Chapter 316 A Brave Decision

After resting at home for a while, Heidy went back to work again. It was tiring to go to work, but it was the most important thing for her to live a full life.

In the Hua group, Heidy devoted herself to the business. If she didn't come to the company, she could have simply dealt with the situation. But since she was here, she should spend more energy. She wanted to do her best.

When Warren came to the office, he saw that Heidy's face was a little pale. He asked with concern, "Are you all right, boss? You still need to pay more attention to your health. You don't look very well. If Mr. Hearst knows that you get tired, he will be very worried."

With a slight smile on her lips, Heidy said softly, "Nothing. I can handle it. But I have stayed at home for a long time, so I was not in good condition. I will recover soon."

Hearing that, Warren smiled and said, "Yes, it's true. Our president is the best. I have always thought that you are a very smart woman. You can handle everything well, no matter it's your life or the company."

"I'm lucky. Hearst respects me. Unlike others, Hearst is supportive of my work. It was Hearst who gave me trust and respect." Said Heidy with a smile.

Looking at the happiness on Heidy's face, Warren nodded and said, "Yes. After your wedding, everything will be perfect."

Speaking of the wedding, Heidy smiled. Hearst still didn't reveal any details about the wedding. So far, Heidy still didn't know where the wedding took place. She only knew that she would have an amazing wedding. So she had to wait patiently for it.

Coming back to her senses, Heidy smiled softly, "Well, I also hope that day can come earlier. Then you can take a day off to attend my wedding party."

"Of course, I will." Warren smiled and said. "I'll get back to my work."

Heidy nodded and Warren left. She was grateful to everyone who had helped her. When she took over the company, almost everyone in the company didn't agree with her. At that time, Warren supported her. As her assistant, he had done everything he could. In the eyes of Heidy, this trust and respect were very precious.

Therefore, Heidy treated those who had been nicked to her kindly. Heidy looked at her watch and continued to work.

She walked slowly after the work was done. Feeling a pain in her stomach, she frowned. This time, the injury was hurt much more than she expected. She walked slowly. When she was about to get in the car, Cathy said in a cold voice, "Heidy."

She stopped and looked curiously in the direction of the sound. At the sight of her, Heidy asked in surprise, "Cathy?" It had been two days since the previous incident. By now, Heidy had thought that Cathy had left A city.


e you risking your life? Don't you know that the doctor said you are very weak now. If you exhaust yourself like this, your body won't be able to bear it at all."

Realizing that he was angry, Heidy said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I've tried my best to reduce my workload. But I can't control myself at work. I'm sorry to have worried you."

Seeing that she was guilty, the tension in Hearst's face eased up. "Heidy, don't come to the company temporarily. Have a good rest at home. If you go on like this, your body will not stand it sooner or later. I will never let that kind of thing happen. I won't allow you to come here no matter what you say before you completely recover."

She knew that he was really scared this time. However, she was also worried. Recently, her physical strength was too weak to withstand the pressure. Thinking of this, Heidy smiled and said, "Well, I'll listen to you. I will leave the business of the Hua group to you before I recover. Are you going to refuse me? Don't worry. Mr. Paul will help you. You know his ability."

"I didn't expect you to make such a request." Said Hearst. He was clear how important the Hua group was to her.

With arched eyebrows, Heidy replied in a sweet smile, "Because I believe you can manage the company well. You are my husband, the father of my child, and the man I trust most in the world."

Hearing her words, Hearst's cold face softened. "Well, I won't let you down. Take good care of yourself. When I hand over the Hua group to you, it will be much better than now."

Holding his hand, she responded with a smile, "Well, I believe in you. My husband is the best man in the world."

"You bet." Seeing that, Hearst smiled with satisfaction.

She chuckled, feeling warm in her heart. Trust was the most precious between them.