396 If you read the 396th episode, you'll gain more experience!

Jong-seok and Lee Soo-mi were entering Chinatown in San Francisco.

"I feel like I'm in Chinatown, Incheon."

Lee Soo-mi's remarks made me laugh.

"It's China Town, and you should say it looks like you're in China."

"You don't have a red light on the streets of China. If you look at the outside, Incheon Chinatown is more similar than the Chinese street."

nodding at Lee Soo-mi's words, Jong-seok looked at the map on his cell phone.

"You'll see it if you turn that way."

"Geumgang Sorimsa Temple...... that's a nice name.”

"It's confusing just to say Shaolin. And the word Geumgang seems very strong to foreigners.”

"That's true, too."

Then suddenly, Lee Soo-mi saw Jong-seok.

"But you don't have to contact me?”

"I want to see how you're doing and running.”

"You'd be surprised."

"You'll be surprised."

Lee Soo-mi smiled at Jong-seok's smiling face.

"I don't know how Jerome is doing.”

Jerome was seriously injured in a battle with the disciples of the first Shaolin Temple on the day the second Shaolin Temple opened.

At that time, Lee Soo-mi took care of him next to him, and that's when he became very close.

Jong-seok and Lee Soo-mi, who walked along the street talking, could see the buildings.

"You don't have a bow?”

At Lee Soo-mi's words, Jong-seok took out his cell phone and looked at the location marked on the map and walked.

"Are they seated in the building?"

Since it is the U.S., it is possible to build Geumgang Shaolin Temple in the building to suit the characteristics of the U.S.

Jong-seok, who was walking with such thoughts, was able to see Asians smoking in front of a building.

Jong-seok, who slid Lee Soo-mi to his side, looked at the building while looking at the map.

"Here it is."

Then Jong-seok raised his hand and pointed to the third floor.

Geumgang Shaolin Temple

a traditional Shaolin martial art

Jin So-pyeong, a Chinese martial arts master.

Along with the inscription Geumgangsorimsa Temple, there was a promotional phrase, along with a photo of Paul standing with Jin So-pyeong, on the window.

'There's a third floor.'

On the first floor of the three-story building, there was a dim sum house, and on the second floor, I don't know what it was, and on the third floor, Geumgang Sorimsa Temple was located.

He saw the entrance of Jongseok. At the entrance, Asian youths were smoking and glancing at Lee Soo-mi.

"Here you go."

Lee Soo-mi strode toward the building at Jong-seok's words. Jong-seok shook his head at the sight of Lee Soo-mi going without a chance to catch her.

Usually, young people who smoke gather around, or they deserve to go, but Lee Soo-mi's steps were unstoppable.

There is no reason to be scared when Jong-seok is next to him.

As Lee Soo-mi approached, the young people laughed and talked to her.

"Where's the pretty girl going?"

"Don't you want to play with your brother?"

Lee Soo-mi walked into the building without answering back to the images of young people speaking in Chinese.

One of the young men stepped up to block Lee Soo-mi's front.


The young man who put his foot on the wall smiled and saw Lee Soo-mi.

"Here is..."



The young man who was talking screamed. Lee Soo-mi kicked the bridge that blocked the road.

Others glared at the young man, who held his legs and was in pain.

"She's now...….”

A young man raised his hand at Lee Soo-mi and hardened.


Jong-seok's murder took over the young man. Lee Soo-mi saw the last stone as the young people hardened.

"Let's just leave it. I was going to beat it up.”

Lee Soo-mi was offended by the way young people said she was pretty and teased. No, from the first glance you look up and down at yourself.

Jong-seok shook his head with a smile at Lee Soo-mi's words.

"Don't be offended and let's just go in."

When Lee Soo-mi saw the young people as Jong-seok said, she held up her middle finger.

"Because she's giving me a break today. From now on, don't talk to me like I'm pretty. You'll get in trouble."

Then when Lee Soo-mi moved on, Jong-seok followed suit and decided to live.




Only then did the young men sink down, swallowing groans and empty winds. Lee Soo-mi, who glanced at such young people, said as she climbed the stairs.

"Tell me to live, too."


"Don't you think you're not going to get sued if you scold him with a life? You just have to stare."

Jong-seok laughed at Lee Soo-mi's words.

"Where does that come from?"


"Living is literally the spirit of killing. It's similar to the energy a person feels when he or she stands in front of a tiger. The feeling that I'm dying.”

"But you've never killed anyone, have you? Do you have one?”

Lee Soo-mi shook her head with a smile at what she saw with surprised eyes.

"How could that be?”

"Then how do you spend your life?”

"To be exact, it's a shot of bad energy."

"Ah......then you press it with your nose?”

"Then it is."

That's what you said, but...... actually, Jong-seok's life is literally a living.

Jong-seok never killed a person, but other writers in the book of experience killed a person.

Even Yu-jin, a college student who left Gungon-gu, killed many people.

So what Jong-seok uses was real life.

"But why aren't the disciples kicking you out when there are such rascals in front of the shop?”

At Lee Soo-mi's words, Jong-seok looked down the stairs. I couldn't feel whether the young people under the stairs had gone.

"Wait a minute."


"There's something I need to confirm."

"Do it that way."

At Lee Soo-mi's words, Jong-seok ran down the stairs at once.

Blame it!

Jong-seok, who came down to the first floor by moving his feet only twice, approached the place where the young people were.

Then I looked around and saw cigarette butts. I counted 13...….

The other four of them....I don't know how many minutes I smoke, but I've been here for an hour or two?'

After looking at the cigarette butts for a while, Jong-seok climbed the stairs again.

"Where have you been?”

"I saw how many cigarette butts you have.”

"That's... ahh!"

Lee Soo-mi, who was speaking, knew what she meant and said.

"How many were there?”


"So, um... ...you've been there for an hour or two?”

Lee Soo-mi was also thinking of what she had thought, and saw her as if Jong-seok was great.

"Did you think about it there?"

"Do you know how many scripts I've seen for movies and dramas? I have all the scenarios in my head. That's like a detective and a mystery."

Lee Soo-mi, who was talking and climbing the stairs, said.

"Then why were they hanging around here?"


"Are you the disciples of the Geumgang Shaolin Temple?"

"Given the personality of Jerome and his kids, I don't think he's going to raise his students like a rascal...….”

"Well... ...you'll find out."

Jongseok and Lee Su-mi, who arrived on the third floor, approached the door with the signboard reading Geumgangsorimsa Temple.



There was a loud shout of shouts through the closed door. He opened the door and went inside.



When I opened the door and entered, I saw some young men training inside.

"Sad Master!"

Jerome, who was looking at the training of the young people, was surprised to see Jong-seok and hurried up.

"Your disciple Jerome is meeting your uncle."

Looking at Jerome, who politely captivated, Jong-seok saw young people training.

When they saw Jerome giving Jong-seok the siege, they stopped in wonder and watched him.

"How have you been?"

"I'm doing well."

"What about the other disciples?"

"Adults go to work and the death penalty comes at evening retreat."

"These are the students?"


"First of all, train yourself. Let's talk later."


Jerome guided Jong-seok and Lee Soo-mi to the office on one side. But there was nothing special about the office.

There was nothing special but one partition to share with the stamp.

And when I saw a crib lying on one side, I thought I was sleeping in it.

"You don't seem to be very well off."


When Paul told me it was going well, but......it seemed to me that the operation wasn't as good as I thought.

If this place works well, adults who can be called great disciples would not have gone to work.

Jong-seok, who was looking at the office with that thought, glanced toward the training center.

Outside, there was a conversation between the disciples and Jerome.

"You just got in, you're from Amazing Land, aren't you?”

"That's right."

"Oh...... that's great."

"Can't you ask me to show you a run on that water?"

"A military achievement is not meant to be shown to others."

"You've been on TV, and...….”

"Don't talk nonsense and get in shape."

Jong-seok nodded at the sound from outside. He seemed to have seen Amazing Land.

He would have told his disciples to look at him because he was coming out.

The master of Shaolin Temple is going to Amazing Land. So the students must have seen it.

I wanted to go out and show you something, but I wasn't in the mood. Things didn't seem to work out here.

I feel like there's something going on with the young men at the entrance.….’

Jerome came inside when Jong-seok was thinking that.

"Do you want coffee, sir?"

"What about the disciples?"

"After the training, I went to wash up now."

Jong-seok, who nodded at Jerome's words, opened his mouth.

"Isn't it working well here?”


"It's all right. Talk to me."

Jerome, who was briefly at Jong-seok's words, nodded.

"It was good at first."

"Then it's not working out now?"




As Jerome hesitated, Jong-seok said.

"On the way in, I saw some young people smoking at the entrance...….”

"They again?"

"They? Again?"

When Jong-seok saw it, Jerome sighed and said,

"It's a Chinatown organization."

"What if it's an organization? Triad?"

Since it is said to be a Chinese organization, the Triad is the first thing that comes to mind.

"I don't think that's it, it's just an organization that works in Chinatown."


"When we set up Geumgangsan Shaolin and received our disciples, some of the gangsters came in."

Paul and his disciples, who founded Geumgangsorimsa Temple, promoted and gathered students.

At that time, there was a lot of news about the second Shaolin Temple in China, and many students gathered to promote it while performing martial arts on the streets.

Among them were Chinatown gangsters. He accepted it because it didn't even say gangster on his forehead.

Of course, they sent out those who were in trouble and had bad words and deeds at the school.

Then, some of the students were severely beaten by gangsters.

It turned out that those who came to the school and kicked it out because of their bad words and behavior were vindictive and quarreled with the students and defeated them.

Paul and his disciples visited the gangsters and smashed them. Even though there were a large number of gangsters and they had guns, Paul and his disciples were no match.

If Paul and his students are good at it, they will be able to avoid pistols unless they shoot with machine guns.

The number of students increased due to the story that the disciples of Geumgang Shaolin smashed the gangsters.

Especially, many merchants who were weak and wanted to be protected came in and learned martial arts.

Until then, I thought there would be no problem. But the problem is...….

It happened when merchants at Geumgang Shaolin Temple did not pay gangsters for protection.

The people of Geumgang Shaolin no longer fear the gangsters.

Five disciples of Geumgangsorimsa Temple went and destroyed the organization with guns and knives with their bare hands.

Then Chinatown organizations became aware of the crisis. People have to be afraid of them so they can operate....because people are not afraid of themselves.

As a result, Chinatown organizations began to harass Geumgang Shaolin Temple en masse.