Chapter 868: Who should pay for stupidity?

"Listen, you are all here to assist in the investigation. As long as you cooperate honestly, you will be able to leave here soon. To be honest, I don't want to see some of you either. I wish he would disappear from my eyes immediately!"

The director of the fbi stared at Frankie and mm, and the threat was beyond words.

mm squeezed his fists, turned his head to look at his wife and children, and had to bow his head again. Frankie touched the wound on his body, and obediently obeyed.

The others looked at each other in dismay, and the atmosphere seemed very solemn.

If you are facing a single Water Company and a group of seven, it is not impossible to fight.

After all, in the future video of the quiz game, the ugly crimes committed by the Water Company have been exposed. There is no need to say anything moral in dealing with such an evil organization, and it will be done with them.

But who would have thought that the Water Company was officially incorporated, it's not too dirty!

In the face of the state's violent organs, they have a three-pointed momentum, and they do not have the strength to turn against the official.

They communicated with each other silently for a while, and finally Xingguang stood up as a temporary 'leader' and asked, "What is your purpose? What do you want us to do?"

"Actually, it's very simple. There are only three objects we want to discuss. Of course, there are only two now, Xingguang and Xiu Yin. Are you two coming to the small conference room to chat?"

The director of fbi showed a smile without any warmth: "As long as we talk to each other, they can leave safely, and I can make a guarantee!"

Xingguang and Xiu Yin glanced at each other, there was nothing they could do, the other party had so many hostages in their hands, they could only compromise.

So he followed the other party into the small conference room.

As soon as he entered the room, the supervisor didn't bother any more, and made the request straight to the point:

On the one hand, they want them to record all the encounters in the quiz game one by one.

On the other hand, they were also asked to go undercover!

What undercover?

Of course it's an undercover quiz game.

"You are selected as players, and the alien gangsters who invaded us are likely to be players too. I want you to approach those aliens in the so-called game and get more information! Of course, we will also have The task is for you to complete."

Although the FBI director had a smile on his lips, everyone could see his aloof and domineering attitude.

Xingguang folded his arms and frowned in dissatisfaction: "You guys are thinking too much!

First of all, the world that quiz games have come to is far more than ours. Before us, there are many other worlds that have been selected by quiz games.

In other words, we are latecomers, before me, Huyin, and Butcher, the quiz game has picked too many players! No one is sure whether they are eligible to participate in the game when the next game starts.

Wanting an undercover quiz game is a joke!

Second, the aliens in your mouth are the heroes of their world! I mean the real hero, not the hypocritical scum from the Walter Company!

They came to us to help for free, to stop the people of the motherland from running rampant, and we have to thank them!

In the end, even if we want to join them, there is no chance unless you get access to other worlds, can you do it? "

After Xingguang finished speaking, Xiu Yin, who was next to him, couldn't help but cast an admiring look, and Xingguang spoke his heart. Of course, if it was him, he would not dare.

Even with his superpowers now, Hugh Campbell still lacks enough courage.

The director of fbi raised his brows, stared at Xingguang thoughtfully for a while, and sneered: "It seems that aliens have brainwashed you? I have read your information, from childhood to adulthood.

You know, you feel to me now, like a little girl who just graduated from college and has no social experience, suddenly matured, became a strong woman, an elite in the industry, it's really amazing. "

"Yeah, it's really amazing." Starlight shrugged.

The reward she got from the quiz game came from Wonder Woman, which transformed her, so there was a pun in her words.

Without that experience, she wouldn't have done much better than Huyn Campbell, maybe even worse.

The director of fbi leaned back and stared coldly at Xingguang's eyes, "You just said so much, and it sums up as a rejection, am I right?"

Xingguang raised his chin, "You can understand that, whether emotionally or intellectually, I don't want to promise you!"

"Then what about you, Mr. Murderer." The director of FBI looked at Xiu Yin again, and his smile grew colder: "You know what I want to hear!"

Huyin Campbell swallowed his saliva and glanced at Xingguang from the corner of his eye. He still managed to endure his fear and said, "I... I want to say that I am innocent, at least now I have done nothing, and finally , I don't want to!"

After he said that, he let out a long breath, and the whole person relaxed.

"Very good!" The FBI director grinned, showing his snow-white teeth, "You know, of all the people I've dealt with, the stupidest, naive, or self-righteous guys are the ones I hate the most, you both have it all!

Listen, when I leave this room, your family, everyone you care about, will pay for your stupidity! "

He stood up, and the chair made a sharp sound of Katcha.

Starlight pursed her lips and watched him walk out. Huyin Campbell didn't have her concentration and was sweating with anxiety.

At the moment when the FBI director's hand was on the doorknob, a clear voice came: "Then who is going to pay for your stupidity?"

A blue energy portal suddenly opened in the corner of the conference room.

The first person to come out of it was a beautiful woman dressed as a female warrior.

"Diana!" Starlight recognized the identity of the other party at a glance, and it was the object of her previous studies - Wonder Woman Diana Prince.

"Hello, you have a familiar smell on you." Diana smiled at her, "It seems that you still have something to gain in Amazon."

Xingguang was very surprised, "Are you here to find me?"

"You can say that, yes." Diana smiled, then looked at the tense FBI supervisor, and restrained her smile, "After the business is over, let's chat in private."

She stepped aside to reveal the following people, namely: Captain America, Iron Man, Batman, Braised Dantou and... Master Gu Yi!

This time it was the turn of the FBI director who was so nervous that he swallowed his saliva.

He and the think tank behind him have done simulations, thinking that quiz games and other alien visits will happen in the future, but there should be a window in between.

After all, the quiz game just ended, and Dachao and others just left.

That's why the officials rushed to find Xingguang and Xiu Yin to put pressure on them. If it wasn't for the mysterious disappearance of Billy Butcher, the trio selected in this quiz game would have been wiped out.

They wanted to use the empty window to do something, but they didn't expect the "alien" to come again, and this day has not passed!