17 The Storm Is brewing part 7

As the leaves of a tree on a branch end wither, on the edge of a forest, a farmer was working on his farm, spreading the seeds on the field. His face was sweating, mainly due to the heat of the sun and hands which were holding a pickaxe were filled with calluses. With a foreboding look, he lifted his head up towards the sky.

The farmer sighed as he put his pickaxe down, and walked for a few seconds to journey near a tree where it was breezy. Once he reached it, he sat below and took out a lunch box from his bag to eat the lunch his wife fervently made for him.

"Ah! Is that rice?! It's been...so long since I ate it...can you give me some? I am badly in hunger..." a middle-aged man suddenly came beside the farmer and said in a raspy voice.

The farmer, who hadn't seen the man coming jumped due to the sudden voice behind his back; although he couldn't be blamed as he was quite near the Dark Forest.

But after seeing the normal looking middle-aged man behind him, his heart calmed down a little. He took a breath of relief and said, " Damn ya! You scared the shit outta of me boye, hahaha! Where are ya' coming from buddy?"

"Me? I've come here from a long distance. From the far east, that is. But first," the middle-aged man looked at the rice in the lunch box and salivated, before licked his lips with the silliest expression before grinning and saying, "can I eat?"

"Sure, sure. Haha, it must've been tough on ya' journeying this whole time, ay? That too this season. Hmm, just ten days ago, it was raining like cats and dogs, and in just another ten days, the weather changed so much that it feels like a drought hit us. Ain't I right, buddy? "

The middle-aged nodded, not caring what the man said. He just looked at the rice and constantly nodded, which the farmer took it as the man sympathizing with him. It didn't help either that the man almost had tears in his eyes.

The farmer shrugged.

'That poor guy must be starving...', thought the farmer as he bought another steel plate to share the food with.

He shared the food with the man and in under an astonishing fashion, the middle-aged finished all of his portions in under a minute and looked at the farmer as if saying, 'That's it?'

The farmer was astonished, and out of pity he shared his food again. He brought a rather large lunch box because he was going to spend the entire night here but the middle-aged man just kept eating and eating; until all of his portions were finished and the farmer had nothing left.

"Ya' know, ya' gotta amazing appetite for your age? " The farmer said with an amused smile. The middle-aged responded by saying "No no no, no. It's just that it's been a while since I've eaten anything at all. Sorry for eating all of your food, though..."

"Nothing ta' worry about man. My wife's a delicious cook, after all, haha," the farmer said as he laughed. The middle-aged man in the meanwhile, nodded, and said "The cooking reminded me of my old times..."

"You're not that old, mon. We're of the same age," said the farmer with a hearty chuckle. And for some absurd reason, the middle-aged man laughed like he was listening to a joke. He couldn't stop rolling on the ground for a few minutes before finally saying, "thanks"

His voice was sincere and then from his pouch, he took out a ring and threw it towards the farmer.

"You're a good man! Take this, and live the rest of your live happily. "

Seeing the expensive looking ring, the farmer exposed an anxious expression. He thought that the middle-aged man must've been an noble, and so with immediate effect, he kowtowed towards him.

The moment the farmer lifted head from the ground, the middle-aged was already gone, the farmer looked everywhere but the man was already gone.

The farmer looked at the sky again, and the only scenery he saw were the dark, and tumultuous clouds swelling up again. He tched', "It looks like a storm is brewing again...mon, I hate these. Another week of rain, I guess..."

That middle-aged was none other than Tang Tenshin, who after clearing one of his lifelong desires, was coming towards the Heavenly Dragon Sect with all the fury he could muster in his body.

P.O.V change Chen Yang

" Thud! "

"I'm back," said Chen Yang who had just dropped inside the cave. But to his surprise, he discovered that the old immortal wasn't inside the cave waiting for him. Furthermore, upon searching, he found a few red writings on the wall.

'Dear Chen, if you see this, then I have a message for you. After a long amount of time, in this cave, where I was alive with no one but myself, and where I was dying both mentally and physically everyday; many people appeared but they couldn't fill the void in my heart. They had devious intentions, or they were just too devoted to me; so they couldn't act like their normal selves in front of me... "

" But you appeared, maybe because you reminded me of my grandson who died, or because of your antics; I took an instant liking to you and formed a companionship. That too after 400 years. And even though it's master and disciple relationship, I really liked talking to you, maybe it's because I was reminded of the duty I felt when I was running away from vengeance and thrusting the responsibility unto you unnecessarily. I feel I should complete the revenge I set myself upon for."

"Boy, if you ever come back to this cave again, look at carvings I made. These are all the moves me and my family in Devil Sect used to practice with; master them, and if you can, and want to, please make the Devil Sect flourish again. "

"With all the fucking good wishes, your old immortal..."

Chen Yang was distraught upon seeing this, '... Dammit, how can he do this to me? After that...he was my only family...:

'I guess, I have no one left but myself...!'

'Wait, It's still not too late! Maybe I can save him and stop him! Even though he didn't tell me, I know that the old immortal was never in good health...I should say I'll take revenge for him, and he'll listen, right?' A cascade of thoughts came to his brain.

[ P.O.V unknown location, but on the same damn cliff]

The Elder of the Heavenly Dragon Clan was smiling as he thought, ' The fortune told me... that if he steps into this forest again, that'll be the day of his doom, and if Tang Tenshin ever steps out of the forest ...then that will his day of his doom hehe...' thought the elder as he smirked and said " Come Tenshin! let me prove how the little brat you chided grow up to be hehe" his creepy voice echoed across the cliff as he slowly took another sip of the tea.

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Talk about fucking luck! "

Daoist_om: "What does this have to do with me and my work...?"

Gyihhuhu: "Damn you, I just wanted to rant. And increase the word count."