Chapter 315 You Can't Wait

In the distant village, Cathy sat quietly at the entrance of the village, looking straight outside. Her eyes were full of expectation. She hoped that James could appear in front of her unexpectedly. However, it turned out that the harsh reality always disappointed her.

Cathy lowered her head and buried her head in her lap. She pulled the grass out and asked in a frustrated tone, "Will James not come to see me again? No, he won't. He will come to me."

"Cathy." Mrs. Miao walked with difficulty.

Cathy looked up at her and asked sadly, "Grandma, why James hasn't come yet? Is he sick or is he delayed by something?" As she spoke, she missed him more and more.

Looking at her expression, Mrs. Miao sighed softly and said, "My silly child, I think that boy's feelings for you are not serious. He's just playing with you."

Cathy looked at her in surprise, and asked with confusion on her face, "Not serious? You mean that James didn't really like me? No. I knew that James would not lie to me. He loves me and he is nice to me. Grandma, I believe him."

"If he really loves you, why hasn't he come to find you for such a long time? He didn't even call you. Every time you called him, he would say that there was something important and end the call in a hurry. Later, he didn't even pick up the phone. Cathy, men outside are very mean. I'm afraid he doesn't love you. He just trifled with your affection." Said Mrs. Miao earnestly.

Cathy shook her head hard. Her face was as pale as paper. She kept saying, "Don't worry, grandma. James is not that kind of person. I trust him. I think he must be very busy with his work. The call didn't get through. Maybe... Maybe it's because he's sick."

Cathy kept making excuses for him and didn't not to believe Mrs. Miao. James was a nice man in her eyes. She couldn't believe that he was such a bastard.

Seeing that Cathy was so stubborn, Mrs. Miao sighed helplessly, "You are too innocent. People's hearts are unfathomable. No one knows what kind of person he is. Some people may seem kind, but in fact they are very bad. I know the girl, Sherry, who lied to me before. She's an example, isn't she?"

Cathy didn't say anything, just staring at somewhere. After a long silence, Cathy put herself together and said, "No. I will go to find James and ask him about it."

Looking at her surprisedly, Mrs. Miao asked, "You want to see him? Don't be impulsive, Cathy. You are a girl. It's not suitable for you to go to a strange place. I agreed you left here last time because Hears was with you. It's too dangerous for you to go out alone!"

Holding her hand, Cathy said with a firm look on her face, "Grandma, I have to make

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

a buzz in her brain, "Lying to me? So, don't you really like me?"

James felt a little sorry for her, but he still decided to tell her the truth. "Yes, I don't really like you. I just don't want you to affect the relationship between Hearst and Heidy. The thing is..." James then told Cathy what had happened exactly.

With a bloodless face, Cathy's brain was buzzing. She couldn't believe that it was true. "How could this be? Everything you did with me turned out to be fake..."

"Cathy, it is the truth. This is our plan. I'm sorry that we hurt you, but it was also because your mean grandmother drugged Heidy." Noah added.

Cathy's tears fell down on her face. She looked at James sadly and sobbed. "I thought you really loved me. You are the best man in the world to me. I'm sorry, I'm too naive..." Then she turned around, and left sadly.

"Cathy." Said Heidy anxiously. She tried to stop Cathy, but Hearst grabbed her wrist.

Then, he looked at her and said in a low voice, "Let her calm herself down. It's a fact that she has to accept."

She understood what he meant. But when she thought that Cathy came to find James alone, but she left in this way, Heidy got worried. "I just hope that she can figure it out as soon as possible. She is still too pure and innocent." Said Heidy in a grave tone.

James sat on the sofa and said dejectedly, "I thought she would forget me after a long time. Well, it seemed that she was hurt by me. I'm not that kind of man who would trifle with other's affection. But she is indeed not my type."

"Love cannot be forced. If you don't like her, you change anything about it. She will figure it out as long as you give her some time." Said Hearst in a plain tone.

Heidy nodded and looked at the closed door, sighing in her heart.