Chapter 779


German East Africa, Tanzania.

The German army's non national Corps is being mobilized. The British also mobilized 29 divisions and more than 600 tanks in Kenya to carry out necessary defense.

All of Ethiopia had been occupied by Italy, Mussolini ordered forced conscription, and soon 200000 people were armed.

At the same time, there are a continuous stream of male soldiers who are forcibly pulled out of their humble residences,

they are equipped with simple cloth clothes and 6.5mm caliber rifles that are being phased out by the Italian army. If the rifles in their hands are replaced by long guns, they will be a medieval cannon fodder slave army.

But even so, the threat to the British colonies was still great, with 200000 pigs killed standing still for days, let alone 200000 people.

After Ethiopia was captured, Britain and France were surrounded by Italy and kept watch on each other across Kenya.

If Germany and Italy launch an attack and cut off the support from Egypt and Sudan from east to west from the kidepo Valley, Kenya and Uganda will be left alone.

The two sides frequently mobilized their troops in the colonies, making the situation in Africa, which has just ended the Italian Egyptian war, more mysterious and urgent.

European countries are ready for war, the Czech general mobilization continues, a large number of men volunteered to join the army, determined to defend their homes, resist the invasion of evil.


Los Angeles, Santa Barbara.

Since the birth of penicillin, Osborne's state-of-the-art medical laboratory has attracted worldwide attention.

Every day, countless people and teams come here to investigate, study and discuss cooperation.

Recently, the mayor of New York City led his team to the laboratory to discuss a major cooperation project.

New York City Health and hospital system, the first public hospital in the United States, has a huge medical system.

It is the first choice for New York City's middle-class and poor people to see a doctor, because its fees are not enough to make patients go bankrupt compared with better private hospitals.

Of course, its performance is not satisfactory.

It is not only because of its huge and bloated management system, lack of sufficient funds, effective management, equipment, drug donation, and complicated source of patients.

Now, Ferrero Guardia, who has been re elected mayor of New York City, has set his sights on the health care system after completing the renovation of Central Park.

"I know that Osborne has a lot of interns from top university medical schools, and HH is willing to offer them a job if they can."

Ferrero wants more, like Osborne's advanced technology, effective drugs from Pfizer, and experienced researchers in the lab.

There's essential financial aid, but... He needs to do it step by step.

"Mr. Mayor, I understand this very well, but where is the competitiveness of HH?" Mike, who's the lab director, is now comfortable with this kind of thing.

HH wants to cooperate with Osborne, get advanced treatment, effective and expensive drugs... Funding, why?

With its bloated, useless system, mediocre departments and ignorant, greedy boards, or the poor who can't afford it?

Sorry, although sympathizing with their situation, Mike is not God. He can't save everyone. Osborne can't do the same.

If they just want to donate, Mike will be very generous to provide him with a five figure check, which is enough to keep nearly 100 families from being broken.

But more... He should go to the big boss instead of playing emotional cards in Osborne.

Ferrero, who was rejected by Mike, was not discouraged. After visiting Osborne and having a more in-depth and direct understanding of it, Ferrero returned to New York with his team on the same day.

"Help me make an appointment with Charlie. If I can, I'd like to invite him to dinner tomorrow noon... What's a good recommendation for Chinatown?"

Back in the office, Ferrero asked his secretary for advice. He didn't quite understand Chinatown. "Maybe I should go and give a few speeches sometime?"

"Jinjiang Hotel, the food there is great. My friends and I have been there." The boss didn't have any orders. The Secretary pulled the door and walked out.


War, war!

At a time when no one expected it, Germany launched a brazen attack on the Czech Republic on the ground of taking over the Soviet and Taide region to stabilize regional security.

After acquiring Austria and Sudeten, Germany has become the dominant force in Eastern Europe.

The collapse of the Czech Republic is inevitable, and the Franco Czech alliance is in name only.

But the French are not willing to let go of the Czech Republic, an important ally, especially when the rise of Germany has become a reality.

However, the United Kingdom does not agree with this. For political reasons, Britain has to consider more.

After the rise of Germany, the first thing to deal with is France. The two countries are in contact with each other, and there are various conflicts of interest after the first World War.With the Soviet Union in the East, even if there was a war, it would not harm Britain's interests.

On the contrary, it can strike down the prestige of France, which rose after World War I, and make people understand who is the master of Europe.

As for Germany, as long as the dwarfs go to war with the Soviet Union as agreed, the best outcome will be to lose both sides.

At that time, the British Empire will regain its throne and maintain the pride of the Empire.

Without British support, the French turned to other allies.

One of the important members of the French alliance system, Poland.

The Polish ambassador to Paris received an invitation from the French authorities to go to the Elysee Palace to discuss German policies and support plans for the Czech Republic.

What they didn't expect was that Poland was in secret contact with Germany at this time to discuss how to divide up the fat neighbor of Czechoslovakia.

Poland, eager for immediate territorial gains, supports Hungary in the south, which is second only to Germany in its desire to disintegrate the Czech Republic.

At the same time, Poland also supports Romania, which is related to Poland's "neutral plan."

Both Germany and the Soviet Union chose neutrality, but in fact Poland was more inclined to Germany.

Because if they prefer the Soviet Union, they will have to bear the risk of allowing Soviet tanks and planes to pass through their territory and airspace.

The "terror" of the red color doctrine is associated with the Czech Republic, which makes Poland hate leaning towards the Soviet Union.

Moreover, the Czech Republic will always be disintegrated. Poland can take the opportunity to take over the plundered land, enhance its national strength and enhance its influence.

It is Poland's consideration to occupy more voice and interests in the future war.

When the French ambassador to Poland repeatedly asked Poland to remain neutral in the war, Poland's purpose was obvious.

The French alliance system is collapsing because of internal contradictions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!