, the man that is pierce is non other than Richard.

Blood spurted out of Richards mouth as he tried to open it. He looked at the man on the other end of the knife. He is a man with a fierce look, a red mohawk hair at about in his 30's. Yes, it is Mark who saved John from certain(?) doom.

Richard's attack also did not fail and managed to hurt Mark on his arm. Blood is trickling down his arm.

Although blood is coming out and the knife that Richard is holding is still inside his arm. He did not look like he's in any kind of pain.

Mark looked coldly at Richard and said, "You are the worse scum I have ever seen. Worse even, more than those criminals living in the slums." He spat in the face of Richard, before casually pushing away Richard which caused both the knives to be removed, on where it is inserted.

Mark turned around and did not pay any mind to Richard anymore.

Richard stumbled down and spurted more blood on his mouth after the forceful removal of the knife from his stomach. His wound looks very grave as blood continuously gush out of it.

The guards that is blending with the crowds first look at each other before running towards the heavily bleeding Richard.

They treat it to stop the blood or else Richard will die because of loss of blood. While Guard A is treating Richard, Guard B approached Mark, he greeted him before saying,

"You have to come with us to the precinct to file a report about the full detail of what happened here!" He said,

Mark eyebrows locked into a frown. It looks like he did not really want to come with the guard, but he still nodded even though it looked forced.

The Mark looked at the kid who made the scamming vendor admit to his crimes in front of the many people here. He saw that he looked shocked based on the expression he has on his face.

He patted his shoulder which awakened John who is in a daze because of all the blood.

John looked at Mark with little focus on his eyes, he asked, "What is, ack, it, Mister?" He tried to sound calm on his voice but it cracked, showing that he is not truly that calm.

Sophia ran towards John and suddenly hugged him tightly.

"Sob..sob..sob.. I..Sob.. I thought that.. I will..sob.. also.. also lose you here." She tried to hold her tears back, but in the end it poured down like rain trickling down her cheeks making her look very pitiful like a lost cat alone in the rain without a shed to till the rain on.

John looked at his Mom and forced himself to smile, he said, "I'm fine, Mom!" And then he wiped the tears on his mother's cheeks. And then, he slowly closed his eyes because he felt a bit tired for no reason.

Sophia panicked when she saw that it looks like John is losing consciousness and called out to John repeatedly, that is what John last saw before he really relaxed and fell unconscious.


John slowly opened his eyes and the bright shine of sunlight welcomed him. Covering him in it's warm light.

He closed his eyes to further enjoy the warm feeling that the sun is giving him and to truly.

"Hmm… so relaxing." He can't help but release a moan as he appreciates the orange glow of the sun.

…. Wait. Orange?

He did a double take and looked again at the sun, he saw that it's actually the setting sun. Then, he looked around him and only noticed that he's not in his room.

This place only have a bed, where he is currently laying on and some cabinet that looks full with what seems to be medicines.

When John was wondering on where he is, the door of the room open and entered inside are two people. One is Sophia and the other is someone John did not know.

It is a girl about the age of 13, she is very small when compared to Sophia who is an adult. She is wearing a very clean white robe that also looks a bit too long for her, making her look like a kid that wants to try the uniform of her mother or something.

The girl has long bright pink hair, her skin looks so white from where John is looking, almost like it is artificially made to make a perfect white skin.

There is a healthy glow to her face that looks very cute.

The two talk as they enter the room. Then Sophia saw that John is already awake.


She ran fast towards the bed where John is in. She hugged him and cried.

"Huhuu.. I thought something happened to you… Thank god it's only because of fatigue."

John was at first shocked by the sudden outburst of his mother but when he thought of it in her place where she became injured or suddenly lost consciousness. He would be worried a lot.

He hugged her back as he caressed her back and tried to comfort her with his words.

"I'm fine, mom. I'm fine." He repeatedly said.

It is then that the 'lady' wearing a white robe interrupted them.

"Excuse me" she said, "Let me check his condition for now."

Sophia wiped her tears away as she broke away from the hug, "Yes doctor, please go ahead."

The girl then approached John, she stopped just right before the bed. Then she closed her eyes and raised her hands.

John then heard her speaking an unknown incantation. After the chant, he saw some glowing yellowish white things suddenly appear around him. It's as if it is observing him and touching some parts of his body.

After it scanned his whole body, it floated towards the girl in robe. It circled around her head for a few seconds before vanishing.

John muttered, "What is that?" In a low voice.
