178 Elmia Rescue

I defeated the devil.

It also crushed the possibility that the devil would be reincarnated, and destroyed the magic formations that the devil had set up in the Holy City.

Sounds like the devil had a daughter, but it looks like my fiery knight knocked it down too.

That's probably it, because the myriad signs of evil gods I've felt since I came to the Holy City have also completely disappeared.

That's what I thought.

"The chief of the Holy Knights, Elmia is nowhere. Dear Hart, please. Help me find her!

When I returned to the Grand Temple and reported to Seira that I had defeated the devil, she gave me a slightly soothing look, but she immediately asked me to look for Elmia.

Elmia, like Saira and next Virgin candidate Isha, said she could be abducted by the devil.

I shook my hand when I broke up with her when I came with Saira to the Holy City. That's when I was sneaking a metamagic formation onto Saira, so I could protect her from the devil.

But at that time, Elmia was somehow on guard of me and didn't respond to me shaking hands, so I couldn't put a metastatic magic formation on her.

So even if they tell me Elmia's missing, I can't go help her right away.

I had Tina detect the magic of Elmia, but she says she can't feel the magic of Elmia in this holy city.

There are three possibilities from this.

I. Elmia is being taken away to a place outside Tina's scope of magic detection.

II. He is held in captivity with a magic tool that dispels magic.

III. Elmia has already been killed.

For the devil, the Holy Knight is just out of the way.

I don't really want to think about it, but the third most likely.

I put a magic formation of metastases on her holy armor.

It is hard to imagine that the demon who abducted her would leave her in holy armor that maximizes the power of the Holy Knight.

So if I move to the location of Saint Armor in Elmia, there may be no one there.

Also, if the devil had dumped the holy armor in a different space or something, there's a chance I'd die if I transferred there.

But Saira, who cried desperately in tears for me to help Elmia, decided to move me to a place with holy armor in Elmia.

I just don't know where I'm going, so I'm going to put a bunch of junctions around my body that will allow me to maintain as much life activity as possible no matter where I go.

I have a fixed status, so I don't think I'm going to die unless something happens, but overconfidence isn't good.

I also took into account my death at the destination and pasted myself a magic formation that would automatically transfer to Luca if I died.

Because even in the worst case scenario, it is possible to have Luca resuscitated.

I wouldn't want to die if I could.

If this is the case, I should have put a magic team on Elmia that can grasp the situation of the destination like the one I pasted on Saira...

Unfortunately, what I pasted into Elmia was a magic formation that only worked as a marker for metastases.

"I don't know what kind of place Elmia is, so I'll just transfer it for now. What if... Luca, please?"


There was everyone in the Ernoll family on this occasion.

In the worst case scenario, tell Luca I might come back dead and ask her for resuscitation.

"Okay, I'm coming."

─ ─ ─ ─

Transferred to a place with holy armor in Elmia.

It was a dark space there.

I don't know the situation.

I can magically illuminate my surroundings, but I don't know what effect that will have.

Because there are traps in this world that explode when you activate magic.

First, I decided to check around with demonic vision.

Immediately at his feet, the holy armor, believed to belong to Elmia, was rolling.

It was closer than I thought, and it hit my leg and I heard a noise.

"Who, are you there?

That was Elmia's voice.

When I look at those who speak, someone with their hands up stands. Probably Elmia.

Magic power seems to be limited to the extent that it can be seen critically by demonic vision.

With this at this distance, it's not strange no matter how much Tina can't detect magic.

Check the perimeter.

There doesn't seem to be anyone else, but just in case, I approach her with vigilance.

"Who is it!? Stop it, dude, it's coming!

Elmia's voice was trembling.

I'm afraid of my signs approaching me in the dark.

I don't mean to scare you, but I'm being discreet, too.

I'll apologize later, so bear with me.

Nothing happened and I was able to travel to where I could reach Elmia.

Nothing seems like a trap.

The only special thing in this room is the shackles that bind her hands, and this looks like a magic tool that has the effect of absorbing magic.

If we break this, we can let her go.

All right. Let's help her.

When I tried to use magic to illuminate my surroundings...

"Is that where you're looking at me? Ha, no matter what they do, I will never sell my soul to the devil! I'm... ready. If you want to kill me, kill me!!"

That's what Elmia cried out in tears.

It's a shame, it was a little bit of a "kill"...

If you keep putting Elmia's body away, you'll hear 'Kill', right?

Such a devil's whisper runs through me.

... That's crazy.

I should have knocked the devil out earlier.

Be a little calm.

I don't have a hobby for a woman who's about to cry.

"Don't worry. At Seira's request, I'm here to help you."

He spoke to Elmia as he appeared a ball of light on hand.

"Oh, you..."

She had been in this dark room for a long time and her eyes seemed to get used to the dark and she was about to dazzle.

"I met you outside the Sacred Capital, this is Hart the Wise. I'm going to remove the restraint now."

Destroyed the magic apparatus holding both hands of Elmia.

At the same time, she kept her posture by hanging herself, falling all the way down towards me.

Take it in a hurry.

Having been stripped of her holy armor, her upper body was only concealed by a thin piece of cloth on her chest, and her lower body was underwear.

Her body jumped into me like that.

Heh heh, and something soft hits my body.

Ko, is this... is there about Tina!?

When I saw Elmia in armor, I thought she was this big, but not as big as Tina. But this is--

Maybe she fought day after day trying her best to push this busty breast into the holy armor.

With that in mind, while holding Elmia back, she also destroyed her foot restraints.

I think a little reflection that I should have done it from the foot first.

There was a stone table in this room about the height of my hips, so I put Elmia to sleep on it.

You can take him back to the Sairas right away, but there are also Saint Knights around the Sairas and Tina, so just in this outfit, Elmia would be embarrassed too.

I was thinking of putting that on you because her holy armor, which often seems unbroken, is being thrown down in this room.

To do this, first, we need to get her back on track.

Being held in a standing position for a long time had cut her strength and further dislocated her shoulders.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any trauma, but the magic seemed to have been quite sucked, so he sends his magic over, heeling on both shoulders of Elmia.

"Shh, I'm sorry. But my recovery is no good. The Virgin is in danger. The devil is here. Help Saira..."

That's what Elmia said, she lost her mind.

I think it was a lot impossible.

"It's okay, Saira is safe. The devil has also been defeated."

You won't be hearing me, but I'll keep my voice shut.

Somehow, but I felt Elmia's expression soften.

I recovered Elmia, then put on my holy armor and transferred to Saira, who was worried about her safety.