Chapter 633: get burned

  Chapter 633

are so poor that they can’t pay their wages.

Then naturally you have to find a way to "generate income"!

Palla, just a few industries are okay, in which energy accounts for the absolute majority.

Then it is not difficult to understand that some people want to use the oil industry, that is, the Yukos Group.

To put it in a bad way, if the Yukos Group is really taken care of and nationalized, then the country's financial difficulties can basically be solved by more than half!

Of course, it’s still the same sentence, there is no legal and compliance reason, and it is not easy to use Yukos Group.

After all, it is a civilized society, and we should pay attention to international public opinion and influence.

However, within the scope permitted by the rules, it is not very difficult to get stuck in the neck of the Yukos Group.

figured out this link, Wang Ye smiled bitterly, it seems that some things, even if they appear, still can't be changed.

Kremlin does not have to struggle with those oligarchs.

The irresolvable contradiction between the two sides is not actually…

At least it’s not just political differences, but more importantly, maybe it’s caused by economic problems.

No matter who sits in the position of the Kremlin and wants the government not to "collapse" because of financial problems, then they can only use those big oligarchs, because only those big oligarchs have enough money in their hands , can solve the problem of the government!

I don't know who came up with this "good idea", by canceling the export rights of Yukos Group to "smash wool", doing so almost took away all the profits of Yukos Group.

The oil industry, which was originally lucrative, has only been made to earn some hard money, and it is not bad to be able to keep the capital and not lose money.

Obviously, the Yukos Group will definitely not sit still, and the contradiction between the two sides will directly intensify...

Among them, the most uncomfortable may be Wangye.

He became a mouse in the bellows, and he was angry on both sides.

From the position of Deputy Speaker of the Duma and Director of the Economic Committee, he should support the behavior of the Ministry of Energy. After all, those oil fields are the wealth of all the people. Now, if the profits from oil extraction are nationalized and redistributed, then It can benefit the general public and benefit the country.

But from the perspective of Yukos Group's major shareholder, permanent director, and the nephew of the oligarch Kovchenko, this is simply a robbery, a robbery!

The reason why Alexie deliberately communicated with Wang Ye today and told him about it was obviously because the two had a good relationship.

He wanted Wang Ye to prepare himself mentally in advance and figure out countermeasures, so that he would not be in a mess.


frowned and thought for a long time before Wang Ye asked, "This matter..., who is in charge?"

There is no wind and no waves. Now Wang Ye must first figure out which force wants to attack the Yukos Group, and then figure out how determined the other party is, so that he can come up with a corresponding solution.

Alexie hesitated, but said frankly: "It should be the first faction, but I don't know exactly who or who ordered it."

"What do you mean by Nak Palace?" Wang Ye asked.

Everything else can be said, Wang Ye is now worried about the attitude of the Kremlin, is he really determined to move the Yukos Group.

In that case, even if Wang Ye wanted to help the Yukos Group, he would have to think twice.

If you are not careful, you will get burned!

Alexey shook his head, "This matter is only in internal discussions, and no one has said anything. Moreover, this matter is likely to be submitted to the Duma, and your Economic Committee will discuss it first. After all, in this regard , Your Duma is the most authoritative. If it really doesn’t work, maybe we will go directly to the administrative route, but that would be a bit ugly.”

Wang Ye understood what he meant.

The Duma, anyway, it is also the representative of "public opinion"!

The decisions made by the Duma also represent the opinions of all citizens. Not to mention that a private enterprise cannot resist. Even the government, even the Kremlin, has to respect the Duma's resolutions in most cases.

If the Economic Commission issues a new regulation after direct discussion, the export rights of private energy companies will be abolished, and all export businesses will be nationalized.

That is equivalent to legally "strangled" private energy companies such as Yukos Group. If they want to resist, there is no place to make sense.

But it is clear that giant energy companies like Yukos Group also have many "spokespersons" within the Duma.

Interests are related, so if you want to introduce such regulations, the resistance will be very large!

It can even be said that the introduction of such regulations may cause resistance from most neutral members, because it involves interference with economic freedom.

Therefore, Alexei said that if the Duma side is blocked, they may take the administrative route.

In other words, the government has issued regulations to restrict or even cancel the export rights of private energy companies. This is an executive order.

Although    is effective, it may not convince the Yukos Group.

This matter will be a big deal at that time. Yukos Group may take the litigation route, and everyone will go to court and compete with each other...


Wang Ye patted Alexei on the shoulder and said gratefully: "This matter makes you embarrassed, I understand that it is difficult for you to do it. That's good, you can push this to the Duma side in advance, I will Come and deal with it. It really doesn't work, you can do whatever you want."

In the end, Alexei did this today because of the friendship between him and Wang Ye.

That's why I communicated with Wang Ye in advance to let him know that there is such a thing, and have a mental preparation in advance.

For Alexei, the Yukos Group is immortal, what does it have to do with him!

It can even be said that if the Yukos Group were to be nationalized, he would still be the beneficiary.

By then, the Ministry of Energy will be powerful, controlling the two major oil and gas industries. In terms of wealth, no one can match it!

It's just that he and Wang Ye are good friends, and he understands that this matter is very difficult for Wang Ye, so he is so embarrassed that he doesn't want to offend Wang Ye in this matter.

Put yourself in the shoes of Alexei, who thinks he can't think of any good solution to this trouble.

Or you can only give up one end.

Of course, if it was him, the choice must be to give up the Yukos group.

Anyway, Wangye has enough money, and the company that makes money is not just the Yukos Group.

Abandoned Yukos, and even contributed to this matter, then he could still gain strong political capital!

As long as the positions of the deputy speaker and the director of the economic committee are kept, will there be less ways to make money in the future?

But Wang Ye is not Alexei, and no one knows how he will choose...

(end of this chapter)