Chapter 117

After leaving the city, Yang Xuan bypassed an intersection and walked his car towards a remote and rugged path.

The path has been abandoned for a long time. It is overgrown with weeds and rugged. Yang Xuan deliberately puts the speed very fast. The body of little Polo bumps like a bumper car.

And there was no one around. There were bushes and groves everywhere. Yang Xuan was secretly observing Xiao Ziyi next to her all the way to see her reaction.

But he was soon disappointed.

The woman not only didn't show any panic, but was surprisingly quiet. She even took out a book from her bag and read it quietly.

Looking at the title of the book again, the four words "will to power" almost blinded Yang Xuan's eyes.

When he used to work as a mercenary, one of his big friends in foreign political circles especially loved this book and took it with him wherever he went.

Yang Xuan was also curious to see what was written inside, which made people so fascinated, but after a few pages, his head began to swell.

The political friend laughed and said a meaningful sentence: those who can read this book must be people with strong will as a rock.

After saying that, he didn't forget to remind Yang Xuan with a warning tone: if one day he meets a woman who loves reading will to power, no matter how attractive that woman is, he must remember two words: stay away!

Because such a woman's wisdom, temperament and willpower are far from what others can predict. You can never guess what's going on in her mind.

Maybe you can push you into the abyss in the next second. After stepping down a few feet, you can throw down a few big stones, which will be irreparable!

"If you just do this little trick, you'll disappoint me."

Xiao Ziyi carefully turned the book, but it seemed that she had seen through the careful thinking of the guy next to her, and said faintly: "when I was six years old, I completed my first parachute jump in my life. When I was nine years old, I lived alone in the primeval forest for three days and three nights."

"You may not believe it. In those three days and nights, my food was a python with a thick neck. I killed the python myself."

Yang Xuan shuddered. "Xin, I believe everything you say, but I'm curious. A python with your neck so thick, even a tiger has to detour. How did you kill it?"

Xiao Ziyi closed the book, turned her head, and stared at each other with the eyes that made Yang Xuan crazy. She played with the taste, "because I'm smarter than the tiger. The tiger only has tusks, and I know how to use my brain. I always think that my brain is much better than my fist."

Then, Xiao Ziyi described how she killed the python thicker than her neck.

Yang Xuan tried to find some flaws in it, but when he heard the whole process, he found that there were no leaks at all!

"Have you participated in special soldier training?"

Yang Xuan was puzzled. Just now Xiao Ziyi said that the method of killing Python is a very classic way in the training course of special soldiers, including how to use the natural weakness of Python to induce, how to let it exhaust its own physical strength, and how to start at its weakest part.

This knowledge is not what ordinary people can master, and even if they master theoretical knowledge, it is not so in practice.

But through Xiao Ziyi's description just now, Yang Xuan can be 100% sure that she is telling the truth, because if she has not personally experienced the scene, some details will not be known anyway.

The only explanation is that Xiao Ziyi has experienced special training, but he has been in contact with Xiao Ziyi for a while, and he can't see that Xiao Ziyi has Kung Fu.


Xiao Ziyi said with a smile, "these are what my brother taught me."

"Who's your brother?" Yang jieka asked.

"An excellent to terrible special soldier!"

Referring to his brother, Xiao Ziyi's mouth slightly aroused a proud arc.

"Where did he serve? Was he the legendary shadow army?"

Yang Xuan asked that he had heard before that there was a special special organization in China. It had no serial number, never appeared in public, and no one even knew their existence.

However, such special organizations are the backbone to protect China's security and the real strength of this land. Such forces are called Shadow forces by the mercenary community.

Because they are like shadows, always hidden in the dark and mysterious.

"Sorry, I can't tell you. It's a state secret."

Xiao Ziyi said with a smile, "moreover, even if I want to tell you, I don't know. My parents are just two ordinary businessmen. Although the old man spent some time in politics in his early years, he retired long ago. Such a top secret is far from my ordinary people."

Yang Xuan shrugged his shoulders and didn't continue to ask. He just looked at the demon again in his heart. He even had an impulse to split her head to see if there was a chip installed in it.

The car stopped at the foot of a remote mountain. Yang Xuan pointed to the top of the mountain and said with a smile, "there are really no famous mountains in Nanjiang. The highest mountain is this mountain, even without a name, but the scenery is good. You can make do with it."

Xiao Ziyi built a shed with her hand, looked up at the top of the mountain and said, "it looks good, but I see a road on the map. Why don't you drive up directly?"

"It's boring to go directly from the road. The scenery is beautiful when you walk from the path!"

Yang Xuan said with a smile, "and the mountain road is so steep that I can't drive up this small old car."

Xiao Ziyi turned his head and smiled faintly, "have you ever heard the story of painting a snake and adding feet?"

Yang Xuan was stunned. "This pupil knows, too."

Xiao Ziyi smiled, "but not everyone can really understand the story, such as you."

"Me?" Yang Xuan was confused.

Xiao Ziyi went to the front of the car and patted the hood with her hand. "You can see better scenery from the path. In fact, this reason is enough to convince me to go up from the path."

"But you have to add a reason why the road is too steep and your car can't drive up. It's not painting a snake. What's it?"

Yang Xuan scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "that's the truth."


Xiao Ziyi shook her head with a smile and said, "a modified car worth at least 200 million can't even get on the road with this slope?"

"How did you know?"

Yang Xuan was stunned, and then a flash of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

"It's simple."

Xiao Ziyi said with a smile, "although this car has been perfectly modified and has a dual control system, as long as you don't switch another system, you can't see any flaws in all aspects."

"But no matter how perfect the dual control system is, it can never change the nature that it is a modified vehicle. It is impossible to achieve dual control in some details."

"For example, in the urban area, when the old lady rushed over, she made a sudden brake, the body was very stable, and the wheel grip was far better than those ordinary racing cars. I knew it was a modified car with dual control system."

"Then, just now, you deliberately drove the car onto a rugged road. Although the body was very bumpy, those were appearances."

"The auto balancing performance of the vehicle, as well as the correction and cushioning functions, can quickly self correct when bumping to a critical value.

"I don't know what parts are used inside, but the value of this system is at least no less than 100 million."

"The reason why I guess two hundred million is because a car with only one hundred million systems, and the other parts should be the top. Roughly estimate, the total value is at least more than two hundred million. Am I right?"