24 Changes

Hearing this, the receptionist looked at the photo of the building on the brochure.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the building that the mother and son duo pick.

It is a double story building made out of wood and bricks that made it look quite simple and easy to look at. In the detailed explanation of the structure, it is said that the building is made out of the highest quality materials.

The reason for that is because of the original owner who, out of his whim, built it for a reason as "Simple is Perfect". But in the end, he got bored with it and relocated to the capital.

And with that, he let this company handle the house and for them to sell it.

So, because of it being built out of the highest material, it also means that it is very expensive.

Don't think that John and Sophia are idiots that only want to spend money though. There is a reason for them choosing such a simple looking building.

First, the ambiance or the vibe that the place gave is very soothing. It is like you are being lullaby in the comfort of your own home.

Second, the building style coincidentally the same with what Sophia imagined as her ideal restaurant

Also, it is stated at the brochure that those highest grade materials that are used in making this is as durable as it can be. Meaning that this expensive house won't just give up, even in front of a disaster…. Maybe?

Okay, back to the story.

The receptionist smiled happily, that is because she will have a large cut for every sale that she can do.

She looked at Sophia and said with elation in her voice, "You have a good taste Ma'am. I shall lead you to the building for you to have a look at it. After that you just need to sign some papers and that building will be yours."

She left her post to an intern of the agency and led Sophia and John towards the parking of the carriages.

She rode a carriage that is owned by the company and called the mother and son to sit inside.

She gave directions to the coachman first before also sitting opposite of John and Sophia.

She smiled and looked at the two, "Thank you again for choosing our agency to buy a building. My name is Miya, it's nice to meet you." She said and did a curt bow.

The two nod their head lightly as respect.

"If I may not be stepping on bounds, can I ask, what do you plan to do with the building that you choose?" She took the lead to start a conversation for the other party to feel welcome.

Sophia acted in kind, "We plan to make it into our house and a restaurant," replied Sophia with a big smile on her face showing how happy she is.

She look at John warmly and rubbed his hair.

Miya saw that and said, "Your such a cute family."

Sophia just smiled at the comment of Miya.

John is currently browsing on the system shop to look for some skills that might be useful for him.

He only have twenty tokens at the moment from the completed mission about the scammer so he is not really sure if he can find anything that is useful.

After browsing for a while and not seeing anything that attracted him that he can afford. He closed the system shop and looked at his status page.




[Level: 1/?????]

[Health: 170/170]

[Mana: 650/650]

[Attack: 12]

[Defence: 11]

[Agility: 11]

[Intelligence: 65]


[Luck: 99???]

[Token: 20]


John's eyebrows locked when he saw his stats. It looks different from what he was used to. Just this morning, he looked at his stat screen and was sure it is not like this.

He then saw that he now has a level, though it is at level one. Well, it's obvious why he is at level one.

John thought about it and can't think of a reason as to why it became like this.

"Hmm… how did this happen?" mutter John in a silent, thoughtful voice,

Looks like Sophia heard John muttering to himself and asked, "Did you say something, John."

"Ah, nothing, it's nothing." Replied John,

"Really?" Asked Sophia, feeling doubtful, she knew that she really heard him saying something though.

"Yes, it's just nothing." Said John, then he look at the window and saw that the building they saw on the brochure is just a street away.

"Ooh. Mom, look!" Said John, pointing at the wooden building from afar.

Sophia and Miya also look at where John is pointing. And a big smile appeared on her face.

The building is actually more gorgeous in person than the photo/sketch on the brochure from the agency.

It has a small gate and a courtyard with flowers. The flowers brought a dreamy texture to the building.

The building itself gave a luxurious and nature-like feel to it at the same time. It blended with the picture of a bustling street.

The carriages stop moving after a while. The three step down from the carriages and John and Sophia can't tear their eyes away at the simple looking but still magnificently made building.

"This place is amazing!" Said John, a smile crept up his face as he keeps looking at the place.

Miya also approached them after she talked with the coachman.

"Isn't a good building. And you said that you will be making it into a restaurant, the location of this place is good for those kinds of businesses because of the flow of the traffic in here." She stated as she pointed at some place or stores that look a bit crowded.

Sophia and John nodded in agreement to her statement as they saw just how many people are trying to crowd into that small building nearby.

Miya turned her head to look at the two and said, "Why don't we go inside? You will be able to see that place with more details."

Miya led the way as they entered the building with the two just a few steps behind.