CH 86

Chapter 86

Shi Nian didn’t know that Zhou Liezheng had found out about his one-handed swing and that he would hide away from him from now on. After all, after being scared by his cousin, he had also been scolded by his parents, who found out about the incident.

At that time, he was still very unconcerned and said, “What are you afraid of? He’s just a pharmacist. He’s so young, and now that Lu Bo Ting, who protects him is not on the main star, he’s just a toothless tiger. ”

And for that, he got a double beating from the furious couple.

Congressman Zhu gave him the reason: “This time, I’m beating you for being too stupid.”

And then he gave him a very detailed explanation of Shi Nian’s status as of today. ”

Do you believe that only old pharmacists have a high social standing?”

Yes, many expert masters are not young, so you may have some misconceptions. But who says that a young genius cannot be a master?

On the contrary, the younger you are, and the more talent you show, and the more attention you get, because, after all, the future is boundless.

You know, people are always improving, so if he’s this good now, what about in the future?

Not to mention the fact that he is obviously very close to the man who gave the Lu family the space bag. He gave away something so important, an action that even brothers might not have done for each other.

And then there’s the guy in the game who keeps calling himself a guide in the gane, but is actually probably the second double S-class sentinel in the empire.

That’s how important he is.

In addition…

“You only saw Lu Bo Ting leave, but didn’t you see that he left behind his adjutant, Xue Chi, who never leaves his side? Believe it or not, he must have asked the emperor and the Yan family to help watch over him. How old are you? To dare bully an untouchable person? ”

“And how much do you hate Shi Nian? Are you going to change your surname to Wu? Are you going to be a pioneer for the Wu family? ”

Councilor Zhu was really mad. No one was unaware of the Wu family’s ways. Only his silly son still thought that Bai Zihan was a good man.

Didn’t Marshal Yue also think that the Wu woman was good back then?

If they used this trick in the past, what would stop them from using it again with Bai Zihan?!

Councilor Zhu not only started to manage his son ruthlessly, but he also turned against the Wu family.

You want to take advantage of my son and involve the child in an adult’s matter?

Councilor Wu was confused at first, but when he conducted an investigation, he realized what the problem was.

“It has something to do with this Shi Nian again.”

Of course, Shi Nian found out about this later. After all, it was rare for councilor Zhu to meet with councilor Wu, and Adjutant Xue had to rush to find out the reason.

Oh, so the issue came from Mr. Zhu’s son.

See, that’s the difference in people’s thinking when they’re appointing blame. One points out the truth, the other closes one eye to the facts.

As for Bai Zihan, he’s basically been invisible these days. After all, the whole internet was scolding him. Only the less intelligent ones, like Zhou Liezheng, still think he is innocent and that the Wu family made him do it.

But these things were not related in any way to Shi Nian. What he was more concerned about now was the integration of his body with his phoenix self.

After such a long time, the fusion was almost complete.

Shi Nian could feel it would take just two more days.

So he had to go for a couple of laps in the past two days when he had nothing to do, and also did some exercises. Finally, today, he felt it in the shower.

In an instant, his body was transformed into a giant phoenix.

It was a size that Shi Nian had never seen before, after all, he had an accident when he was young and had never fully evolved since. Of course, a phoenix can be small, not as small as the canary he is now disguised as, but definitely not as big as he was today.

If it weren’t for the large size of this bathroom, it wouldn’t have been possible to fit a phoenix as big as him in it at once.

But even though it was a bigger bathroom than the average person’s bedroom, it was a bit of a stifling experience at the moment.

Of course, the bigger problem was that when the fire phoenix came out, the fire instantly turned the bathroom into a black mess.

It was so fast that the automatic fire extinguisher didn’t even react to it, and only now did it start pouring water down. But the water could not extinguish the phoenix fire, and the flames were still bouncing on the water. If the water had any intelligence at all, it would have been seen as provocative.

Shi Nian rushed to turn back to his human body and turned off the fire extinguishing device.

At this time, someone over there had already discovered, “Mr. Shi, is there a fire on the second floor? It is detected that the fire extinguishing device is activated. ”

Shi Nian: “……”

He was tired of thinking, “The fire has been put out. Go back and have someone come to re-equip the bathroom.”

It was fortunate for Shi Nian that the interstellar fire extinguisher was so powerful that basically no major fires could occur. So when the alarm was raised and there was no fire notification, the security department there was not too nervous. Otherwise, they would rushed in when he was in the shower, naked.

But this bathroom can’t be used for showering anymore. Fortunately, there are many bathrooms, so he just changed rooms and rinsed off, then put on his clothes and went to the backyard.

The pressure room was big and secretive enough that the outside world wouldn’t know what was going on inside.

As for the phoenix fire, it was only because Shi Nian had unexpectedly turned and didn’t react earlier, but now that he had transformed into a phoenix again, he could control it and would not just burn the house down.

Finally, he could stretch his wings and admire the beauty of his present form.

This side was a big place. After all, there is enough space for two mechs to battle together. Shi Nian took to the air for a while before landing and turning back to his human form.

Now that he had his original body, he naturally had the clothes he had been wearing before he turned into a phoenix again.

This is a unique ability he picked from the demon books, after all, you can’t be naked every time you transform into a human being!

It’s so uncouth.

He remembered that he still had to show a quantum beast to the outside world, so he waved his hand and a small phoenix appeared.

The phoenix was disguised as a canary and flew around him.

The other phoenixes did not have this trick, so he guessed it was because of his special experience that he was able to split into two.

“That’s not so bad.” Shi Nian thought with glee.

He transformed into a phoenix again, and the two phoenixes, one large and one small, flew around the pressure chamber to their full potential.

This was what he had always dreamed of, and what he had come here for. It was only at this moment that he had truly come to life.

So he was so happy that he stayed up all night in joy.

Now that his human body was also like a phoenix, he didn’t really need to sleep or eat to keep it functioning.

So the next day, he went to school in high spirits.

On the other hand, Adjutant Xue was woken up in the middle of the night by a fire report, and although it turned out that nothing was wrong, he still did not sleep well.

Early the next morning, he came to fix the bathroom.

He couldn’t figure it out.

“How could there be a fire in the bathroom? Mr. Shi doesn’t smoke either! Could it be the equipment that made a false alarm? It can’t be, it’s the best. If there’s a problem like this, it must be… ”

As he said that, Xue Chi finally came to the scene.

What kind of a scene is this?

The walls were black and smoky all around.

“Could it be he was using the fire to deliberately make the walls black!”

It was so uniform and black everywhere!

Adjutant Xue was puzzled, but the people who had come with him to redecorate the bathroom were even more puzzled.

Especially when they were about to dismantle some of the original equipment that was no longer working. They discovered that it would break off at the touch of their hands! Break off!

“How strong must this fire be? This material is fireproof as I remember!”

“……” Xue Chi: “Don’t ask too many questions, fix it.”

However, he himself wondered, “Did Mr. Shi research something more horrible and extremely lethal than the “Withering Bones” potion?”

If he remembered correctly, the fire yesterday should have been very short-lived, so the security department didn’t take it seriously after asking questions. They didn’t come up to see what was going on because Shi Nian wouldn’t let them.

So what the hell is this thing that burned a bathroom down in an instant?

Mr. Shi, are you a pharmacist or a weapons researcher?

That evening, Shi Nian received a call from Lu Bo Ting.

As soon as he got connected, he understood, “Did the Xue guy come to you with a complaint?”

There was a light screen next to Lu Bo Ting, on which was a video taken by Xue Chi of the scene after the bathroom at home was burned. It was so shocking that he had to ask.

However, the main character opened his mouth to make a complaint, so he had to explain first.

“Xue Chi thought you were working on some kind of weapon of mass destruction and was afraid you’d kill yourself first.”

“That’s not so much. I’ve got a handle on it.” When he finished, he opened his mouth and said, “Have you eaten?”

Lu Bo Ting intuitively looked at the nutrient solution on the table.

Following his gaze, Shi Nian also looked over.

In a flash, it was as if he had caught something.

“You’re really drinking nutrient solution again!” Shi Nian propped his hands on the table and fiercely stared at the person opposite him, “No wonder your mother asked your cousin to take pictures of your refrigerator. Sure enough, you have a lot of lessons to learn. ”

Listening to these accusations, Lu Bo Ting was bewildered and asked himself who was supposed to be under questioning on this call.

“Are you avoiding the topic?”

Shi Nian, whose momentum was dismantled, sat back and said lazily, “You can’t break a man down, boss!”

So why should I sit still and be bothered by your nagging and accusing?

Whenever you think Shi Nian is arrogant enough, he lets you know that he can be even more arrogant.

And he also asked, “By the way, boss, you didn’t even notify me before you left.”

Lu Bo Ting; “Mr. Zhou said that when he focused on doing mecha, he would not want any news to disturb him.”


Shi Nian: “That’s true, but…”

If he had known, he would have asked Lu Bo Ting to take Xue Chi away. After all, it was the adjutant he was used to.  Although there are many people in the military department, like Xue Chi’s sister or Zhou Xinxian, in the end, Xue Chi has been in that position for the longest time and is the most familiar.

The two zergs on the main star were very important to Lu Bo Ting, but in fact, as long as the people left behind were obedient, it was not difficult for Shi Nian to deal with them, and it did not need Xue Chi to stay behind.

But it was too late to say anything now, so it could only be put aside for now.

“Boss, you must be very busy over there! Remember to eat more vegetables and meat. Your face will turn green if you drink too much nutrient solution. Look, your face has a tendency to turn green….”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

After the teasing, Shi Nian briefly talked about the burning of the bathroom. Of course, he didn’t tell the truth; he just found a random excuse to get rid of Lu Bo Ting.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Lu Bo Ting left the bedroom to go back to work.

On his way out, he met his new deputy, and asked, “Do I look stupid?”

The adjutant’s breath caught in his throat, and he took a few seconds before he slowly opened his mouth and said, “How could you be, Marshal? The historical record of your intelligence proves it, so how could you be stupid? ”

Lu Bo Ting said to himself that the one at home thinks he’s stupid. He doesn’t even care about telling a lie. Or maybe he didn’t intend to bluff him, but just didn’t want to tell the truth, and found a random argument to block him.

They both knew it was a lie, but tacitly agreed not to say anything about it.

He noticed the pale face of the adjutant behind him and the slow exhalation of his breath. The new adjutant was a little too cautious with him.

Unlike Xue Chi, who had been nervous at the beginning but had been with him for a long time and now sometimes even dared to make jokes about him.

However, there are many people like this in the military, and this is just a temporary adjutant, so he didn’t say anything and just got on with his business.

As for Shi Nian, he hung up the communication and looked at Adjutant Xue, who had just entered.

“Tattletale!” The tone of his voice was so drawn out that Xue Chi stopped dead in his tracks, wanting to stay outside the door and not come in, and even more so, to turn around and leave.

Shi Nian was amused.

“What’s with your reaction?”

“I burned someone’s house down, and you’re too weak that you went running to the owner. Why are you looking guilty? ”

Xue Chi: “……”

Yeah, what’s he feeling guilty about?

But for some reason, no matter what the strange reaction was, it didn’t seem strange when it came to Shi Nian.

Adjutant Xue came in and said, “When I came in, the door guard said he had received an invitation today.”

He brought it in by hand.

In the interstellar world, there are very few paper invitations of this kind anymore. Invitations are usually sent by light brain.

But there are still some people who feel that paper is the only way to invite someone to a ceremony.

And it is also more noble.

Many families on the planet like to do this.

The Wu family, for example, is one of them.

This invitation was sent by the Wu family.

The invitation was beautiful but not flashy, it was full of small details. The style was clear and natural, yet elegant and noble.

Shi Nian held it in his hand and twirled it around, “It’s just like wearing clothes. Some people dress well, and they look like gentlemen and noblewomen. And some people wear the same clothes, and their temperament also seems to be fine. But in the end, it’s all fake, just beasts, and the outside is just to cover up the dirt inside. ”

Smelling it, the letter still had a faint scent of flowers on it.

It was the orchid.

Shi Nian threw it on the table and said, “It’s a rare thing, but this Councilor Wu is finally taking me into his eyes.”

Xue Chi looked at him strangely and said, “Mr. Shi, haven’t you always been quite confident?”

How can you be so presumptuous at this moment?

With your ability, how could he not take you into account. And if he didn’t take you seriously, would he have sent someone to kill you earlier? ”

Shi Nian waved his hand at him and said, “You don’t understand.”

Sending only two men to kill him was already a clear sign of contempt, just like killing an inconspicuous ant by hand.

The previous targeting of him was more of an attempt to drag the Lu family down with him, and it was only now that he had suffered more losses that he was really put in his sights.

The most obvious sign of this is that when the post was placed, it was placed for him.

It had his name written on it, “Shi Nian.”

That Councilor Wu, at last, was saying, “Boy, you’re quite alright.”

Come on, let me see you.

Shi Nian smiled, “Xue Chi, do you know what man is doomed to fail?”

Adjutant Xue tried, “The dumber ones?”

“How can you discriminate against people with a low IQ? They can also reach the pinnacle of their lives through hard work.” Shi Nian said solemnly.

“I’m referring to those who think highly of themselves, but also do not have a clear understanding of the strength of both sides of the enemy. Even if they are smart, it’s all for nothing. ”

It was a waste of the intelligence that God had given him.

“Oh,” Xue Chi commented on the situation. Isn’t this the same as saying to councilor Wu, “You’re not destined to succeed?

“So, are we going? ”

According to his thoughts, now that Marshal Lu and Old Marshal Lu and the others were not on the main star, it would not be easy to deal with the Wu family in case they wanted to do something, so Shi Nian could completely ignore this invitation.

He was about to open his mouth to suggest it when he heard Shi Nian say, “Of course we are going! If someone invites you to dinner, you’d be a fool not to take advantage of it. Haven’t you ever heard of that saying? ”

Xue Chi: “… ”

You made that up!