395 If you read the 395th episode, you'll gain more experience!

"Nice to meet you. Thanks to the U.S. President's card."

Jong-seok took the hand at the card's words.

"I'm Jong-seok Lee from Korea."

"I've heard from Kei that he's a great man."

Then Card looked at the people.

"Please excuse us for a moment.”

When the people sitting on the sofa got up at the horse of the card and went out, the card pointed to the sofa.

"Sit down."

Jong-seok sat on the sofa with Lee Soo-mi at the card's horse.

"Kei told me you're a great man."

"I'm just a Korean."

"Hahaha! If all Koreans are like Lee, they should at least shoot a nuclear weapon."

Jong-seok's face hardened slightly by the words of the card. It's probably a 100 percent joke, but it was too much for a U.S. president.

He shook his head with a smile.

"I'm kidding."

"I know, but...... it sounds a little real to the President."

The card nodded at Jong-seok's remark.

"I heard I'm not very popular in Korea. What white supremacist, psycho drunk with American power?”

"That's... ..no."

The card nodded at Jong-seok's remark.

"There's a little bit of that."

"Is that so?"

"I'm somewhat right to say I'm drunk on American power, but I'm wrong about being a white supremacist. I'm not a white supremacist...….”

The card kept on looking at the stalactites.

"I'm an American chauvinist."

'I can't stand talking.’

It's a card that tells the head of a foreign country, "Rocket Man" or "Crazy" on TV, so...….

When Jong-seok thought of it, Card smiled and said.

"There is one thing that Russia and North Korea are good at, do you know what it is?"


"That's not wrong, but I don't hesitate to try. Somali pirates take ships from around the world and demand money from sailors and ships as hostages. They even kidnap American ships."

Jong-seok nodded at the card's words. South Korean ships were also kidnapped and wiped out by Somali pirates.

"But there are two countries that don't even touch Somali pirates."

"Is it Russia and North Korea?"

The card nodded at Jong-seok's question.

"Russia does not literally negotiate with terrorists. I don't know, but Somali pirates once caught a Russian ship, and they sent a fleet out."

"A fleet?"

"It wasn't a single combat ship that went, it was literally a fleet out. And do you know how?"


"It was annihilated, not wiped out. The pirates said they'd release the ship and the hostages, but they just......Dudududududu!"

Jong-seok swallowed his saliva when he saw a card making a shooting sound with his mouth.

This is... this is crazy.’

When Jong-seok thought of it, the card shook his head.

"There have been several Somali pirates who have been involved with Russia since then, all of whom have been shot dead or released.


The shooting is understandable, but the release is not understandable.

"Russia doesn't kill every enemy who surrendered. It's a country that has to abide by international conventions. But the problem is how we got them released."

"How did you order it?”

"The pirates who surrender are burned down in the middle of the sea by a boat. They don't give me a compass or water, they just put me in a boat."

"Then... ...you're going to die?”

"That's what I'm saying. It takes a long time to shoot down the pirates who surrendered and take them to Russia, unless there is direct evidence that they killed a man, the legal ground for felony charges is weak......just leave it at sea in the name of release."

"I can't believe it. ....”

When Jong-seok was surprised, the card said.

"That's why pirates don't touch Russian ships. If you touch it, you die.”

"Somehow you look envious."

"I'm jealous. I should have wiped out those pirates...... In our country, it's hard to do that because it's a human rights issues. And even if I give you that order, I doubt that front-line commanders will follow."

Lee Soo-mi asked the card's words gently.

"Then what about North Korea?"

"There were pirates occupying North Korean ships...... I was overpowered by the crew. He also said that he had captured pirates with his bare hands with guns.”

"With my bare hands?"

"Yes, and the funny thing is that the North Korean sailors caught the pirates and demanded money from their party. So after that, pirates don't touch these guys because they're more thieves."

When Jong-seok was a little puzzled, the card continued.

"In addition, catching hostages doesn't cost North Korea money, does it? They don't care about human rights at all."

Jong-seok, who was looking at him, opened his mouth at the words of the card.

"You worship the power.”

There are three kinds of strong people. One who oppresses others with his strength, one who protects himself with his strength......and someone who wants to show to others that he is strong.

In Jong-seok's view, the card was someone who wanted to show others that he was strong.

"Who doesn't like being strong?"

Then the card looked at the stalactites.

"I heard you were from Shaolin Temple."


"Kei says there's a stamp built in San Francisco by former Shaolin Kung Fu masters and they're going to train special forces.”

"I heard about it."

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

"I don't deliver martial arts to the army."

"We'll give you the best treatment."

"I like Korea."

"That's better then. I'll make Korea a good policy."

"What do you mean?"

"Our country and Korea are closely related. You may make concessions on some policies. It will probably be a great help to the Korean national interest."

Jong-seok shook his head with a smile at the card's words.

"I love Korea, but it's not enough to sacrifice me for the sake of national interest."

"I thought you were a patriot.”

"I don't love a country that wants to sacrifice its people. If I'm going to sell myself in Korea to make policy gains, then I'll think about immigration."

The card giggled at Jong-seok's remarks.

"I'll have to look into it."

Seeing him speak, he seemed to be joking, not serious.

Then the card got up from his seat and handed a piece of paper to Jong-seok.

"This one?"

"It's the most prestigious medal in the United States. You've already received the Order of Merit, so our medals are very good."

Jong-seok said while looking at the papers at the card's words.

"If you're getting it from a volcano explosion...... can I be known?”

As Jong-seok knows, the volcanic eruption now externally was a disaster prevented by President Card's swift response.

However, he asked if the ball would come to him if he became known.

"Do you know what's the biggest reason I'm sitting here?"


"Because I made sure of the ball and the punishment. Whoever has an award will be rewarded, and those who have a fault will be punished......that people follow me on their own.”

Then the card gently pushed the document with his finger.

"If it weren't for Lee, 100,000 Big Island residents would have been sacrificed because of the stupid geologists. So Lee has every reason to receive this medal."

Jong-seok saw him at the card's words.

'Strange guy has at least his own views.'

The most important thing to say in the military law is to make sure of the merits and demerits.

At least a card is to keep it.

After looking at the card for a while, Jong-seok looked at the document again and signed under it.

"I don't accept it without a ball, so I won't decline."

The card raised itself to Jong-seok's horse.

"This time, I owe you. You'll always have a day to pay your debts."

Then I wrote down the number on the notepad next to the card.

"As long as it doesn't go against American national interests, call me. I'll save Lee's life once."

Since the president of the U.S. says it himself, it will certainly be a great help when something big happens to Jong-seok.

Jong-seok received a note at the words of the card.

"It's for you, so thank you."

"Now! Then let's take a commemorative photograph."

The card pressed the button on the phone next to it.

"Come in."

The door opened at the card's horse, and Kay and the soldier came in. And Jong-seok, who took a picture of the card hanging a medal on Jong-seok, and even took a commemorative photo with Lee Soo-mi, came out.

When they came out, the people waiting outside went into the Oval Office.

Looking at it, Kay said,

"The president has a lot to do because of the volcano problem."

There is no loss of life by evacuating all residents when a volcano erupts, but there is a lot of work to do with restoration and such problems.

Perhaps he was asking me to understand that he didn't talk to the card for a long time.

"I understand."

"And in two days the news about Li will be out."

"My news?"

"It will be known that it was Li who tipped off the Hawaii volcanic eruption."

"You don't have to...….”

"It's the president's will."

At Kay's words Jong-seok nodded as he looked at him.


"Let's go."

Lee Soo-mi said at Kay's words.

"Do you happen to have any souvenirs or something?"”

"A souvenir?"

"In that movie, people at the White House drink coffee with a white mug with an eagle on it...….”


Kay laughed at Lee Soo-mi's words.

"I'll take care of it."

Then Kay took out her cell phone, called somewhere, and guided Jong-seok and Lee Soo-mi out of the White House.

Kay received the box from a man at the entrance of the White House and gave it to Lee Soo-mi.

"It's a souvenir."

"Thank you."

Lee Soo-mi smiled and opened the box and smiled at the cup in it.

Jong-seok, who was watching the scene, saw Kay.

"I heard that the U.S. Special Forces made an offer to Shaolin's disciples."

"That's right."

"And the proposal said I should show my skills...... did Kay use her hand?”

Kay nodded at the question of Jong-seok.

"I like talented people. Lying Lee's skills in Korea...... isn't it a waste?"

"Well, I think I'm good at using...... Oh! I know some of you have survived my skills."

Kay laughed at Jong-seok's remarks.

"Of course... ...I've benefited. But that ability, it can be used for better things."

"That it's better...... you seem to have a different standard of judgment than I do."

Kei looked at Jong-seok and said,

"Anyway, since you're in the United States, could you take a test at Geumgang Shaolin for a while?"


"In order for Keumgang Shaolin to become an instructor in the U.S. Special Forces, it must be verified accordingly."

"It can be seen enough without me."

The students of the Geumgang Shaolin Temple are so great that they can also communicate with the assassins of Shaolin Temple.

I don't know the level of the U.S. Special Forces, but I didn't think they would lose against each other.

"The Special Forces instructor went to meet him himself, and he said he was definitely great.”

Kei said, looking at Jong-seok as if he was in trouble.

"I want to see the best.”

Jong-seok, who was looking at Kei, opened his mouth.

"I will contact you after consulting with my disciples."

"Do so. Ah! And where are you going to travel now?"

"While I'm speaking, I'm going to San Francisco to see my students."

"Then take my flight."

"Then I'll thank you."

If you have to take a plane anyway, your personal flight is convenient. Definitely... ...

And it's free.

"And this.”

Kay took out two envelopes and put them out to Jong-seok and Lee Soo-mi one by one.

"This one?"

As Jong-seok wondered if something hard and square was caught inside, Kay said.

"It's a prepaid card with $100,000 in it."

"Why this?"

"Thank you to the President."

Jong-seok nodded at Kay's words and put the envelope in his pocket.

Looking at it, Kay pulled out her business card.

"If you need any help while in America...….”

Kay, who was talking, thought for a moment and said,

"Please contact the Governor or the Mayor and tell me my name. Then we'll give you some help."

Even if the governor and the mayor are different from each other, there is nothing good about being an enemy to Kay Kuns.

So I'll give you some convenience.

Jong-seok, who said hello to Kay and broke up, began to move on to his private plane in the car he had prepared.

The President of the United States and the White House....you'll get some experience.’

There is also a volcanic eruption, so if you do well, you will be able to get the experience value of your work.