280 Alone or the world.

"Mother, I'm home!

"I'm sorry to bother you"

About Miu, enter her house.

There are just too many of them in the Ernoll family, so me and Tina, Saira, Citrie, Kyou and Silf decided to get them into the house first.

"Welcome back, Miu. Where have you been? And then... who are those people?

Miu's mother was about to cook lunch in the kitchen. On her neck, I see a few black muscles.

"Mother is sick, you have to be asleep!!"

Miu ran to his mother and forced her to sit in a chair that was nearby.

"It's okay. I'm feeling kind of good today."

I say so, but Miu's mother's complexion is not good.

"Sorry to interrupt all of a sudden. I say Hart the Adventurer. They're my people."

"... Mr. Adventurer, how did you get home?

"Miu asked me to find out what caused your illness."

"This kid asked the Adventurer Alliance for a favor? So, but what about the money?

"You paid for it with my penny. Because I want your mother to get better soon!

"Oh, no..."

Miu's mother gave her daughter a troubled look at her unsolicited behavior, but she seemed happy somewhere.

"Um, did you get enough money for the request? With this kid's allowance, he won't be able to pay you enough to hire you."

Seeing Silf and Sayla in beautiful clothes of good quality, you thought we were the top adventurers.

"We're runaway adventurers, and our requests are cheap. But don't worry, we'll find out what caused your malaise."

I already know the cause.

"Mr. Hart. Please cure your mother."

"... excuse me. I don't want to worry about this child any more, thank you very much."

Miu's mother also accepted that we were healing.

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

The request from the Alliance is to look into the causes of Miu's mother's ill health. It is within the scope of the request that healing is also possible.

I even want to heal you properly.

"Now let me examine your physical condition first. Citrine, Silf, nice to meet you."

"Yes, sir."


Maybe the cause of the malaise is the curse of the Evil God.

I don't know what kind of curse that is, but I have to get my clothes off so I'm out of Miu's house once.

A while later, Citrie came out.

"Sir. After all, it was the curse of the Evil God."

"It is. So, what kind of curse is it? You think you can turn it off with Saira or my magic?

"Perhaps… it's impossible"

If Citrie, who understands our powers well enough, says so, I guess so.

"The curse he touched is a catastrophic curse that threatens to halve the world's population."

"─ What?"

Miu's mother was under a curse that gradually deprived her of her health. Moreover, the curse says that when the cursed die, they scatter the same curse all around them.

roughly a month until the cursed die.

And the curse spreads from the dead to the city.

As Miu's mother was about to stand up and cook, this curse makes her act, even if it is.

Furthermore, if you are not feeling well, the status board will be 'Condition: Curse' by the time you develop conscious symptoms, but you do not know what kind of curse that is.

The general public in this world rarely sees the status board in the first place.

So this curse is easy to spread all over the world.

Twice in the past, they say this curse has spread to the world, but the threat of curse did not disappear until the world's population was halved.

"Because of the intensity of the curse, I'm pretty sure she's one of the first"

"Yes. That's good"

The fact that Miu's mother is the first to be cursed saves the world just by breaking her curse. All you have to do is help Miu's mother.

─ But it doesn't seem that easy.

"Sir. It's hard to say..."


"I would suggest you take him to the confined spaces, the demonic realm, etc., and kill him there"


I don't know what Citrine's talking about.

"Hart. That curse... you'll never break it."

Silf came out.

"Never in the past have I been able to de-curse anything but that curse disappears naturally"

Both Silf and Citrie say it's something Miu's mother can't curse. This world-class Abnormal Condition Recovery item, such as Elixir or World Tree Fruit, cannot be cursed.

Furthermore, it was troublesome that it was a curse rooted in the soul.

I can't take the method I tried to do to save Leo, king of the beasts, who was cast a black death curse by the demon - nor the forceful cursing method of extinguishing every curse in his flesh and bringing him back to life with resurrection magic.

"I don't like it either, but I hate to say this... but to save this world..."

Silf was about to cry.

"We'll have to ask one of her to sacrifice it."

If Miu's mother dies in narrow spaces or in the demonic realm, the curse disappears without diffusion to anyone.

But I don't want to take that way.

I can't choose one or the world.

I don't think it's okay to sacrifice one person to save the world. Especially that "one" and we already know each other.

You told me my transfer magic was amazing, and you told me Tina was beautiful, Mew.

She came alone from this town to the guild of the King's Capital, far away, and appealed to me to use all the pennies she had saved for herself to help her mother.

I accepted it.

I promised her mother I'd help her.

So no matter what I do, I want to erase the curse of the Evil God.

"Hey, Shilo. Is there any way?

From my senses, it was the Evil God who created the curse Miu's mother was wearing. So I thought if Shiloh the Divine Beast, the use of God, might know something.

"Mmm... I'm not that familiar with curses. How's Luna?


"Wow, is that me?

"The book Luna used to show me. It's written by the ceremonial gods in Genesis of this world."

A dungeon of ruins in Bestier (Kingdom of the Beast Man). There was a privileged room where only otherworlds could enter.

Sounds like the book Ciro refers to what was placed in the perks room of that dungeon. Now it's Luna's property.

"That book might say something about this curse."

"But that book said very little about the curse, didn't it? Mostly, it's all about medicine..."

"I have the ability to show the information that the owner wants."

"What, really?

"Mm-hmm. It's a book packed with a huge amount of information. Usually, the owner is most interested in the matter."

When I heard what this Shiro said, for some reason Luna's face was in a red tide.

"Luna. In that book, I want you to find out if there's a way to curse it"

"Yes! I get it. There's a book in my room, Mr. Hart. Can you recover it with metastatic magic?


Connect the space to Luna's room with the transfer and touch the example book. At that moment...

My instincts worked.

Until earlier, I was anxious, but now I'm okay.

In this book, the answer (...) eh (...) is (...) book (...) and (...) ah (...) ru (...).