Chapter 867: The black-robed picket who was brutally killed

Relevant think tanks summarize some information and make a judgment after simple analysis:

If the behind-the-scenes planning of this game belongs to an extraterrestrial civilization, judging from the technological power mastered by that civilization, if they want to destroy the world, it will be as short as a few seconds and as long as a few days, and all human beings in the world will be finished!

According to the information they have collected, whether it is Dachao and others, or the selected Xingguang, Xiu Yin and Billy, they are all 'players' recognized by the quiz game.

It's hard to say whether the quiz game will shelter them, and no one dares to gamble on that possibility.

Stan Edgar didn't know the higher-level information, but he was also informed that they had better control the starlight, and at the same time avoid direct conflict with each other.

Stan Edgar was also very helpless, but he was only a high-level migrant worker. Now that the Water Company was forcibly taken over by the government, he was not qualified to make demands, so he could only do it honestly.

The atmosphere was very solemn, and Xingguang's eyes began to flash white light, and then Stan Edgar made a gesture, "Send the gun, Xingguang, there may be some misunderstanding in the middle, let's go to the conference room and talk? Do you know, you My mother is here too!"

Since hard is not enough, it can only be soft.

Stan Edgar was also a little puzzled. He had read the information on Xingguang before he came, and knew that this was a simple little girl who didn't know much about the world.

"I... Mom is here?" The light in Xingguang's eyes faded, but his brows furrowed deeply.

Of course, she understood the threat in the other party's words, but she just wanted to use her mother to force herself again because she didn't compromise.

Stan Edgar gave her a deep look, "Not only your mother, Huyn Campbell's father, Billy Butcher's wife... sister, but also several other guests."

Xingguang was angry and glared at him with his fists clenched: "You kidnapped them? What right do you have to do this? You are illegally detained! You are just an ordinary company, not a court!"

"No, ma'am, you're wrong." Beside Stan Edgar, a shady-looking middle-aged white man stood up.

He took out the secret service certificate from his arms, "The FBI wants them to be investigated, including you, of course, in addition, you have to understand that now Walter is a subordinate agency of several secret service departments. "

Stan Edgar shrugged and gestured for her.

Xingguang took a few deep breaths before calming down his anger, and his cold eyes wandered twice on the head of the secret service agency and Stan Edgar.

Shen said: "You are completely trampling on the law by doing this! Water Corporation has committed so many crimes, everyone in the world is watching, shouldn't it be liquidated? This kind of criminal group should not be exist!"

"Naive lady, this is not something you should consider. It is the best situation for Walter to accept state supervision. Stop talking nonsense!" The director of FBI said impatiently.

Under their urging, Xingguang chose to compromise temporarily and came to the conference room, where he saw his mother and Huyin Campbell.

There are many people in the huge conference room, Hu Yin, Frankie, mm and their family members are all here.

After the quiz game announced the future, in addition to the butcher himself, the team he formed has been completely wiped out by the official...

"Annie, my daughter!"

Xingguang's mother cried and greeted her, hugged her and began to complain: "How did I teach you, how can you get involved with evil aliens and shameless criminals?

You are my pride, and you should be the brightest star of Walter Company! "

"Mom, can we talk about our affairs later?"

Xingguang looked at her mother with complicated eyes. She raised herself as an adult, but she also brought heavy shackles and injuries to herself.

Realizing her daughter's coldness, the old woman looked a little frightened and whispered, "You have to listen to them, otherwise we will all be out of luck, and maybe we will be put in jail!"

She also watched the future video and knew that she and her daughter would never return to the previous relationship.

If it was before, she could have used her mother's kindness and identity to force her daughter, but now she doesn't dare.

When the Secret Service agents with live ammunition broke into her house and brought her here savagely, the old woman was already terrified.

She knew that although she was implicated by her daughter, her daughter had become her only safety net, so she naturally did not dare to treat Xingguang with her previous attitude.

Xingguang patted her on the shoulder, then looked at Xiu Yin and asked, "Are you okay? Where's Bucher?"

"I..." Huyin Campbell said with a sad face: "I came to my father, as for Butcher... He doesn't seem to come back directly."

Previously, Huyin Campbell had been stealthy all the way to catch up with players, and he did not forget to praise his wit in secret on the way. Fortunately, he was witty and invisible for the first time, otherwise he would definitely be caught.

But when he returned to his empty home and saw the letter left by the Secret Service, Huyin Campbell was dumbfounded.

If he can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, so they raided the house and arrested his father!

Huyin Campbell had no choice but to take the initiative to 'surrender himself'.

In front of Xingguang, he couldn't help complaining that he was unlucky, and also very wronged.

At this time, I heard mm and French shouting that they were wronged!

Obviously nothing was done, and the whole family was arrested here.

On the way, Frank also tried to arrest him, so he was beaten.

At the moment, the confused Chastain, fbi and others yelled: "Bastard, I didn't do anything, why did you arrest me? Didn't the future happen yet? You should go to the future to arrest people!"

"Come on, Frankie!" The FBI director sneered, "I have a drawer of your criminal information, do I have to bring it over to show you page by page?"

Frankie is out of his mind. Even if the future video has not happened yet, he is not clean at this time. He is suspected of smuggling, drug-related, murder, etc., and he can't stand the investigation at all.

mm said dissatisfiedly: "What about me? I'm not a rotten guy like Frank! I have a serious job, what qualifications do you have to arrest me? The most important thing is that my family is innocent!"

mm attaches great importance to his family. His wife and son are his opponents. For the sake of his family, he has to compromise with the government, but he can't help but get angry at this moment.

In this regard, the director of FBI used a panacea to answer: "You are here to assist the investigation. As long as you agree to do things, you will naturally be able to leave here safely and smoothly!"

On the other hand, if you don't listen, you might have to leave something behind.