Chapter 634: no choice

   Chapter 634 No Choice

How to choose Wangye?

He has no choice! ~

He couldn't ignore the Yukos Group, because he knew that Khovchenko would definitely not be caught off guard.

But Wang Ye didn't want to fall out with some parties because of this.

If it was finally confirmed that this matter was really as he thought, it was instigated by some people, then he didn't want to be too stiff.

That would be a test of Wang Ye's skills.

How to strike a balance so that the interests of the Yukos Group will not be damaged, and those who make suggestions will not be offended!

Before reaching the Ministry of Energy building, Alexei got out of the car and got into his own car that was following behind.

After    Wang Ye waved goodbye to him, he casually instructed the team to send Rosiana first, and then return to the Kitty Eagle Hotel.

The car was quiet, Wang Ye frowned and thought about how to deal with this matter.

Suddenly, Rosiana, who was sitting in the passenger seat, spoke up.

"Boss, I heard your conversation with Alexei just now."

Wang Ye casually said "um", it doesn't matter if he heard it, since Alexei dared to interview Rosiana and Seryosha, it means nothing.

This is not something that needs to be kept secret, and many people at the Department of Energy should know about it.

Rosiana continued: "Why do they do this! This is a step backwards, an invasion of the free economy!"

Wang Ye looked up at Rosiana in surprise. He really didn't expect that Rosiana would have this idea.

Didn't she think that behind this incident, it was very likely that the Kremlin had instructed her...

Seeing Wang Ye's puzzled expression, Rosiana blinked and said with a smile, "Don't forget, my family's situation is actually similar to yours..."

Wang Ye suddenly understood.

That's right, Rosiana's family is actually an invisible oligarch!

Usually, oligarchs may have various conflicts and competitions with each other, but when faced with pressure from "above", they will band together and deal with it in unity.

Because everyone is not stupid, they all understand that since they can deal with the Yukos Group like this now, maybe one day, they will also deal with every oligarch in the same way.

Rosiana, she is also a rabbit and a fox...

So, considering it from Rosiana's point of view, she also doesn't want Yukos Group to really have an accident.

After all, with a "conspicuous" giant company like the Yukos Group standing in the way, other giant companies, including their families, are much safer.

Besides, this time it was the Yukos Group, even if she helped with an idea, the adoptive father wouldn’t be able to blame him.


After    figured out this link, Wang Ye got interested and asked, "Then do you have any ideas?"

This matter is too tricky, so Wang Ye has no clue at this time, and he has not yet thought of how to break the game.

Maybe Rosiana can come up with a good solution, the wise will have a loss, and the fool will have a gain...

Besides, Rosiana is not a fool, she is smart!

Rosiana paused for a while before she said, "I think there is room for manoeuvre in this matter. After all, there is only such a voice inside the Ministry of Energy, not directly pressing down from above. What does this mean? Those who have scruples don’t dare, or don’t want to point it out directly!”

Wang Ye was thoughtful, Rosiana was right!

With the Kremlin's style of doing things, if he really made up his mind, or thought the consequences would not be too serious, he would not have come so secretly.

is an official document that directly determines the matter and cannot resist.

But now things seem a little strange, but they are pushed from the bottom up, and it seems that the Kremlin does not want to get involved in this matter, but handed it over to the Ministry of Energy and Duma to solve it.

Since this is the case, there is indeed room for manoeuvre.

Of course, all of this is based on my own speculation, and it is still uncertain who is behind this matter.

Perhaps, it has nothing to do with the Kremlin at all, but some people don't like the Yukos Group.

It's not impossible...


"Then what do you think should be done to resolve this crisis?" Wang Ye asked.

Rosiana thought for a while, and said in an uncertain tone: "I...I didn't think about it, I just had a general idea."

"Tell me about it, it doesn't matter." Wang Ye encouraged.

"I have learned about the Yukos Group's share capital structure and found that the one with the highest shareholding is your uncle, Mr. Hovchenko.

And the second largest shareholder, originally Gazprom Group, should be you now.

In addition to the third largest shareholder, Gazprom, the shares held by the three parties have already occupied the vast majority.

In fact, for a giant company, such a share capital structure is unhealthy and too concentrated.

When someone wants to deal with you, as long as you get one of the major shareholders, it will be a big trouble..."

Rosiana talked eloquently, while Wang Ye listened attentively, nodding from time to time.

He thought Rosiana was right.

Uncle Hovchenko has too much control over the Yukos Group and holds too many shares.

In normal times, this is a good thing.

There will be no different voices within the group. As long as Kovchenko's decision does not make a big mistake, the entire group can run smoothly under his command.

But as Rosiana said, once someone wants to engage in Yukos, the disadvantage of too concentrated shares will appear.


After listening to Rosiana's analysis, Wang Ye frowned, and after a moment of indifference, he asked back: "The shareholding is too concentrated... This is indeed a problem, but because of this, we can't just sell the shares indiscriminately. Give it away. That's the Yukos Group, and the shares are very valuable."

Rosiana smiled, and did not give her own answer, but instead asked: "Shouldn't you ask Mr. Hovchenko this question?"

Wang Ye nodded slightly.

At this time, the car had stopped and went downstairs where Rosiana lived.

After   Rosiana got off the car, Serio sofa moved the car and was about to drive in the direction of Kitty Eagle Hotel.

Wang Ye suddenly said, "Go to the Yukos headquarters building."

After    finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Kovchenko's number.

On the phone, Wang Ye didn't say much, just said that there was something important to communicate with Hovchenko in person, and he would go there immediately.

Hovchenko was a little surprised, but he didn't say much on the phone, he just told Wang Ye that he would go directly to his office when he arrived.

I will wait for him in the office.

Actually, what Rosiana said did inspire Wang Ye.

Now he has an idea in his head...

(end of this chapter)