Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Translator: Yonnee

I was already expecting that Albert would ask for Liam and Schubert’s help, but I didn’t think he’d go as far as telling them that Rosé was a dark mage.

“A dark mage, sire?”

Liam asked back quizzically. It turned out that he didn’t have any suspicions about Rosé being a dark mage at all.

And it surprised me that Schubert had the same reaction. His eyes went wide.

“You really can’t judge a book by its cover, huh. As expected, animals are the best…”

Frowning, Schubert muttered gravely, but he somewhat scoffed towards the end.

He seemed to be so disillusioned by humans that he valued animals even more.

Perhaps this was the reason he liked cats.

Albert quickly gauged Liam and Schubert’s expressions, then he settled his gaze on the younger man before speaking once more.

“To be precise, the fact that ‘Rosé Artius’ is a dark mage must be revealed.”

“What do you mean…”

“Do you recall my previous visit to Liam’s domain with Rosé?”

He was talking about when I was suffering from the side effects of black magic.

Though he was taken aback by Albert’s sudden question, Schubert nodded.


“What was your impression of her?”

Surprisingly, Albert’s first question was about what Schubert thought of me. The flow of this conversation swerved real fast right there.

“I’m well aware that there’s a good reason behind your surprise, Schubert. But don’t you think that the current situation is quite unexpected as well?”

Still with a frown on his face, Schubert contemplated.

Somehow, I felt nervous because it’s like I’m going through an HR evaluation.

They wouldn’t know I’m here anyway.

“…She didn’t seem bad. In any case, she cooked delicious food, and she seemed to be the type to take good care of other people.”

Schubert grumbled as he explained. I guess the sujebi and fried chicken I made at that time was tasty.

I felt relieved that he didn’t think ill of me.

“Liam, you also must have seen not only her bad sides.”

As Albert said this, Liam pursed his lips for a moment, then he replied firmly.

“Your Majesty, with all due respect. The story that’s being spread right now seems to be nothing but a cover-up to protect a criminal.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s just as Schubert said, you can’t judge a book by its cover. The very existence of any dark mage in itself is harmful.”

“I think so, too.”


Albert’s answer now was in complete contradiction to what he’s been working towards until now.

Liam and Schubert grimaced, unable to understand what Albert’s saying. I was on the same boat as them.

“’Rosé Artius’ is a dark mage, and her soul grew weak as it was corrupted. And when she took a step into the tower, another soul entered her body.”

“…Another soul? Then you mean—”

“The Rosé you met was a different person.”

Albert recounted the situation to them in detail. Throughout the entire story, Liam and Schubert could not hide their shock.

“I’m not quite versed in the knowledge of dark mages, but… Is it truly possible for souls to switch like that?”

Liam was in disbelief.

Blanc, who was waiting for the right time to come out under Albert’s desk, jumped up at that moment.


As he was in front, Schubert stepped back in surprise.

And with furrowed brows, Liam stared at Blanc.

Albert pointed at Blanc and answered.

“This dragon is evidence enough. A contract with a dragon is signed through one’s soul. She revealed her name when she entered the contract with this guy.”

“She said her name is Jung-in.”

Blanc declared with a clear voice. Even his unwavering eyes were full of confidence.

Albert and Blanc never got along with each other before, but their teamwork now was amazing. They’re managing to get along so well.

…I just wish it’d been like this from the start. It felt strange thinking back on all the times I had to get stuck between them before.

“And one more thing. I confirmed that there’s currently no pattern on the back of Rosé’s hand—the one that signifies her identity as a dragon contractor. It’s proof enough that a completely different soul resides in that body now.”


This was undeniable evidence because Liam had also seen the pattern on the back of my hand before.

Liam’s mouth slowly gaped open.

Actually, it’s more fun than I thought to witness such changes in his expression. He only usually showed such a brusque demeanor.

Ah, I can’t do this. I should be more serious at a time like this.

I shook my head and focused on their discussion.

Albert ran a hand through his hair, now disheveled, and let out a chuckle that was rather helpless.

“I wouldn’t have been able to confirm her existence either, if not for the dragon contract that I’ve been trying to stop until now. What a joke.”

At Albert’s ensuing words, silence blanketed the air. It was the same for me—I didn’t know what to say.

I had no idea he was thinking about it like that.

Albert exhaled deeply. I could feel the anguish plaguing him through that sigh.

Still, how could he have predicted a situation like this? Even I didn’t know it would turn out like this.

I didn’t know that my sacrifice for Blanc would actually save my soul.

It was one good deed, and it saved me.

“…Did Your Majesty know from the beginning? That she’s someone else?”

Liam then asked this question out of the blue. Actually, this was something I was curious about as well.

When did he realize that I had changed? Did he have an inkling that I really had become a different person altogether? That I didn’t just lose my memories?

“It was back when she came up with a contract to help me escape the tower. I couldn’t rule out that possibility from then on.”

That’s much, much earlier than I was thinking. I brought up the contract with him only moments after my soul replaced Rosé’s.

“Because people don’t change easily.”

If one such person didn’t show any signs that they wanted to change, let alone to change 180 degrees like that, it’s only natural to think of other possibilities.

Well, in the first place, it’s not a ‘natural’ supposition at all, but it seemed to make sense enough in Albert’s perspective.