CH 87

Chapter 87

The current Adjutant Xue knew by now that when Shi Nian said he was going, he was not joking and would go.

He even went to find the outfit Madame Lu had prepared for him.

It was customary to adhere to the dress code on the main star. After the last time, Mrs Lu found that Shi Nian did not have any clothes for such occasions, so she prepared many more for him.

After Xue Chi tried to persuade him without success, he then sent several novels to Shi Nian.

When he opened some, he saw that all of the protagonists had had an accident, and it was because of running around.

Adjutant Xue’s heart was revealed.

Xue Chi was still beside him and whispered: “Mr Shi, look at this. The Marshal is not here. Let’s be careful…”

“That’s what I should say to you. ” Shi Nian turned his head and asked him: “Have the two Zerg been found?”

Adjutant Xue: “… No.”

“I say, little Xue, your ability to do things is not good!” Shi Nian was completely copying the content of one of the novels, “How can you spend so much time on such a trivial matter and not get any news? You were told to find two people, not…..”

“Mr Shi!” Xue Chi’s face was full of speechless: “Those two zerg are very hard to find.”

“I know!”

Shi Nian sent him a screenshot of the page he had just read, “That’s what the book says, and the people they’re looking for aren’t human either. In short, they’re very hard to find anyway…”

So you just copied it from the book and brought it to bully me, right?

Xue Chi thought that his previous conclusion was right. He couldn’t control this little ancestor at all.

“You need to read fewer novels… Oh, no, reading novels is fine, but taking the content of novels seriously is a big problem.” Shi Nian patted Xue Chi on the shoulder and said, “Man, be mature.”

Xue Chi didn’t want to say anything anymore.

Why was he so difficult?

Poor adjutant Xue did not persuade Shi Nian, but was even lectured on taking the novel’s content seriously, and then had to go back and arrange the day’s schedule.

As he left the Marshal’s residence, he saw Shi Nian’s quantum beast happily prancing around.

It looked like it was in a very good mood.

The Wu family’s banquet was on the weekend, so Shi Nian went to and from school as usual during the days. When he didn’t want to eat at home in the evening, he had a nice meal out.

This time he didn’t go to a big hotel, but a small restaurant just down the road.

The food was more authentic, such as kebabs, Kwan tung bo, noodles, and spicy hotpot.

It smelled good.

Shi Nian ate the whole street in a leisurely manner, and the picture was so shocking that it made it to the top of the search again.

“I envy you for the amount of food you eat and that you don’t get fat!”

“I suddenly realized that even if you didn’t have the talent or money, you could still rely on your face to earn.  Just eat and broadcast.””

He could rely on his face to eat. But he relies on his talent. That’s probably why I’m a fan of Shi Nian! ”

There was a handicraft shop there that was said to make good small crafts, so he went to buy a few to take home.

When he turned around, a man and a woman were sitting in the café opposite the craft shop, looking very intimate.

The key is that Shi Nian had seen the man before.  He was brought by a classmate, a male guide as his boyfriend to the last school reunion.

This situation is problematic.

He thought about it for a while, and asked Yan Huaxin, a social expert: “If, and I mean if, one day Zhang Jingkai was with someone else out there and I saw him, would you want me to tell you directly or just give a little hint?”

“I’m not that incapable of accepting reality.” Yan Huaxin said with a pause, “but you misunderstood, he went to pick up one of his cousins today, a girl in pink, right? With long hair… but she is not just a cousin but also a sentinel. ”

Shi Nian:”… I didn’t see him.”

Maybe Yan Huaxin was thinking he saw the picture of Zhang Jingkai picking up his cousin. But thinking about it, suddenly asking this kind of question, it’s quite easy for someone to misunderstand.

But he saw someone else. This pair were certainly not cousins. No cousins would be kissing on the mouth, with the man’s hands roaming everywhere…

This is in broad daylight!

After taking photos, Shi Nian asked, “So he would be quite receptive to reality, right?”

Yan Huaxin: “Not necessarily. It depends on the person. If you’re unsure, you can try it out first. But don’t ask like you just did, it’s basically like saying, “I saw your boyfriend messing around.”

Shi Nian: “……”

Shi Nian checked on and found that many people said that sending things in green is a good hint.

So, the next day, one of the students entered the classroom and found that his desk was full of green.

“Whose stuff is this?” he asked. He said to himself, “What’s with the aesthetics? They are all green, not just the cup coasters, but even the socks are green! ”

“It’s for you. ” Shi Nian said, “Yesterday, I suddenly felt the urge to buy something, so I bought a lot and couldn’t fit it at home, so I gave them to everyone.”

The student: “What?”

“No, Shi Nian, when did you change your hobby to pure green ……”

He seemed to have suddenly reacted to something.

Shi Nian gave him a tacit look, and a student next to him was looking at his desk, laughing as he did so, “What luck are you having, all green. I’m not much better. Mine is all pink. Are there any female students that like pink? We can exchange and you give me blue or whatever colour.”

Yan Huaxin took a look and saw that there were some things on his table, in purple.

Shi Nian bought a set for each person, in a variety of colors, perhaps because it isn’t too obvious…Now everyone is exchanging it for their favourite colour.

Yan Huaxin thought about it and knew what was going on and what the pile of green was all about. Combined with what Shi Nian asked him yesterday, “At the class reunion, that man was very talkative and liked to brag a bit, but I didn’t see that he was actually a scumbag.”

“Scum don’t have writing on their faces.” Shi Nian said with a sigh.

He had really been facing scumbags everywhere these days.

But this was someone else’s business, so they couldn’t discuss it too much behind their backs. So they quickly talked about the Wu family’s banquet, “I heard you’re going?”

Shi Nian nodded, thinking that the banquet was because Senator Wu had a grandson to be engaged.

Shi Nian asked Xue Chi to inquire about it, and it was confirmed. There was no warning about the engagement before, and the grandson was not favored. So it was probably because the Wu family had been through a lot of bad luck lately and wanted to throw a party to celebrate the occasion and also meet the calamity that was Shi Nian.

Yan Huaxin didn’t approve of Shi Nian going on his own, but having known him for so long, he could see that his friend’s ideas were so straightforward that he couldn’t be easily persuaded.

And since no one on his cousin’s side said anything was wrong, there shouldn’t be any major problems.

Little did he know that adjutant Xue went home in defeat.

At the end of class, the student who had been green-lighted called out to Shi Nian.

“Thank you, Shi Nian. He had a history of this kind of behaviour before, but he told me he would change. Now it seems that the dog can’t change its ways. ”

The last time I signed a forgiveness letter, Ji Yiqing was also remorseful and tried to rekindle the old relationship, acting like he was reformed…”

But the result was……

He turned around and stabbed Bai Zihan, then said he was the one who told him to do it.

“He’s so shameless.” The student couldn’t help but curse him.

It was only after the scolding that he realized that Shi Nian had suddenly said this, perhaps to comfort him! After all, he was quite miserable being cheated on, but at least his boyfriend…..ex-boyfriend, was not as deadly as Ji Yiqing.

Shi Nian is quite arrogant, but does not take the initiative to bully anyone, and is very considerate of others.

Although sometimes ……

He felt that these green things were sent to be discreet, but except for those in the class who didn’t have much muscle in their brains, most of them guessed it.

“Thank you so much, or else I’ll be deceived by this scumbag again.” The classmate’s eyes were still a little red, so it was clear that he still had feelings for the scumbag. However, he seemed to have made up his mind, but he didn’t say anything to Shi Nian. He just said, “I’ll invite you to dinner when I’m free.”

He nodded his head.

He thought that it should be okay. After all, he was not familiar with this.

The last time he gave someone any warmth was when he had just entered the infinite dungeon game. It was a scene at a school, and it was a female student ghost.

That level was not difficult; just let the ghost feel the warmth, but the result was that the female ghost was not only angered, but she also blackened, so that he was forced to clear the game by force.

However, he had had little contact with people at that time, and he had little knowledge.

He’s now a different person. He’s become a human, and he’s good at what he does.

Look at what he’s done this time, it’s perfect!

Shi Nian took this as his first act of helping people after he had completely transformed into a human and rewarded himself with three big bags of melon seeds.

He thought this was the end of the story, but then he saw the scum on the day of the Wu family banquet.

He was walking in and the scumbag was ahead of him.

He was with Adjutant Xue, and the scumbag was walking behind a girl who looked like the one in the café that day.

When he saw Shi Nian, he greeted him and explained, “I’ve broken up with Xiaomu, so this…”

Shi Nian: “……”

It seems that he still doesn’t know that it was Shi Nian who rutted him out.

But it’s normal, listening to the classmate’s tone that day. It’s not the first time for this guy.

A girl came up behind the scumbag, pretty and innocent, but looking a little wary.

“Hello, I’m Shi Zha’s girlfriend.”

“Hello.” Shi Nian said.

After both parties greeted each other, neither of them had any intention of being together, so they quickly parted ways.

After parting hands, he could vaguely hear the girl asking Shi Zhan, “You know him? How did you know…”

Shi Zha accompanied her with a smile: “As you know, Xiaomu is at the Sixth school. He is my ex-boyfriend’s classmate.”

“Oh.” The girl said, “The one who broke up with you and still keeps pestering you?”

Shi Nian now knew why the scumbag cleared it up so quickly by saying he had broken up. It was because the scum was afraid that he would say something by mistake!

By saying that he had broken up a long time ago because someone else had been pestering him, it made him look good and desirable, but also created a time difference.

The deputy officer didn’t know about this, he just wondered, “Mr. Shi, do you know the Hua family?”

Shi Nian: “Hm?”

The Hua family, “that girl?”

“She’s the youngest daughter of the Hua family and is very well-loved. Do you know her boyfriend?”

Shi Nian didn’t answer that, but frowned at the memory, “The Hua family, the ones that run Starnet and are second only to the Yan family on the Empire’s rich list?”

It was said that the Wu family had been trying to win the support of the Hua family, but recently they seemed to have relaxed a little.

“This boyfriend of hers has been getting quite close to the Wu family recently.”

Shi Nian narrowed his eyes slightly.

At that very moment, Wu Chao Yi came over and had already greeted him with a smile.

As expected of one that had been groomed as an heir. It was clear that they had fought to the death in the past. But now he looks as if the last time they tried to frame Shi Nian did not exist.

The banquet was no smaller than the last one at the Yan family’s house, and Shi Nian looked around as he followed Wu Chao Yi inside.

“Grandpa admires you.” Wu Chao Yi said, “This way please, let’s go and meet Grandpa first.”

Shi Nian nodded, “It’s an honour.”

Adjutant Xue followed behind, thinking that it was rare to see Mr. Shi on such an occasion and that he had managed to reign in the arrogance he showed at home just right.

He said it as if it were true.

But he had clearly heard him muttering before he left, “Off to see that arrogant but incompetent fellow.”


Anyone with eyes could tell that he did not feel the slightest biy honored.

The two walked all the way and passed by Shi Zha, the scumbag, and the lady of the Hua family. The other party seemed to be heading towards the old man over there, and Shi Nian glanced there slightly.

Although the main character today was the grandson of the Wu family, the centrepiece was clearly councilor Wu.

When Shi Nian was led there, he was inevitably noticed by the crowd.

Councilor Wu said a few words to the people around him and then looked at Shi Nian, who had just walked up to him.

Shi Nian looked at him too.

The two just looked at each other for a while, and then councillor Wu said with a smile, “I’ve heard the name for a long time, but it’s only today that I met you…Mr Shi? Is it okay to call it that? ”

Shi Nian smiled faintly, “As you wish.”

The people around him had almost dispersed, and two of them followed Wu Chao Yi to the other side. In the blink of an eye, only councilor Wu and Shi Nian were left here, along with Xue Chi, who was never far behind them.

Congressman Wu glanced at Adjutant Xue and said with a smile: “You’re watching very closely!”

Shi Nian also looked back and said with disgust: “Maybe he’s afraid that I’m young and arrogant, and that if I’m not happy, I’ll ruin the scene for you!”

“……” Councilor Wu’s face remained unchanged as he smiled and spoke, “I heard that you’ve bought a lot of houses recently. The location looks good.”

Shi Nian smiled faintly. Really smart people would say something to the point.

It was obvious that the houses he had bought were in good locations, but they were only good, they were far from the center of power.

In the heart of this Wu guy, the best locations are inhabited by the rich and powerful, and the average person, even if they are rich, cannot buy a bathroom there. He’s hinting that he should just go to the Bai family mansion.

“Didn’t think I’d choose that?” He asked with a smile.

Councilor Wu said, “Yes, I didn’t expect it. After all, the difference between the two areas is too great……But we all have our reasons, so I hope you won’t regret it in a few years. ”

“I won’t.” The words changed, and Shi Nian said, “Back then, your daughter married Marshal Yue and took most of the military power of the Yue family for you.”

Councillor Wu’s smile remained unchanged, “You’re holding out on behalf of the Yue family for justice?”

In the end, this is just a young man, after all.

“Of course not.” Shi Nian smiled, “I mean, if I go back to the Bai family, do you think the Bai family can suppress me? Then you are as stupid as your daughter, who can only cheat people into losing their homes and money. If I were to stir up the storm in the Wu family, I’d make sure even you couldn’t see it. ”

Councillor Wu restrained the smile on his face and heard Shi Nian say.

“I’ve always felt that you should be happy that I’m not going back. But I don’t know why you and your grandson like to ask me about this. ”

Why bother?

“I’m not like you, acting in such an unscrupulous manner, and the power and profit in your hands are not that important to me.”

After speaking, Shi Nian took a glass of wine from a waiter’s tray that happened to be passing by, turned around, and walked away leisurely.

Behind him, the smile on Mr Wu’s face disappeared completely.

Wu Chao Yi also came back, “Grandpa, didn’t you say you wanted to embarrass him by letting him hang for a while as you act busy?”

Councilor Wu sighed, “I thought so earlier, but I knew the moment I saw him that it would be useless. If you dare to leave him hanging, he will dare to turn around and leave on the spot.”

No wonder the Bai family had been unable to do anything about him.

Councilor Wu’s eyes fell far away from Shi Nian, occasionally glancing at Xue Chi who was following behind him.

This Adjutant Xue ……

He thought he was here to keep an eye on Shi Nian, but from the looks of it, the one in charge between the two was Shi Nian. And the adjutant’s behaviour pattern has not changed at all. As if he has changed from following Lu Bo Ting to following Shi Nian, and he is still only acting as an Adjutant.

Just now he deliberately said provocative words in front of Xue Chi, but that Xue Chi did not even change his face, instead he looked like a big fool.

“We can’t let this Shi Nian continue roaming around freely!” Mr Wu said, “It’s a good thing he’s young and even more arrogant than that Zhou from back then.”

He heard that he was continuing his routines as usual and only took a few people with him.”

“Let’s find a chance to do it before Lu Bo Ting comes back to the main star …… and maybe reverse the influence on that side so that our people ……”

Wu Chao Yi said, “Yes.”

He looked at Shi Nian from afar, only feeling that it was a pity that such a character could not be used by them.