Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Translator: Yonnee

“Your Majesty, you should have informed us that you knew Rosé Artius had something to do with black magic. But let alone telling us, you actively hid it?”

Liam immediately pointed out what Albert did wrong. Right. He didn’t want Rosé Artius—or, ‘me’—to die.

“Now I understand—why you went to the dungeon alone that day, and why you tortured those mages all by yourself. You interrogated them, tried to see if any of them knew about Rosé Artius. Isn’t that right, sire?”

It’s evident that Liam felt betrayed that Albert had not told him any of this.

Albert did not deny any of Liam’s words.

He must have already known that he’d be in conflict with Liam after bringing this up. However, he was determined to bear it all.

“I apologize, sire, but I… Even if that woman manages to come back, I really don’t know whether or not she would bring any good to you, Your Majesty.”

“I’ve been quietly receiving your criticisms until now, but let me tell you this. She is good for me.”

Albert had remained still until now, but he spoke firmly this time. Liam’s pupils shook. He clenched both hands into fists and gritted his molars.

As if a stone had been thrown into a calm body of water, his emotions rippled slowly.

And after taking a deep breath, Liam knelt before Albert.

“This would be enormously discourteous of me towards you, sire, but I must be frank.”

Liam looked up at Albert. With the same shade as a dense, verdant forest, his green eyes shone beautifully.

It was clear that he really was just doing this for Albert’s sake.

“Your Majesty. I believe that this is an opportunity. I implore you, please stay away from that woman. And return to your past self.”

Liam pleaded.

“Your Majesty, if you let yourself be swayed by self-interest while wielding your power, it would be impossible to be a good ruler. All I hope for is that Your Majesty becomes a strong, mighty sovereign. I wish for you to be a perfect king so that you shall remain happy as you are in the position that you hold. It is only for these reasons that I speak out to you, my liege.”

Albert listened silently to the end, then rose from his seat. He stood in front of Liam, looking down at the kneeling duke as he whispered in a low voice.

“That is the happiness that you want for me. It is not truly my own.”

It was as if he was hit with a sledgehammer. Liam reacted blankly, completely surprised.

“I am aware of just how much you trust me, and just how far you’ll follow me. I shall continue in my endeavor to be a righteous king who is fair to everyone, and I shall do my best not to disappoint those who believe in me. There were no setbacks during the uprising, correct?”

This was an undeniable fact.

Albert wielded his power and directed the power of his vassals to bring Rosteratu down in one fell swoop, and he managed to smoothly gain the throne and establish his position.

Never once did he push aside his work to prioritize his love for me.

“It was my mistake to hide that she’s a dark mage. Whatever you say about that, I shall listen to you without denying it. However, you cannot dictate what happiness should be for me.”

Albert admitted his mistake of hiding my past.

“I like the things that she taught me. I like that she allowed me to see just how precious an ordinary life is.”

As I heard his answer, I was surprised, too. I already expected that he would try to appease Liam, but I didn’t know that he would answer him with this.

I recalled the conversation Albert and I had in the tower.

At that time, what Albert considered his happiness was very similar to what Liam had mentioned. No, rather than happiness, it would be more apt to call it a goal.

When talking about happiness that makes me want to continue living from day to day, there’s one particular thing that Albert told me.

“So it’s that easy to make you happy.”

Life in the tower changed not only Blanc’s outlook on life. It also changed Albert’s values.

My little, mundane life with him permeated his life and created a new definition of happiness.

It was overwhelming inside that place, sometimes suffocating. But in the end, during the fun times we had there, he still found happiness.

I was overjoyed to hear that I wasn’t the only one who considered our mundane life at the tower to be precious.

“How can I let go of someone who’s already become part of my life?”

There was a bitter smile on Albert’s lips as he continued.

“I’m sorry that I could not be the ideal liege that you were expecting.”

As he had been listening silently until now, Liam gradually returned to his usual self. The same aloof expression appeared as he murmured slowly.

“…You’ve changed.”

But, unexpectedly, the words Liam uttered were laced with emotion.

“I always thought that I must give you a helping hand, Your Majesty. But you were already moving forward.”


“I have been immature, sire. It is not my place.”

Liam spoke in a low voice and bowed his head deeply towards Albert.

“For daring to define Your Majesty’s happiness, I apologize immensely.”

“I must also apologize for covering up those things without telling you.”

This time, Albert knelt in front of Liam, who quickly raised his head.

“Your Majesty, this—”

Liam hurriedly tried to get Albert to stand up again, but Albert did not budge from his spot.