279 E Rank Last Request

Once I accomplished one or two more requests, I earned enough guild points to take the promotion exam.

When I visited the Adventurer Guild and looked at the requisition affixed to the wall of the Guild thinking which way my last request was, I heard a girl.

"Please! Please help your mother."

Looking at the reception, a girl a little shorter than the height of the counter is desperately complaining to her sister at the reception.

"Did you save this money?

"Yes... isn't this it?

On the counter is placed a sachet filled with copper coins.

"Hmm... With this amount, it's finally time to make the cheapest E-rank request. As far as you're concerned, even the doctors in town don't know the cause of the illness or curse healing will be the subject of the request."

When a town doctor is unable to identify the cause and becomes ill or cursed that cannot be cured with a healing pill, heel (restorative magic), or the like, a simple cause investigation alone will require an E-rank top class request.

That's roughly five times the amount the girl brought.

"We want to prevent the spread of unexplained diseases, even as guilds. So I can earn more Alliance Points... but I can't believe I'm a favorite adventurer who only gets requests for this amount of money!

My sister at the reception found me standing in front of a board with a requisition affixed to it.

Just fine.

You've decided on your last request.

We'll take that request.

"Brother, are you an adventurer?


"Will you help my mother?

"Yeah. I got it."

Any disease or curse, I'll cure you.

Anyway, my family has some of the highest healing magic users in the world, like the former Virgin and the Dragon Witch.

"Mr. Hart, the request is as you can see. Are you sure?

The receptionist knows I'm acting together at five parties. Clearly too little is paid to feed all of them.

"No problem. Because it's the usual."

"Yeah, that's right. I thought Mr. Hart would take this request, too. For once, it's confirmation. As always, I'll put aside your guild points."

"Thank you"

Depending on the content of the request, I had to take two more requests, but I was going to be able to get my reward guild points aside, so once I accomplished this request, I would be able to take the promotion exam to level D.

Then the guild officially accepted the girl's request and I was supposed to take it.

"I'm Hurt. Nice to meet you."

"I say Miu. Best regards,"

You're a little girl, but you're polite and good.

I took my client, Miu, and moved to my mansion, where everyone was waiting.

─ ─ ─ ─

"Mr. Hart, it's amazing! Something, big-time!! Was that Mr. Hart's magic earlier?

"Yeah. That's right."

Miu was enjoying the sensation of metastasis.

Some humans feel sick because they have the feeling of getting their bodies pulled hard somewhere when they metastasize, but she seemed different.

"Um... what is this place?

He was brought to a strange place to give him a slightly uneasy look.

"It's my house. My people are here, so I plan to rendezvous with everyone here and head to Miu's mother"

"Is this Hart's house?!?"

"Sooo. You must be tired."

All the humans around me seem to have gotten used to what I do lately, and they don't surprise me with most things.

So I'm so glad Miu reacted this way.

"Welcome back, Master Hart. That's..."

"This is my client, Miu."

Tina picked me up when she realized I was back.

"Wow... you're a beautiful elf"

"Well! Thank you"

Tina seemed happy to hear what Miu said when she saw Tina and muttered.

"Whoa, Hart. Are you home?"

"I'm home, Shilo"

"Ah, cute!!"

Miu jumps at Shiro, who comes out of the mansion.

"Mr. Hart. Is this girl Hart's family, too?

"Yeah. I say Shilo. I'll be glad to stroke you, so stroke him gently."


Miu had already begun to moff Shiro.

"Nooooooo. Oh, don't."

I'm telling you to stop it, but it should be easy to get out of Miu's custody if Shiro cares about it.

Still won't get away with it, so I'm glad Miu touched me.

"Then let's go to Miu's mother."

"" "Yes!

We have everyone in the Ernoll family, so we're moving to Miu's.

"Nice to meet you!

Exactly when my entire family gathered twenty, Miu was overwhelmed.

By the way, Shiro fits in Miu's arm.

You'd be scared to be surrounded by a bunch of humans you don't know, but I'm working hard to help my mother. I want you to hold Shilo and relax a little bit.

Did you feel Miu's anxiety, Shiro had been held by her for a long time on the way.

I'll help her mother quickly.

I followed everyone gathered on the spot and moved to Miu's house.

─ ─ ─ ─

"─ Huh!? So, sir. This..."

"My concubine feels bad."

"Hart... this is bad."

Shortly after the transfer to the town where Miu's house was located, Citrie and Kyou, Shiro, noticed the anomaly.

"... ah"

Things look worse than I thought.

"Um, what happened?

Miu asks anxiously.

From her, I guess it's no different from the usual view of the town.

But members like me and Citrie, Kyou and Shiro are sensitive to the curse.

Especially against the curse of evil gods.

From Miu's house there were signs of a fairly strong evil god curse.