179 Seira's Consultation and Plan for Rifa

"E, Elmia!

When I moved to the Grand Temple, Saira came running over when she realized I was holding Elmia.

"It's okay, I'm just losing my mind. I had been deprived of quite a bit of magic, dislocation of both shoulders, and then fatigue was terrible, but magic and dislocation were restored. Maybe I'll wake up after a little rest."

"Oh, thank you. Take Elmia to the infirmary, ladies."

"Yes, Virgin."

At Seira's direction, several women in holy armor carried Elmia.

Are they saints, too?

Unlike Elmia, it was armor that would protect her whole body well.

Wouldn't it still be her hobby to see the holy armor of Elmia everywhere...

"Dear Hart, thank you so much for protecting the Holy City. About Elmia, and Etha. And now I'm here because of Hart."

"Yeah. Glad I managed to protect everyone. You're more worried about her than that, aren't you? If anyone gets hurt during the evacuation, we'll get them back, so Saira can go to Elmia."

I say that because Saira looked worried about Hermia being transported by the Saints.


"Because this place is fine. Stay with her."

I guess I still care about Elmia. Saira bowed her head many times and ran to those to whom Elmia had been carried.

Now I've made a paragraph.

I originally just came to negotiate a dungeon operation with the Creating God, but I didn't think it would matter this far.

Nevertheless, we were able to defeat the demons lurking in the Holy City of Sanctum, and to protect Saira, whom we used to know.

Coincidentally, but again, I felt so glad to be able to come to the Sacred Capital at this time.

─ ─ ─ ─

Next day

"Oh, uh, Mr. Rifa"

Rifa, who was walking in the Sacred Capital, was called out by a woman in a hood to her eyes.

Rifa sounded familiar to the voice.

"Let, Virgin? How can you be here alone... what can I do for you?

"Yesterday, thank you for directing the Holy Knights. Can I have a moment, please?

Saira, the Virgin, was searching for herself by herself without an escort.

I wondered if it was an important request.

"Don't you know if Master Hart is interested in the... Harlem or something?

"... Yes?

Rifa was taken by Seira into a quiet cafe on the street, one behind the main street of the Holy Capital. There was not a single guest.

When you get to the table seat at the cafe, in the words cut out by Saira, the rifa solidifies.

"Actually, I admired the brave guardian who saved the world a hundred years ago. He's..."

"Mr. Hart, right?

"Yes. I heard that he was a brave man of guardianship, reincarnated and became the Hart of today. I'm being reincarnated... and, uh, I'm still attracted to him."

"Mr. Hart likes you."

"... Yes"

"But since Mr. Hart is already married to Lord Tina, I wonder..."

"Oh, yeah. I hear Rifa is your alumni with Master Hart. The...... due to his condition at school, etc., do you have any idea if he would be interested in (...) of

Helping Saira, who was being attacked by demons outside the Holy Capital, Hart and his family all introduced themselves to Saira and Elmia when they came with him to the Holy Capital, but they did not name their family except Tina.

So, Saila doesn't know Rifa's family name.

I don't know that Rifa is Hart's wife.

"Is it possible that Mr. Hart is going out with more than one woman, that is, interested in Harlem?

"Yes. Yes, sir."

Here, Rifa worried a little.

If you tell Sayla the truth, she'll confess to Hart.

Even from Rifa's point of view, Seira is beautiful.

And Hurt, Rifa's husband, increases his family without refusing to come.

Still, it seems unshakeable that Tina is the best for Hart, and Hart always sleeps with Tina every night.

The rest of the family takes turns, sleeping on the right side of Hart without Tina.

By the time we came to the Holy Capital, there were six of us rotating on its right.

It's Rifa, Luna, Yoko, Mai, May and Meldy.

Six days a week in this world, so I slept with Hart once a week.

There yesterday, the dragonoid Luca added.

Hart went to call Luca, who could fix it, because the devil destroyed the crystal that was generating the Holy Conclave that protected the Holy City.

When that Hurt returned, Luca had decided to join her family.

In Hart's words, he saw Luca naked when he transferred, causing her to lose her power as a dragon witch, so she also needed to be tied to Luca in order to regain her power?

Luca was less than satisfied, and instead, she seemed happy.

Members of the Ernore family, other than Hart and Tina, looked forward every week to being called 'Hart's Day' about the day they could sleep with Hart.

Of course, Hart doesn't know that.

Luca's addition to the Ernoll family has not necessarily resulted in a weekly "Hart's Day".

There, if Saira were to join us...

Rifa was in a grip.

I don't feel bad that a lot of women are attracted to him either because he is the man I admit to. I can also confirm that my eyes were certain. So I'm a little happy that Hart is hot on women.

But I can't sleep with my favorite Hurt, which is pretty sassy.

(Ha, if this happens anymore, I'll have to make it even in Mr. Hart's equal adult form and console him...... oh, let him remember that or the (...) demon (...) law (...)!)

Rifa made up her mind.

"The Virgin - - No, Mr. Seira. When you introduced yourself, I didn't name your family, did I? I'm now named Rifa-Ernor."

"Oh, that's..."

"Yes. I'm also Mr. Hart's wife. The question is whether Mr. Hart is interested in Harlem… the answer is yes"

"Oh, really?"

"By the way, when I was coming to the Holy Capital, seven women, including Tina and myself, rode in the carriage with Mr. Seira... that's all Hart's family"


"Then yesterday, I had another family member"

"Oh, could it be the dragon's..."

"Exactly. It's called the Dragon Witch, Mr. Luca."

Seira was too surprised to solidify.

I explained it for now.

I don't know, Rifa thought Ceira would be joining the Ernoll family as well.

Women gather around Hurt.

Luca and Seira are not the only growing families in this holy capital.

I can't be alarmed that I'm officially married and treated like a privilege.

Recently, Rifa was also normally incorporated into the rotation, because Hurt's Day was only lost once a week.

More and more women around Hurt.

If you leave it alone, Hart's Day will stop.

So, what are we gonna do?

"Um, Mr. Seira... did you know that minutes (...) you (...) devil (...) law (...)?

This is where Rifa's "Plan to Increase Hurt" started.