16 The Storm Is Brewing part 6

Chen Yang was sobbing. Not because he lost his amulet, and certainly not because Xie Hung's family died, but due to the people that stared at him like he was the wrong-doer and criminal.

Chen Yang constantly told himself to not worry about that event, but his mind irrationally wouldn't let it happen. It was, from within, eating him up.

The foremost thought bothering him was that all of the citizens in own the town had ganged up on him, as Basuka was out of town. And taking advantage of it, some 'close' friends of Xham Chen in the town came down and also berated him.

Chen Yang felt suffocated not knowing what to do; he felt as if all the bad things in the world were happening one by one to him, and him alone.

Chen Yang sobbed for three hours, before deciding to pack up and go back to the suicide cave, the new home he thought to be of his and then without even telling basuka, he left the hotel room.

As Chen Yang was going through the hotel lobby, his back felt itchy for some reason, but without paying attention he continued his stride.

As the lone figure of Chen Yang was walking away from the hotel, a figure was cautiously staring at him from his behind, unknown to Chen Yang. That figure was none other than Kugo, aka the one who had killed and was now masquerading as Kugo.

"Kugo" watched Chen Yang intensely for a minute as if he was making a heavy decision, before finally heaving a slow sigh and walking away.

When the imposter had heard that Chen Yang had come, he was confused as he thought that child he killed was Chen Yang but didn't seem like it.

The man laughed as he thought Chen Yang had come to die since he very deviously framed Chen Yang in that incident, but after knowing he bought Basuka with him, he was livid with fear.

The man's grandfather, a very prestigious expert, told him not to mess with that man, even though it is their Heavenly dragon territory there are some things whom even his family couldn't mess with.

The man then decided to go see if it was true or not; and after seeing Chen Yang, he confirmed his suspicion by himself, that the beast in human skin, Basuka was indeed protecting him. So he regrettably had to let the entire matter slide down.

As there was no evidence in him killing the entire family of Xham Chen, he would let this matter go. Because his first and foremost goal should be to complete the mission he had in his hand.

The man nodded as he thought about how he had no—in fact, barely—any time to pick and develop a rivalry, that too with a man even his grandfather told him not to bother with.

Meanwhile, Chen Yang cursed whatever gods living in the sky as the itch hadn't left—even after almost ten minutes.

Chen Yang's itch, however, suddenly disappeared for some reason as he shrugged in satisfaction. He then left the town tavern and traveled toward the forest since he knew the route towards his journey there would be quicker this time.

He laughed to himself, seeing those warnings of not to jump before the suicide cave, "Some people don't even dare to come here, but here I am, jumping inside the second time..." he said it aloud vocally, even though there was no one there to listen to him.

He jumped again into the cave—which had become from that very moment, his new home.

Back at town

Basuka had just came back from the brothel to his room as he burped and shook his head: he seemed drunk, his face pink and he smelled like pussy[¹]. On top of all of that, his voice was also slurry, as he was heavily intoxicated. A few moments later, he wondered what to do with Chen Yang, and more importantly...

Where the fuck is that beetch?

His face soon became pale as paper as he felt like slapping himself out of his alcohol-induced trance. He couldn't believe he made a basic mistake like that!

Basuka thought he was foolish; he shouldn't have left a child in a hotel room, that too, all alone. Soon, Basuka slapped himself a few times in order to regain his soberness as he flew out of the hotel room and wandered around, asking for the whereabouts of Chen Yang.

They all fearfully looked at him, as if he was an eldritch abomination. Whenever he came close to someone, they would instantly runaway as some plague had come near them or something.

*tch fuckers can't see his beauty anyway*

Basuka said to himself, 'Why the heck does all of this happen to me all of the time?! Just because I was raised in the wild doesn't mean they should treat me like this...'

He searched for Chen Yang for two more days, and the search was all for a naught as the target himself left the town to go live inside his true home—the dark forest—once again.

But once he arrived there, a beautiful lady was waiting for him.

20 days before in the suicide cave.

'He...will come back, won't he...', thought Tang Tenshin. 'It's just a charm, going by his skills it shouldn't take him a bit more than a few days...', Tang Tenshin thought once again.

Tang Tenshin was really stressed out about his student not coming back but he still trusted him somewhere in his heart, that he will come back.

*five days later...*

Tang Tenshin heart was sinking little by little, did the boy forget about him? Or did he run away, and what if something happened to him? The old immortal after a long time was doubting himself over this matter.

The old immortal health was getting worse day by day due to stress and worry about Chen Yang; he turned haggard, his back which used to be straight as a pole now looked a bit crooked.

'After all these years, I found a companion...now he's gone too...: thinking about the entire matter once again, he became teary-eyed; moreover just thinking about his sect made his chest cave in due to worry.

' Am I, the last survivor of the Devil Sect, waiting like a dog for a kid?', he thought to himself. It didn't matter, as it was an effect due to meeting and making a friend after a long time.

Furthermore, not seeing Chen Yang strangely made his anxious...

*16 days later...*

The old immortal's eyes looked a little lifeless, 'Trusting someone unworthy of it is my fault, I guess...' he thought, and for some reason he could not sense the beast that was lurking inside this forest.

'I wonder what happened to him...' he thought, 'Maybe it's time to leave my abode...I shouldn't borrow a child to help in my revenge, I can do it myself.' [²]

Tang Tenshin eyes were cold as he left the cave after 400 years to avenge his comrades. he closed his eyes expecting the sun, but the sight that burned his eyes were the Dark Forest. He laughed to himself for making such a silly mistake and walked towards his destiny.

*Unknown cliff*

On a cliff, a man was sitting there sipping a rather, strange colored tea. His hair was white, his face was filled with wrinkles but the cunning glint in his eyes told that the man hadn't lost his sanity yet due to old age.

Before him, was a mat of some kind, in his hands was a dice he slowly rubbed the dice with his wrinkly hands and and threw it towards the mat.

Slowly came from the mat a rising fog, It entered his ear, and the old man soon nodded his head as if he heard something from the fog, and from nowhere a pigeon came flying around.

It then sat beside before him before it miraculously transformed into a man.

He saluted the old man, he said "Sir, you were right! The lower-rank sects are indeed trying to overthrow us..."

"Hmpf! Of course, my divinations are always correct," The old man said and he snickered and then again, he said, "the hidden rat is coming, prepare to welcome it..."

The man who transformed looked shocked and astonished as he said with a frown, " Really, that guy is coming? But he holed himself up in that forest for so long, so why is he coming back now? "

"Hmpf, of course, I don't know.[³] even I don't know everything. He must be really impatient to come back despite the...eh, unforeseen misfortunes...Hehe I can't wait to eradicate his Devil Clan, " said the old man snickering. His voice which sounded crooked created a really creepy atmosphere.


The new editor, Gyihhuhu, looked at the screen with a dissatisfied face and grumbled.

" Why the fuck does he have so many diverse...erm, grammatical errors...?"

"Goddammit, that Naruto fanfiction is at the top three again..."

Footnotes by the editor


1| If I can't put that stuff there, I'd barely deserve being an erotica writer.

2| Aww, look at him. He's acting like a tsundere. *barfs*

3| Typically arrogant barf. I foresee him being killed in the future.